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[BBC News] Spate of car crime investigated


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I wouldn't do that - though I would make sure they were punished and made to understand the consequences - and any bad influences removed as far as possible (e.g. visit other parents of kids associated/involved). Surely reporting your own kids demonstrates nothing other that you have lost control over them and have failed as a parent? Surely by reporting them for a 'first offence' you would also be giving your kids 'a $64 smack' - by associating one event they were involved with - with all the other events going on which are actually out of your (and their) control.


Obviously the key is to make sure as a parent that they don't get involved in this sort of thing of thing in the first place - but getting them a record just for the sake of a principle would be defeating the object IMO. That said, I could understand some parents who couldn't cope anymore with repetitive bad behaviour and 'tried everything', using it as a last resort.


I understand your viewpoint Albert, and to a certain degree agree with it. I have been very lucky so far with my two, and they are pretty decent human beings. What they also know is that if they break the law, there will be consequences to that action.


The original article was about theft and did not mention kids. I can promise you, if I found out my kids had been involved, I wouldn't hesitate to take them to the Police. I think I would be failing as a parent if I didn't.


You have hit the nail on the head with regards to it being the parent's responsibility to give the best possible upbringing, and I agree with you 100% on that one.


My only worry is that, for arguments sake, my son vandalises a car. He comes home and I find out about it. I hit the roof, ground him and speak to the other parents. Where does this tell my son the boundaries are. Vandalise a car? Yeah, great idea, just don't let Mum find out!


I think going to the police has to be a real option, as in the scenario above, my son would have committed criminal damage.

I think I would have failed miserably as a parent, allowing a child to leave home without any respect for the Police or the law of the land.


If I find out he has committed a crime and do nothing,it makes me a criminal to.

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The only alternative, I think, is to get in touch with the people whose car(s) have been damaged, ask them to produce estimates of the repairs and then make your kids pay - either from their wages if they're old enough, from their allowances, or by selling off some of their possessions.

I've never been in that position, fortunately, but I think that's the first option I'd look at rather than a criminal record.

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