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Which Dj Software?

Mr. Sausages

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I've been a bit out of the loop for the last couple of years, but I've got the bug again recently and I'm thinking of getting some DJing software for my laptop. I'd probably want to control it with time-coded vinyl or CDs, but would consider using a midi controller. Stanton Final Scratch and Tracktor are the ones I've heard of, but is there a best one / industry standard or is all down to personal preference? Any recommendations?

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I've already got Ableton, but I've not explored it properly. I think I need something more hands-on and familiar feeling to begin with, hence my preference for timecoded stuff. However, I've just read that Decadance can be used as a vst plug in, so maybe that would work within Ableton, and I could use the timecodes that way. Hmm. More research needed methinks.

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I've been exploring Ableton 6 all week. It is great fun, but for DJing you have to plan what you're going to do in advance (warping tracks etc), so I don't think it really suits a live environment where you don't know what you're going to play next. But for playing around at home it's really quite impressive.


So now I just need a midi controller. And another CDJ. And Serato. And some new monitors. And a new pc would be handy. And some money.

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Ha haaa I meant to be playing with Reason last night but because of this thread I got confused and played with Ableton instead, its quite fun dont you think? I had it doing all kinds but couldnt work out where the drum machines were (derrr because I was using the wrong software might have had something to do with why I couldnt find them) anyway that was all - I had great fun so thanks for making me forget what I was upto :)

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