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Festive Advice From Police


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No. This is a different one.


The case I mentioned happened within the last few years.


We really wish the police had been interested, they weren't. I am sorry to say again - they did nothing.


To add insult to injury and to pour salt into a very deep wound there was a follow up standard "How did we do?" type letter.



So what did you do about it? If you failed to act on such an obvious misdemeanor then YOU become part of the problem by doing nothing.

The police are public servants and are here to do a job to certain standards, if you are happy to let those standards drop then, in a small way, you contribute to the next mistake made by them.

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What the hell do you expect me to do?


Report the police on the Isle of Man to the police on the Isle of Man. :(



It has been painful indeed for me to listen to the debate in Tynwald this afternoon regarding the Chief Constables report 2006/2007. Much backslapping and congratulating was done.

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It saddens me to read such an apathetic response. It is up to you as a citizen of this Island to question the authorities to back up your claim. You have made the effort to post this claim on the forum, what is stopping you from discussing this with your MHK or another official?

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It saddens me to read such an apathetic response. It is up to you as a citizen of this Island to question the authorities to back up your claim. You have made the effort to post this claim on the forum, what is stopping you from discussing this with your MHK or another official?


Youv'e not lived here for long I take it?? ;)

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It saddens me to read such an apathetic response. It is up to you as a citizen of this Island to question the authorities to back up your claim. You have made the effort to post this claim on the forum, what is stopping you from discussing this with your MHK or another official?


Youv'e not lived here for long I take it?? ;)


I am disappointed if you think that my background influences my opinion. Just for the record, I have generations of Manxness behind me and for you to suggest otherwise is an insult.

I believe that we are all play a part of the society that we live in. If you are involved in an event where there is a blatant wrongdoing and you don't act on it, then you are as much to blame on the effect of what is caused.


Just pull thy finger out and do something, it is the only way to make a difference.


(Alternatively, choose to cowardly swipe away at the keyboard and destroy public confidence.)

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Just pull thy finger out and do something, it is the only way to make a difference.


(Alternatively, choose to cowardly swipe away at the keyboard and destroy public confidence.)


Like do what?


For a man in the street, it is virtually impossible to contact the Chief Constable in such a matter.


As with any Department or governmental organisation on this Island, all that happens is that one of the underlings will fob you off. If you continue, there will be another, then another. The excuse for not being able to communicate with the Chief, is that they are there in reserve, not wanting to get involved you see, as they may need to be the final arbitrator who will need to remain 'independent'.


As an average person on this Island you just have to hope that nothing unfortunate happens to you in life, medically, legally or whatever. The odds are stacked right up against you from the start.

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Just pull thy finger out and do something, it is the only way to make a difference.


(Alternatively, choose to cowardly swipe away at the keyboard and destroy public confidence.)


You have no idea how much you amuse me, Wake up Call !


I once spent five years (and a lot of money ) trying to sue a govm't dep and its agents ,and against all the odds came out on top

To watch these b******s stand up in court and lie under oath (as verified by the Deemster in her summing up)was really quite an eye opener for me,as up untill that point in time I actually believed in truth and justice!.

To cut a long story short ,I made an appointment to speak to the minister in charge of this Department after the case had finished ,and asked him what he intended to do about a member of his Dep caught red handed lying under oath in the courtroom?

His reply was ! 'Hang on there yessir,we don't want to rock the boat do we? at which point ,I shook my head ,got up thanked him for his time and left!




So please excuse me if I don't quite share your faith in some (not all!)of the people running our beautiful Island?

I.M.O. There are issues that need to be dealt with on this Island , but as long as the current practice of non -accountability

exists within Govm't and their Agents nothing will change.

All the best :D

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Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Lech Walesa, Margaret Sanger, Trotsky, Che.....I don't think we are gong to see %age and homarus up there this week.


It is sad for me to read 'the odds are stacked right up against you from the start'. Just take a look at our bunch of elected representatives, most of them are from ordinary backgrounds. You can achieve all sorts here if you put some effort in. Don't forget that we live in one of the greatest places in the world where most things are handed to you on plate. (Education, health care, social support etc)


As for homarus, I am glad that you are amused, I am bemused to read that if the deemster in your case confirmed that perjury was committed and you gave up taking any action then that lies with you. Just being told not to 'rock the boat' and walking away is a weak response. However, you still have chance to act if this happened in the last 10 years as a criminal offence was committed. The court case will have been recorded and you can get access to it. Good luck.

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The reason that so many things of this kind can happen is that the attitude of 'don't rock the boat' exists in all levels of our society.

When it comes to injustices, most of us can talk a good fight, but actually being prepared to take on the entrenched positions of those in authority is often more than we can face.

If we were all preparted to follow through on the things we find reprehensible we wouldn't spend so much time on here complaining about the whole system.

It can be done (remember the Skeet/FMCR) but it takes a lot of determination and a considerable amount of time and resources. It is much too easy to simply say 'get something done about it' when you're sitting at your computer and not having to engage in all the problems involved.

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Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Lech Walesa, Margaret Sanger, Trotsky, Che.....I don't think we are gong to see %age and homarus up there this week.

Are we gonna see your name there then ? Now that you talk so well about it :rolleyes:


I know what homarus and %age mean - "pulling the finger out" can mean a big commitment, time, money, impact on your life (depending on how far you're willing to go) - plus, everything also depends on the circumstances of a particular situation, connections, etc. Works in funny ways, this place....

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Fuck me ! 'WAKE UP CALL ' !

if I didn't know better I would say that I was reading a government propaganda leaflet with your last post.

Yes we do live in one of the greatest places on earth , but it could be so much better ,if we could just make some of the people in positions of authority , accountable for their actions .

I made my stand ,I proved my point ! but guess what ? nobody was accountable in the long run !,despite these people costing the taxpayers upwards of £40,000 in legal fees and wages on a matter where they knew they were in the wrong ,but preferred to gamble (collectively)instead on the might of the establishment crushing the little man .

They nearly did it and but for the intervention of the wonderful lawyer who took up my case they would have succeeded !

'You want justice'? you are not going to get it, my advice to you is drop it !

Near enough 'word for word ',what the top man of one of the Islands most notable legal firms advised me, nearly 4yrs and thousands of pounds after originally taking on my case and informing me , that I had a very good chance of success and just before sending me a letter informing me that they could no longer represent me ;)

(It later transpired that the company does a lot work for Govm't),

Weak ?I can assure you I am far from that !

If anything I am a lot stronger/wiser for the experience and a better person for it!.


Oh by the way,the Deemster in my case was absoulutly spot on(being from of Island) !,

The problem starts when you have to deal with the' old boys network' which is still entrenched here ?.


On the matter of still having time to pursue the little matter of perjury ?

It took me five years of expense (and no little stress) to get to the point that I actually got to.

Are you seriously suggesting that I take another five years being bullshitted, passed around in circles and being bled financially. knowing as I know now , that nothing will change even if I did take action?


If you are! ,you are even more naive(or establishment) than you sound?


P.s. If anybody wants any advice on a Lawyer prepared to take on the system and firms that are not ,please feel free to P/M me .

All the best :D

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The reason that so many things of this kind can happen is that the attitude of 'don't rock the boat' exists in all levels of our society.

When it comes to injustices, most of us can talk a good fight, but actually being prepared to take on the entrenched positions of those in authority is often more than we can face.

If we were all preparted to follow through on the things we find reprehensible we wouldn't spend so much time on here complaining about the whole system.

It can be done (remember the Skeet/FMCR) but it takes a lot of determination and a considerable amount of time and resources. It is much too easy to simply say 'get something done about it' when you're sitting at your computer and not having to engage in all the problems involved.


Sorry Lonan3

Missed your post, Spot on though ! You really do need bottomless pockets and the hide of a Rhino.

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Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Lech Walesa, Margaret Sanger, Trotsky, Che.....I don't think we are gong to see %age and homarus up there this week.

Are we gonna see your name there then ? Now that you talk so well about it :rolleyes:



Highly unlikely and I am annoyed at myself at not including Illiam Dhone; it was just a dig about the lack of spirit from the two posters. I am flattered by the invitation from homarus but the missus would have something to say about it. As for the perjury allegation, one 'no cost' statement made to the old bill is enough to follow that through.

Apologies if the last post was propaganda like, I think we are lucky to live here as when sucked out of the gene pool you could end up being born anywhere in the world, it is pure fluke you are here and not somewhere like Sudan, Burma, Bangladesh, North Korea, Warrington etc.


As for making a difference to the things you care about and whilst not trying to come across as too sanctimonious, there are many ways to do that and you just need to take a look around at those people who have. How can folk refer to 'the system' or the 'old boy network' when our current representatives are from all walks of life? Quite simply at your top end, you could get elected as an MHK, councillor or commissioner or if that ain't your bag, just lobby them at their surgery. Write a letter to a minister if you have a particular gripe, they are duty bound to respond. Make a petition at Tynwald, remind yourself of some of the characters that have done the same over the years and actually got results. Alternatively, get involved with some voluntary service and share your wisdom with others, if everybody on the Island devoted 2 hours per week to something they believed in that improved the place then we would be a lot better off. ( I mean activities such as fund raising for charity, care for vulnerable folk, youth group work, environmental preservation, society membership blah blah etc.)

It is galling however that in the time I have written these posts, I could have gone out and rescued a stranded hedgehog or something. Blasted internet forum is an incredibly bad, time consuming habit.

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Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Lech Walesa, Margaret Sanger, Trotsky, Che.....I don't think we are gong to see %age and homarus up there this week.

Are we gonna see your name there then ? Now that you talk so well about it :rolleyes:



Highly unlikely and I am annoyed at myself at not including Illiam Dhone; it was just a dig about the lack of spirit from the two posters. I am flattered by the invitation from homarus but the missus would have something to say about it. As for the perjury allegation, one 'no cost' statement made to the old bill is enough to follow that through.

Apologies if the last post was propaganda like, I think we are lucky to live here as when sucked out of the gene pool you could end up being born anywhere in the world, it is pure fluke you are here and not somewhere like Sudan, Burma, Bangladesh, North Korea, Warrington etc.


As for making a difference to the things you care about and whilst not trying to come across as too sanctimonious, there are many ways to do that and you just need to take a look around at those people who have. How can folk refer to 'the system' or the 'old boy network' when our current representatives are from all walks of life? Quite simply at your top end, you could get elected as an MHK, councillor or commissioner or if that ain't your bag, just lobby them at their surgery. Write a letter to a minister if you have a particular gripe, they are duty bound to respond. Make a petition at Tynwald, remind yourself of some of the characters that have done the same over the years and actually got results. Alternatively, get involved with some voluntary service and share your wisdom with others, if everybody on the Island devoted 2 hours per week to something they believed in that improved the place then we would be a lot better off. ( I mean activities such as fund raising for charity, care for vulnerable folk, youth group work, environmental preservation, society membership blah blah etc.)

It is galling however that in the time I have written these posts, I could have gone out and rescued a stranded hedgehog or something. Blasted internet forum is an incredibly bad, time consuming habit.




My friend ,you have the right name ! but you really need to WAKE UP! to the reality of what goes on ,in this Island when, for whatever reason the ordinary man in the street is unlucky enough to fall foul of the powers that be ! Hopefully you or your family will never have to go through any of the experiences mentioned already on this topic ,but if by any misfortune you do, you may realise what a total load of bollocks you are coming out with?

But I really sincerly want to thank you for allowing me to get on my soapbox to bring this subject to the attention of the

9,000+? members/viewers of this forum as negative publicity is the only way to bring these people to heel ,and as

Unfortunatley they pretty much own most of the local media, forums such as this ,are in a lot of cases the only way you can bring their misdemeanours to the attention of the general public .


P.s just for the record ,I have been involved with various youth/volunteer projects over the years and still am!

' WAKE UP CALL' once again I thank you !keep up the good work . :D

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To back up Homarus's experience of taking on a government department


I submitted a petition of grievance to Tynwald which was taken up and put before a select committee


The committee found in my favour and ruled that the DOT should change it's policy in this matter and pay me compensation for the loss I had suffered as a result of their incompeticence


That was seven years ago and since then FUCK ALL has changed


Sooner or later you will realise that politicians are powerless and the real clout lies with the lazy arrogant overpaid civil service bosses


Get yourself an AK47 if you really want to have an effect

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