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Island's Celebration Of Itself


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Isoe of Man Newspapers Article

Although of course achievement should be recognised, these sort of functions make me cringe. There seem to be so many of them staged on the Isle of Man these days although I suppose it is a kick against the "everybody is a winner" philosophy taught in schools these days where there are no losers anymore - just winners.


With a population of just 80,000 it is only a matter of time before we've all slapped each other on the back.


I suppose once I've dusted down the black suit and had a few canopes I'll be right in the swing of it, especially if I go through the 'secret door' from The Sefton to the Gaiety.




Happy Christmas

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There was a very good skit written on this sort of thing about the manxforums awards, although it must have been back in Manx.net days. It was in the Writers Section and possibly written by Declan. I remember it had various people turning up at a hotel on the Promenade and arriving in stretch limousines and the like. I remember there was Vader and Rozanne and various others in it.


Does anyone still have a copy?

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looking at the web site it appears to be a whole load of meaningless twaddle. if it was across the UK, of EU or something it might mean something. but only might. it seams to me that its nothing more than a marketing opportunity for those invloved as sponsors or award winners. winners nominated by there freinds and buisness associates. correct me if i'm wrong by all means but it does have the same vacuous feel to as the freedom to flourish nonsense.

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"the awards presentation – dubbed as the Island's answer to the Oscars"


By who? Mentals who've never seen the Oscars, but know it's some kind of award ceremony?



I shouldn't think anybody takes much notice of these things. They are interchangeable stuffed shirts.


But if you remove photos of these events, and grinning people taking part in charity events or presenting giant cheques to each other the local newspapers would be very thin indeed.

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There was a very good skit written on this sort of thing about the manxforums awards, although it must have been back in Manx.net days. It was in the Writers Section and possibly written by Declan. I remember it had various people turning up at a hotel on the Promenade and arriving in stretch limousines and the like. I remember there was Vader and Rozanne and various others in it.


Does anyone still have a copy?


Actually it was me. Declan, indeed!


The Muffs.


Report By Ritchie.


The leading lights of the Manx cyber community were out in force tonight for the first annual MUFFs. The Manxnet Users of the Forums Foundation were determined that their inaugural ceremony would live long in the memory and had spared no expense in the lavish and luxurious arrangements that greeted attendees.


A sizable crowd had gathered outside the Clarendon Hotel eager to catch a glimpse of the normally reclusive Manxnet community as they were dropped of from limousines and escorted past the waiting press photographers (Swampy) along a vibrant red carpet. However, it was a radiant Roxanne, wearing a sleeveless, backless dress with a plunging neck-line and matching lingerie who stole the show. It is inconceivable that any image other than hers will grace the tabloids tomorrow.


While late-comers were finding their allotted places, the early-birds were treated to a performance by the renowned rock combo, REMIX. Many of those present remarked on how much they had enjoyed this musical interlude and regretted that owing to the band having to pay 23 other gigs that night there was only time for them to play Jive Bunny’s revered masterpiece “Let’s Have Another Party”.


And so to the awards themselves which were to have been presided over by the Governor, his excellency Major Colonel Farquar Rossington Smythe, however due to a mix-up over the arrangements, were actually presented by the Guv’nor Paul Ince. A popular winner was ‘Newbie of the Year’ Ean (who caused a stir by arriving arm in arm and tongue in ear with Anashka, herself the recipient of the coveted ‘Manxman Plate for the Most Creative Use of Syntax’ gong). The Foundation felt that Ean had “gone above and beyond the call of duty in finding the sickest and most tasteless sites ever to be included in the Best of The Web forum.”


One notable incident occurred during the presentation of the “Beemanx Memorial Lost Cause Award” to Vader for as the citation read “steadfastly arguing that black was white against insurmountable foes and then stating that he had been maintaining that black was black all along, but in case they are both shades of green, so he had been right in the first place, apart from the bit about blue, he had really over stepped mark on that one and would like to apologise, however he had only done it because the Gang of Four were out to get him. So there.”


Vader had originally refused to attend the awards, stating that it was “beneath my dignity as supreme ruler of the Universe to be seen chasing after mere trinkets and besides I’m starching my Y-fonts that night”. Vader had informed the committee that top Northern Fat ******* Bernard Manning would be accepting the award on his behalf. Consequently, when the Guv’nor announced the award most people were unsurprised to see an enormous blimp of a man making his way to the stage. It was only when the ever vigilant Sarah pointed to a discreetly hidden light-sabre that most people realised that the nappy clad monstrosity was actually Vader in a foam sumo-wrestlers suit.


Chaos inevitably ensued when Rog leapt to his feet and yelled “There she Blows!” Producing a harpoon he then chased an astonishingly fleet footed Vader across the auditorium and into the balmy moonlit night, muttering “I’ve been chasing that great white wonder across the seven seas and I’ll be damned if I let him escape now!”


Other awards went to Ans for “Services to the Apostrophe”; Roxanne for “Most Pedantic Pedant”; Phildo for “Most Gratuitous References to Belle & Sebastian”; Notonyournelly for “Most Often Abbreviated User I.D.” and in a hotly disputed category Mollag fought off strong competition from Hobbes and Frances to win “Ye Olde Manx Historie Awarde”.


A frisson of excitement permeated the room as the announcement of the blue-ribboned accolade, “The Forum User of the Year”, drew closer. A palpable hush fell over the assembled dignitaries as the Chairman of Manx Telecom himself was carried to the dias. As his eminence was propped in front of the microphone, the nominees were seen to exchange nervous glances with their loved ones. Then his highness began to read, “The winner of this year’s award has produced outstanding results in virtually every sphere of forum endeavour, from his scant regard for syntax, paragraphs, comprehensibility and sense to his truly revolutionary work in the field of spelling. One feels at times that there is not a topic, which he cannot, through his deft use of the obtuse and perverse, turn into a slanging match. Who amongst us was not thrilled by the way he turned a simple poem into a seven-page diatribe on the evils of modern woman and his inability to get laid? Is there not a soul amongst us so dead (now that Vader’s left) that was not impressed by how he majestically turned a discussion on the scientific investigation of the paranormal into a catalogue of the occurrences of the number 43 in his miserable life?


“For his unstinting tenacity when arguing lost causes; for his creative use of the English Language and for his unswerving commitment to nonsense there can be only one winner! This year’s Forum User of the Year Muff goes to Richie!


“Unfortunately, due to a prior restraining order Richie is unable to accept the award in person but he has asked for his most tenacious detractor to collect the award on his behalf.”


The chairman looked out across the congregated nobility of the forum, but nobody stirred. So his benevolence bellowed “DECLAN!!!!, where the hell is that ****-wit?”


On hearing his name a surprisingly shaven Declan awoke with a start and banged his head on the underside of the table, spilling Wilddog’s bowl of lager and causing the canine to growl menacingly. Staggering to his feet, Declan began to slalom gingerly towards the stage, collecting furniture and drinks as we went. He stumbled as he collected the Crystal Muff from his holiness, our beloved chairman, and poor Richie’s award was smashed beyond repair.


Declan then approached the microphone and began to deliver Richie’s valedictory speech on his behalf, “Wey Hey!!! Karaoke!!! I’m A Firestarter Twisted Firestarter!! I’m one you hated the one you incubated!! I’m the la-da-da-er-thingumyated!! Twisted Firestarter!!”


With Declan leading the chorus the Island’s premier virtual community finished this very successful occasion by singing “O Land of Our Birth” and “Two Little Boys”, and departed into the night feeling overwhelmed by the spectacle of the occasion.


[Fenella will return in next week’s Examiner]

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Some of the Excellence Awards nominees are:


Roger (Hurst) is one of the finalists in the Isle of Man Excellence Awards on Thursday night (Volunteer of the Year category. I voted for him (now there's a surprise!!) and I may even go along to see the presentation. Hope he wins... he richly deserves to.

Also in the final are the owners of ther Aaron Guest House in Port St Mary... the proprietor Reggie Berrie (and his esteemed wife and daughter) won an award last week in the Tourism Awards. He is better known to TTwebsite afficionados as DSM Reggie Berrie of Gorselea!

Another finalist, in the business section of the Excellence Awards, is Malcolm Macdonald, brother-in-law of Gail (Musson) and David Griffiths.

The Excellence Awards are being broadcast live from the Gaiety Theatre through the iomtoday.co.im website from 8.30 on Thursday

Source - TTwebsite forum - 6 post down




ps cheers Ritchie (with a 't') for that

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and the winners were:

From Isle of Man Newspapers


Winners of Awards for Excellence announced


THE winners of Isle of Man Newspapers' Awards for Excellence have been announced.


The winners learned of their success during a glittering ceremony at the Gaiety Theatre, Douglas, last night.


They are as follows:


The Abacus Award for Community Impact and Contribution went to Crossroads Caring for Carers.


The CMI Award for New Organisation of the Year went to Eden Park.


The Capital International Award for New Business or Programme Development went to Microgaming.


The Equiom Award for Quality of Customer or Client Offer went to the hotel Aaron House.


The HSBC Award for People Management, Training and Development went to Capital International.


The Isle of Man Bank Award for Small-sized Organisation of the Year went to airline Manx2.com.


The Isle of Man Post Award for Effective Use of IT went to Street Heritage.


The IoM Steam Packet Company Award for Teamwork, especially working across Departments or Organisations went

to the TT Centenary Organisation.


The LloydsTSB Corporate Banking Award for Large-sized Organisation of the Year went to Abacus.


The Manx Telecom Award for Customer Focus and Marketing went to Isle of Man Creameries.


The Microgaming Award for Medium-sized Organisation of the Year went to the Bank of Ireland.


The Sefton Group Award for Innovation and Independent Thinking went to Manx Telecom.


Individual Awards decided by public vote:


The Anglo Irish Bank Award for Entrepreneur of the Year went to Tracey Bell from Craigend Dental Practice.


The Britannia International Award for Public Sector Person of the Year went to coastguard David Williamson.


The Collins Stewart Award for Business Person of the Year went to Hamid Chowdhury, from Millennium Saagar restaurant.


The Conister Trust Award for Volunteer of the Year went to Roger Hurst of the TT Marshals' Association.



At this rate I think we should all have an award each.


There must have been a hooer of amount of back slapping going on last night.


It said on Manx Radio that the top top award went to an Advocate, Geoff Karran

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and the winners were:

From Isle of Man Newspapers


The CMI Award for New Organisation of the Year went to Eden Park.


The Isle of Man Post Award for Effective Use of IT went to Street Heritage.


The Sefton Group Award for Innovation and Independent Thinking went to Manx Telecom.



Surely some mistake.... it must have been the Comedy Awards.........


(p.s. Is it just me or does it look like they came up with the recipients and then made up some cock-and-bull awards to give them?)

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