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Personal Data Security


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Cambon: Pretty much agree with what you say about people being stupid about personal data, and you highlight a point I made earlier, that the most common source of data leaks are the individuals themselves. It's amazing what you can get out of people simply by sounding official and asking them. I don't agree that security software is easily breached, and data is easily stolen. It's just not as easy or as common as you make out.


The ID card stuff; well it's all proposals right now, and everything I've seen suggests it'll be hashes of biometrics and not the actual data. We've covered that to death, no point doing it again.



Dodger I'm done with. You're just repeating the same thing over and over. I've addressed this point several times, and you've done the 'thanks for confirming that' several times, to which I've replied to again. Either you've got a two second memory, or your thick as two short planks. Dunno which, don't care, but I'm glad you didn't get elected.


I'll summarise my position, for what it's worth.


- Your data is out there, it's always at risk. What's required is reduction that risk, not eliminating the use of data

- Just because it's government doesn't make it any more at risk than private enterprise, in fact the opposite is generally true

- Improved identification of individuals is required to reduce the risk of identity theft and fraud, not reducing the amount of data available, and an ID card could be part of that.


I don't expect you to understand, I'm beginning to see you're not capable, but I tried. Cheers!


AI, I am impressed that you are so convinced that you are right, stand for MLC!

Your stated position I don't agree with, if there is a risk with data, you shouldn't enforce even more to be collected and all lumped together, I am not the only one to have mentioned this! 2, The government are not asking for your data, they are telling you to give it and making it compulsary, private companies you can choose to either give the data or not! 3/ Not true, it will just make it more difficult to prove that you didn't authorise something, once they have your data!


Stick your head back in the sand and hope that everything goes ok! Cheers! :lol:

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Dodger, you are in good company with you opposition to centralised personal records. A letter in the Gaurdian this week stated:


We believe the independent Byron review investigating child safety online must urge the government to suspend all plans for ContactPoint, a database of all children in England (Technology, November 29) while it carries out an official security analysis of the system, announced last week by Ed Balls. To continue to insist that the scheme will still go ahead before the outcome of this review is ludicrous. A system accessible by some 300,000 users via the internet is not adequately securable to ensure the safety of our children. From the outset of the ContactPoint proposals, the government has been consistently warned that from a security perspective, the system would be unmanageable.




Since the security of the system relies on the resources of local councils to investigate system abuse, this lower level of funding means an increased likelihood of abuse going unchecked. Any benefits of this system are likely to be heavily outweighed by the dangers - and these recent issues only serve to underline this.


Letter signed by:


Angela Rumbold

Independent Schools Council


Ross Anderson

Foundation Information Policy Research


Peter Bodkin

Society of Headmasters and Headmistresses of Independent Schools


Phil Booth



Danny Cooper

Independent Schools Bursars Association


Gareth Crossman



Simon Davies

Privacy International


Terri Dowty

Action on Rights for Children


Professor Michael Edwards

Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools


Becky Hogge

Open Rights Group


Pat Langham

Girls' Schools Association


Joan Mumby

Independent Schools Association


Michael Spinney

Independent Association of Prep Schools


Bernard Trafford

Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference

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Dodger, you are in good company with you opposition to centralised personal records. A letter in the Gaurdian this week stated:


We believe the independent Byron review investigating child safety online must urge the government to suspend all plans for ContactPoint, a database of all children in England (Technology, November 29) while it carries out an official security analysis of the system, announced last week by Ed Balls. To continue to insist that the scheme will still go ahead before the outcome of this review is ludicrous. A system accessible by some 300,000 users via the internet is not adequately securable to ensure the safety of our children. From the outset of the ContactPoint proposals, the government has been consistently warned that from a security perspective, the system would be unmanageable.




Since the security of the system relies on the resources of local councils to investigate system abuse, this lower level of funding means an increased likelihood of abuse going unchecked. Any benefits of this system are likely to be heavily outweighed by the dangers - and these recent issues only serve to underline this.


Letter signed by:


Angela Rumbold

Independent Schools Council


Ross Anderson

Foundation Information Policy Research


Peter Bodkin

Society of Headmasters and Headmistresses of Independent Schools


Phil Booth



Danny Cooper

Independent Schools Bursars Association


Gareth Crossman



Simon Davies

Privacy International


Terri Dowty

Action on Rights for Children


Professor Michael Edwards

Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools


Becky Hogge

Open Rights Group


Pat Langham

Girls' Schools Association


Joan Mumby

Independent Schools Association


Michael Spinney

Independent Association of Prep Schools


Bernard Trafford

Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference


Thanks Cronky, I hadn't seen the article, we are lucky in the IOM that the system has been suspended for our children's biometrics being taken, the government has listened and is further investigating. Security of the systems with the data on is still a concern, but at least they are reviewing it! We will see what they propose next........... ;)

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...but at least they are reviewing it! We will see what they propose next........... ;)


All non-conformists will be taken to Hango Hill and shot. Unlucky!


All those with opinions and looking to have free speech - will be a busy shooting squad! Won't need to worry about any data then....... ;)

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Thanks Cronky, I hadn't seen the article, we are lucky in the IOM that the system has been suspended for our children's biometrics being taken, the government has listened and is further investigating. Security of the systems with the data on is still a concern, but at least they are reviewing it! We will see what they propose next........... ;)




My young fella has just had to renew his passport - they only last 5 years and he isn't allowed to stay on mine, inetrestingly the new one is fully biometric so whats the point of not allowing the school access to the same data

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My young fella has just had to renew his passport - they only last 5 years and he isn't allowed to stay on mine, inetrestingly the new one is fully biometric so whats the point of not allowing the school access to the same data


Did they take his fingerprints?

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"My young fella has just had to renew his passport - they only last 5 years and he isn't allowed to stay on mine, inetrestingly the new one is fully biometric so whats the point of not allowing the school access to the same data"


Passports don't have to get government approval, they are linked directly to the UK and the amendments have already beem made within the law. The chip that is on current biometric passports can hold other biometric data see the government document at http://www.gov.im/cso/immigration/passports.xml They at this time haven't advised what other biometrics they want to have on the chip, but it isn't hard to imagine!


Therefore is there also a need for a seperate ID card?

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Good to see that the Scots are rebelling!



Ths Scottish Parliament passed the following motion from Margaret Smith MSP (Edinburgh West) (LD):



That the Parliament believes that the fundamental liberties enjoyed by generations of our citizens must not be eroded; welcomes the commitment by the previous Scottish Executive that ID cards would not be needed to access devolved services and its proportionate position on DNA retention; is concerned at the threat to civil liberties from the UK Government's expensive and unworkable proposal to introduce compulsory ID cards; believes that the Scottish Government should not put citizens’ privacy at risk by allowing the UK ID database to access personal information held by the Scottish Government, local authorities or other devolved public agencies; therefore calls on the Scottish Government to ensure that all data protection procedures are secure and that audit of data under its jurisdiction is independent of government and accountable to the Parliament, and takes the view that there should be no blanket retention of DNA samples and that the Assistant Information Commissioner for Scotland should have specific powers to carry out spot checks on the compliance by Scottish government agencies and bodies with the Data Protection Act 1998.
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Good to see that the Scots are rebelling!

As a crowd - they couldn't get any uglier.


I wonder if we will get the same common sense over here? We are lucky in that our data protection supervisor is very proactive, he has alreadys stopped certain data from being shared!

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