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Bridge Over The River Sulby

Pat Ayres

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Personally I don't think it would work.

If they took the road over the harbour from the south prom directly opposite the old Talk of the Town, it would only take a bit of wind to close the proposed road.

Infact it would be a total disaster from the start and a complete waste of tax payers money. Wow I think I've just hit the nail on the head, if it's going to be a total wast of taxpayers money they'll probably go ahead with the project.

They need to think of something because I don't think the old stone bridge by the bridge inn will last forever.

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I just thought he was away to lah-lah land. The idea has been mooted before, anyone got any links where i can find some background on this little beauty?

Of course it is a bloody stupid idea, what kind of fool thought it in the first place.

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Someone mentioned this to me recently as well. So it's obviously being talked about again. I heard that it was linked to the question of what to do with the swing bridge if some sort of marina gets built. From some perspectives the swing bridge probably seems rather in - the - way.


The swing bridge mechanism is prone to breaking quite easily. In that sense it's a bit of a liability. But, for obvious reasons, people are also very fond and proud of the swing bridge - so removing it probably isn't an option. It's an interesting bridge. And it's a route which lots of people use. Especially pedestrians. So the future of the swing bridge is a sensitive subject. Understandably.


But all that might be just Ramsey gossip. I'm just saying what I heard.


I heard that one option would be to keep it - but leave it mostly swung open. In which case there would need to be another pedestrian route to the north prom. [Along the top of a marina water barrier perhaps?]


EDIT: actually - maybe this is being talked up for whatever reason. In which case I hope I'm not adding to that.

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the current one way bridge isn't sufficient they'll need it 2 way once the new pool is built


I doubt the new pool is going to generate significant road traffic from the quay. It's easy enough to go the long way around if you're in a car. And the current pool isn't used so very much. Corner of North Shore Road and Bowring Road is only ever busy twice a day.


/ prepared to be wrong. It's only an opinion.

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There was a report in the late 90's which discussed the need for a second river crossing in Ramsey.


The old stone bridge isn't going to last for ever and development north of the river (including Andreas, jurby etc) will increase traffic tremendously, whether the stone bridge or bowring road will take all this is questionable. The report identified another option being at the whitebridge but recent suggestion is that a very well know town expert has criticised this because of the access to jurby road which is very steep and flood levels which would mean a bridge/road would have to be very wide.

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