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Game Of The Year 2007

K.os Theory

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I was trying to figure out the best way to do a game of the year thread and figured it's usually easier just to let each and every person make a case for what they believe to be the GOTY...


It's not an easy choice this year, the last couple of months have been full of AAA titles...


Long story short...


The Orange Box takes the title for me, so much entertainment on one disc, half life 2 and the episodes are perfectly weighted shooters, TF2 is the perfect online class system shooter and portal is probably one of the finest gaming experiences i've ever had the joy to play. :D:D


Honurable mentions to :


Bioshock ( 360 )

Mass Effect ( 360 )

COD4 ( 360 )

Forza2 ( 360 )

Zelda - The phantom hourglass ( DS )


again i can only base my vote on something that i've played so apologies if this seems a bit fan-boyish... :rolleyes:

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I was trying to figure out the best way to do a game of the year thread and figured it's usually easier just to let each and every person make a case for what they believe to be the GOTY...


Very hard year to pick out a single title. I think my game of the year is Super Mario Galaxy (wii). It's just so fresh feeling vs the cynical wave of first person shooters, it's re-invigorated my love of gaming and underlined the fact that it's gameplay that matters, not hardware power.


1st runner up: Orange box (pc). Got weeks of pleasure out of Team Fortress 2 in particular, and portal was wonderful. Ep2 was a let down in comparrsion but still loads of fun.


2nd runner up: Bioshock (360). In the end it was System Shock 2 lite, but so well put together that it really didn't matter.

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COD 4 (which I finally got a couple of days ago). Its only flaw in my view is that a lot of the multiplayer maps feel a little small and counterstrikish in places - better suited to running around in large circles shooting anything that moves than working tactically.

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COD 4 (which I finally got a couple of days ago). Its only flaw in my view is that a lot of the multiplayer maps feel a little small and counterstrikish in places - better suited to running around in large circles shooting anything that moves than working tactically.



Agreed. It would be nice to have some 'Battlefield' size maps - the sniper in COD4 is next to useless as the maps are too small.

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COD 4 (which I finally got a couple of days ago). Its only flaw in my view is that a lot of the multiplayer maps feel a little small and counterstrikish in places - better suited to running around in large circles shooting anything that moves than working tactically.



Try the KOTH and HQ servers Vinnie - a much slower pace and no where near the amount of tk'ing going on.

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Agreed. It would be nice to have some 'Battlefield' size maps - the sniper in COD4 is next to useless as the maps are too small.


Exactly my thoughts. Not only is the sniper class wasted in that respect (unless you just run and gun like ordinary infantry with one of the semi-automatic sniper rifles), but what's the point of making him so well camouflaged when the first kill you make reveals your exact position thanks to the damn kill cam - the same kind of applies to other classes as well when it comes to concealment and planning ambushes, making me think that the killcam was included in an attempt to please the kind of 1995 deathmatch throwback that still whines online about "camping". Hopefully the modding tools will make it possible to make larger, more interesting maps.


Glad they didn't include things like ammo packs though, at least in COD4 there's not that much chance of nadespamming - the last match I played on Battlefield 2 was an infantry only round on the Jalalabad map and consisted of both sides gathering at opposite ends of one flag, doing absolutely nothing apart from hurling grenades en mass at one another.


Bananaman - will look out for those servers next time I'm on. Do you know what type of settings they work under? My favourite servers at the moment tend to be in hardcore mode, no crosshairs, and running Headquarters, Domination, and/or Sabotage.

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Bananaman - will look out for those servers next time I'm on. Do you know what type of settings they work under? My favourite servers at the moment tend to be in hardcore mode, no crosshairs, and running Headquarters, Domination, and/or Sabotage.



Lo Vinnie mate is our Dom and Sab server and that's running hardcore is our KOTH and S&D server and that's running the standard set-up


Are you Mr Fighty on CoD4?

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Lo Vinnie mate is our Dom and Sab server and that's running hardcore is our KOTH and S&D server and that's running the standard set-up


Are you Mr Fighty on CoD4?


I am! I just finished a few rounds on the KOTH server, as it happens. Good fun, although I put in an absolutely abysmal performance.

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