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Call To Put Tram Horses In Nappies


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Yeah, tbh I dont see what all the fuss is about, if they want to clean up the prom, how about taking the whores, crack addicts and 'happy slappers' off the prom of an evening, sweep them up and send them off to the incinerator.


You missed out chavs!

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I think considering that horses are up and down the prom all day its kept very clean with the corporation cleaner cleaning the road. Dont see what the problem is. They outa sort out the awful smell near the old summerland coming off the beach wouldnt like to say what that smells of.


collecting the crap as you go would be a lot cheaper and safer than having another mobile chicane on the prom that needs paying to be there.


if you have to be picking up small by comparison dog shit's, then surely a bigger load is more important to clean up.

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your missing the point. horses eat fking grass and their plop is completely harmless! who cares how much money it takes to it up, think about the poor horse carrying its own heavy turd under its belly. i had horses for years, and their sh1t is God damn heavy!


think what dogs eat - anything! thats why their turd is very harmful to babies an that. they are carnivores! and no street cleaners every clean that up, owners are supposed to but half of them dont! so the turds sit there for people to stand in on the pavement!


get a grip.

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At the moment the corpy have to pay for the road sweepers to clean the prom. They are only looking at ways to save a few quid.


So what if horse shit isn't the most malignant substance on the planet. You do realise that the only reason there's only ever one or two piles of shit on the prom is because they clean it up? What would it look like if they didn't bother cleaning it up for a month?

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your missing the point. horses eat fking grass and their plop is completely harmless! who cares how much money it takes to it up, think about the poor horse carrying its own heavy turd under its belly. i had horses for years, and their sh1t is God damn heavy!


think what dogs eat - anything! thats why their turd is very harmful to babies an that. they are carnivores! and no street cleaners every clean that up, owners are supposed to but half of them dont! so the turds sit there for people to stand in on the pavement!


get a grip.


If it was completely innocuous they wouldn't bother cleaning it up, would they. It's dangerous for bikes, it goes on the crossings so you have to manouvre around it, it smells and when it's wet it's slippery as, well, shit.


It's no heavier in the nappy than when it's in their bum. I don't see what the problem is with having them, babies sit in their own shit and piss all day, the horse poo will be underneath them and emptied when it gets back up the prom so it's there for 20-30mins max. Ooh, the poor horse...I bet they'd rather carry a nappy than have a saddle and someone bouncing around on their back.

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feels like it should, your ignorance astounds me. im damned if any babies i know sit in their own sh1t an p1ss all day. also, i dont know many bikes who drive in the middle of the road on the tramlines? and the sh1te smells better than the prom anyway!


i just cant believe that you are bothered about a tiny bit of money that goes to the clean up of this horse sh1te. just think of the fking money them trams make when they run! £2 a time!


like i said, there are more important things to worry about.

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...............and most people seem to be missing the point that the collected product will save the Corpy a fortune that is currently spent on fertilizers, and produce far superior results, as any gardener will tell you. How many horses have they got? Someone work out the sums from the info below and tell me how much the annual tram-horse by-product could be worth (and don't forget to add on the amount that will be saved in road-sweepers' wages - Oops, there could be redundancies and another job to tempt Bernie out of retirement).


An average horse will produce 20.4 kilos (or 45 pounds) of manure each day or 7.5 tonnes annually.


"2 Year Deep Composted By Country Experts. Bagged or Loose.

Feeds Life to London Soil Nature's Way" Composted almost to a manure peat with organic boosters added


No artificial (chemical) added as sold by London Centres and shops, which do not feed soil's natural microbe recycling life, and so soil eventually turns to barren dust, gives double/treble extra growth and blooms when mixed with London soil. Results will amaze. The best and only natural way to break up London Clay. Feeds all seasons and turns London Clay into fertile loam.


Fresh weekly from East Anglia specialist organic farms. Brings back birds, bees, butterflies and flower perfumes. All in 75 litre bags or loose. £70 cu yd (equal to 25 bags). One bag covers 2 sq. metres thickly spread or 3 sq. metres thinly (£80 cu. metre = 20% Extra Equal to 30 Bags). "

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