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Drink Drive & Be Famous!


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A Starring Role for Drivers Who Drink


PHOENIX, Dec. 4 — A conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol is something many people try to conceal, even from their families. But now the bleary-eyed, disheveled and generally miserable visages of convicted drunken drivers here, captured in their mug shots, are available to the entire world via a Web site.


The hall of shame is even worse for drunken drivers convicted of a felony. A select few will find their faces plastered on billboards around Phoenix with the banner headline: Drive drunk, see your mug shot here.


A bit extreme, maybe, but if it helps to reduce the most inexcusable of driving offences :unsure:


This is the actual site




Some of the sentences detailed there are rather on the severe side - blimey, no messing around here:



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You forgot your lols

You may find the subject of road fatalities funny - I don't.


I don't. Of course.


I don't know where you got that implication from either given that the topic here is drink driving, not road fatalities. That's just a silly comment to make, and appears to be based on nothing.


I was merely commenting that you seem to have stopped posting lol on each & every post you make.

Sorry if I'm not allowed to comment on that.

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Never mind human rights - a petty small town idea like that should never be tried here. I bet it has no effect on the stats whatsoever.


I very much doubt it would make any difference over here as DIC is a very minor cause of collisions. I seem to remember it comes 14th behind sober people crashing into parked cars and people with an animal running around loose in the car.

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Sorry if I'm not allowed to comment on that.

Whatever, lol.. I'm not rising to your stupid trolling.


Do you really laugh out loud whenever you type 'lol' and do the wardens raise your dosage when you do? ;)

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Never mind human rights - a petty small town idea like that should never be tried here. I bet it has no effect on the stats whatsoever.


I very much doubt it would make any difference over here as DIC is a very minor cause of collisions. I seem to remember it comes 14th behind sober people crashing into parked cars and people with an animal running around loose in the car.


Don't suppose you could get hold of those stats could you ?


Would make interesting reading


I remember seeing a list of most common accidents coming into casualty and statistically, staying at home on your day off was one of the most dangerous things to do

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Do you really laugh out loud whenever you type 'lol' and do the wardens raise your dosage when you do? ;)

No. When you employ that smiley do you wink at your monitor like some epileptic pervert in a lap dancing club?


You missed your lol, lol off again.

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