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Drink Drive & Be Famous!


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Anything that contributes to stopping people drink driving is worthwhile.



Hear hear Saltire.






But I do have to put this in - you are one hypocritical cock keyboarder - what weird kick do you get out of goading people like you do?



Something I didn't want to post and probably shouldn't have done but heyho.


The deed is done!

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Anything that contributes to stopping people drink driving is worthwhile.



Hear hear Saltire.






But I do have to put this in - you are one hypocritical cock keyboarder - what weird kick do you get out of goading people like you do?



Something I didn't want to post and probably shouldn't have done but heyho.


The deed is done!


Explain further, not sure I understand

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Anything that contributes to stopping people drink driving is worthwhile.


I was agreeing with what you said, I just wondered what kick Keyboarder gets out of making a thread nasty.



Sorry misunderstood your original post, understood your second one! :)


(Been a long day)

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Don't suppose you could get hold of those stats could you ?


Would make interesting reading


I remember seeing a list of most common accidents coming into casualty and statistically, staying at home on your day off was one of the most dangerous things to do


I just had a look but cannot locate it. It was a survey done by the IOM government over an 11 year period from 1994-2004 (I think) of all crashes and fatalities on Manx roads, and the causes behind them. It was used as a pre-cursor to the last national speed limit campaign that back fired.


The report actually shows some interesting information about top speeds over the mountain, where crashes happen, the ages of the people, types of vehicle, etc. I wish I could find it because it really was an eye opener. It really exposed the young, inexperienced driver as being the worst offender. It actually changed my mind and I am now against a national speed limit because it is not the problem and will not change anything. I am for raising the age at which you can take a car test to 18. Start to learn at 16 by all means under the control of an instructor or supervisor, but no test or driving on your own until 18.

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I just wondered what kick Keyboarder gets out of making a thread nasty.


I think most people here wonder the same thing, but no-one's supplied a good theory yet that I'm aware of.


Perhaps there'll be a break from hostilities over the festive period. Peace on earth & all that.... ;)

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You forgot your lols

You may find the subject of road fatalities funny - I don't.


Agreed. :angry: Too many killed.


I agree 100% and I hope that's not directed towards me.


If it is, please re-read the thread to see what I actually meant instead of jumping to an incorrect conclusion based on Keyboarder's usual 'stirring' attempts.

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