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Changes Made To Patient Escort Criteria By The Dhss


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Health Minister Eddie Teare was accused of 'hard-faced accountancy' over this issue, during 4th Decembers sitting of the House of Keys.


He said there was anecdotal evidence that people were abusing the system by, for example, asking for flight times to fit in with shopping trips.


So he decided to stop it! There were nine categories for travelling with the patient, it is now down to four!


What do you think? Should we have the ability to travel with a patient? Would you want to travel with a friend or loved one who was undergoing treatment in the UK?



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What were and are the categories, more info please, or at least a link. If there is a genuine reason for travel, it should be allowed but not for free loaders who just want a shopping trip in Liverpool.


Link attached, which gives the whole story.

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Among the categories due to be removed from the guideline list of those eligible to have government funding to accompany them on a trip are those with limited mobility (including blind/deaf), those suffering from life threatening illness and those undergoing life threatening or painful operations.


It seems a bit harsh on the face of it. That said, GPs can still request funding if they think it is necessary, so anyone who actually needs an escort will get one.


The decision does not seem to have been based solely on anecdotal evidence, which in itself should not be dismissed out of hand.

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I have no doubt that some people do abuse the system, but this should not mean that the majority of users of the Patient Transfer "escort" service are penalized.


My wife had to make a number of trips for hospital visits in 2004 and 2005 so we have some experience of the patient transfer service. During the initial stages of her assessment and treatment she could not have made those journeys on her own – due to limited mobility - so I accompanied her on around 4 of the 10 trips that she made.


I can only assume that Eddie Teare has not travelled as a passenger on a patient transfer service. If he had he would know that the information he gave to the House of Keys on Tuesday about the levels of service provided by the scheduled airlines and taxi contractors is not always at the level he believes it to be.


On a number of occasions the Euromanx flights were either severely delayed, over booked or the requested passenger assistance was not provided.


The taxi service in Liverpool can also be a bit hit and miss. On a number of occasions five passengers have had to squeeze into the back of black cab; this is fine on a night of out with friends or family but is hardly adequate when conveying complete strangers, with varying mobility problems, to appointments at neurosurgery clinic.


Our experience of the staff the PTS office was always good.


I see no problem with someone taking advantage of a hospital appointment in UK to visit friends or go shopping if this does not attract additional costs to the tax payer.


No doubt he can use the money he saves with this initiative can used to accommodate troublesome teenagers in hotels.

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My hubby has been away for a few bits of treatment in Liverpool they offered to send me too but there really was no point so I didnt go, he will have to go away for a month in March/April and then I will want to be going to see him but Im sure I can afford the £36 boat fare by myself, not the health services duty to send me to Liverpool to visit someone in hospital. The people who abuse the system will be the ones with the hardfacedness to go to their doctor and blag a trip anyway, as usual the little people suffer.


It would be difficult to judge wether or not someone needs an escort if they are going for chemo or something like that, they would be fine before they went but after they are nuked they might need an escort - their ideas suck, clearly they have not much of a clue about illnesses and are poking their noses in where they are not required - perhaps money could be saved on their fat boy lunch allowances? or their 4Jags petrol allowances? instead of taking away travel for people who will proabaly have enough to worry about without having extra hassle regarding travel. Actually - Im quite angry about this now!

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He said there was anecdotal evidence that people were abusing the system


Who was that stupid woman MHK on Manx Radio waffling on about "antidotal" evidence


That would be honorable member for Douglas East Mrs Cannell.

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Coming shortly after the 'amputation' farce, this really is appalling. OK it may well be subject to abuse by some but surely that is down to proper examination of the applications, not blanket bans on categories.

If the government wants to save money then do so by


Reducing Staff - just took on another new director or whatever for the DHSS

Stop employing consultants so much

Reduce the jaunts by Brown et al to foreign parts

Control costs on public projects


Amazing - they throw away money on pointless exercises yet fail to provide when needed.


It really is disgusting.


That would be honorable member for Douglas East Mrs Cannell.


A prime example of the maxim - engage brain before opening mouth.

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