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Manx Workers


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The first post re the letter was such an obvious ramp i thought the whole topic deserved to be as phoney, warra lorra bolloxs, cant be taking poop like this serious, its a larf or its nothing. :rolleyes:


Us manx have bigger dicks than the english anyway :P




ps the bit about Mona is kosher!

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I have two employees, one Manx and one Czec


Guess which one came in two and a half hours late this morning ?


The bloody Czec. Again


If these Eastern Europeans are so industrious why are their countries is such a state whilst our little nation prospers ?


Work ethic my arse


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I own and run 2 companies.


One has mostly Manx staff whilst the other is varied. Neither stand out as having better or worse labour than the other.


I treat my staff with friendship and respect and whilst being in buisiness to make profit, the more i make, due to their hard work, the better i can pay them and reward them for their hard work.


Maybe Mr Tuffail should look towards doing something similar as most people who i've come across with his mentality only want to make as much money as they can, being it for themselves or the firm, and don't really give a shit about anyone else.


Most, in fact, do not trade anymore due to going bust and owing loads of people money.


My staff are first class, no-matter what nationality, because i took the time to employ the right people and i treat them right and look after them. Maybe Mr Tuffail should sort that problem out first before blaming anyone as someone had to give the " Lazies " the job in the first place.


Fucking Tit imo.

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I own and run 2 companies.


One has mostly Manx staff whilst the other is varied. Neither stand out as having better or worse labour than the other.


I treat my staff with friendship and respect and whilst being in buisiness to make profit, the more i make, due to their hard work, the better i can pay them and reward them for their hard work.


Maybe Mr Tuffail should look towards doing something similar as most people who i've come across with his mentality only want to make as much money as they can, being it for themselves or the firm, and don't really give a shit about anyone else.


Most, in fact, do not trade anymore due to going bust and owing loads of people money.


My staff are first class, no-matter what nationality, because i took the time to employ the right people and i treat them right and look after them. Maybe Mr Tuffail should sort that problem out first before blaming anyone as someone had to give the " Lazies " the job in the first place.


It's good to hear of caring employers and especially of management who regards their employees as people who benefit the company as a whole and I wish you well.

p.s, I know of a young enterprising person (not me or related) who might benefit a good company.

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As a wind-up, it probably scores 3/10. But we'll be hearing the shrieks of outrage and anguish, together with cries of "boat in the morning", until well into the new year.


This surely must be a wind up or at least a pseudonym. "Stephen Tuffail = Steven to fail?"


He does have a point though but I do not believe it is to do with being Manx. As an employer I do not generally expect staff to work longer hours than contracted for without pay but equally it is easy to notice those that clock watch. If they get it at 5 to 9 they do not start until 9, or in fact probably not until 9.15 after they have had a chat etc.


Now it is not about those 5 minutes but their general attitude that tends to go with it, they meander through the day and tend too not be as fast or as efficient when they are actually at work. Now as the employer I reflect this is the pay. Two people doing essentially the same job I will pay at different rates depending what value I see they are puting into the job. They are more likely to get promoted, to get interesting or challenging work. I will be more accomodating if they need to leave early to visit the dentists etc etc.


As I said it is nothing to do with being Manx, but the work ethic you have. Some staff are hard dilligent workers other just turn up and do as little as seems reasonable for the pay. That is human nature just like at scholl there were kids who worked hard and other who did just enough to get through the exams.


It is true those that come overs or locals after working across may in general have a higher work ethic. It is nothing to do with being Manx but we are lucky that presently in the IoM we have a high level of employment with decent wages and little unemployment. There is a comfort zone that is not there in say in a professional office in some of the UK big cities. Perform or you are out as there are x in the line to take your job. In the IoM it is a struggle to recruit at times.


Now that is nothing to do with being Manx it is just a reflection of the economic situation. If it changed and we were all fearful for our jobs and being unemployed then our work ethic might change. I appreciate that is is a generalisation and like there are good and bad employers, there are plenty of diligent hard working locals but I also would recognise that we are cosited to an extent presently in the IoM. That does also apply to employers like myself as with the economy doing well and business not being on a knife edge I am sure I do not generally put in the level of effort that I would do if times were hard

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Interesting one this, but having spent most of my working life in the UK, I have noticed a difference in attitude over here. It is not necessarily clock watching, as most of the fee generating staff do put the hours in to meet their time targets. I also think that regularly working a longer day is a symptom of something wrong; either a lack of productive time during the normal working day or the workload is too much. In either case, continual late working is a sign of poor management.


My last employer was famously parsimonious (I am far better paid here than I was in London, even though I had a much more senior position) and was often 're-positioning' itself to meet changes in its environment, so everyone was very conscious that their continued employment was not guaranteed; there was a 'hunger' within the staff and real commitment by all to the continued success of the organisation. It wasn't a mainstream commercial operation, (it wasn't really a commercial operation at all, although it had to act commercially as it had no external funding), and was in a business that was highly susceptible to macro-politics and a change in the international environment could be either a huge opportunity or result in a huge loss of business. Everyone who worked there understood that and the general ethos was a motivated staff, willing to go the extra mile and be creative in pursuing potential opportunities when needed, but above all else, the main motivation was the continuation of the organisation.


Coming from that background, and it may not be a good comparator as it was an unusual organisation, I think the main difference in attitude arises from the security in the job market. When you are confident that there is always another job available for you, perhaps you don't identify your efforts with the success of the organisation so much. I know people who have been made redundant several times, who just shrug as there will be another job along soon. Whereas elsewhere, redundancy really was an earth-shattering experience.


Are Manx employees lazy? Not necessarily, but the sentiments in the letter were probably more to do with a very employee-skewed employment market than an inherent defect in the Manx worker. Perhaps it is just a symptom of exponential success.

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On what grounds would you complain? That you disagree with him? That it hurt your feelings?


Well, yes actually & given that the thread is now 4 pages I'm not the only one.


Personally, I would like to know what the Examiner was hoping to achieve by printing this utter tripe in the first place. Is there a press complaints committee on the Island?



Your reading it right now


Exactly my point & no doubt there will be plenty of letters being penned to counter the claims (generalisations/slurs) made by this person. Good for the Examiners circulation no doubt. So is this a new sales techinque by IOM Newspapers? Stir up racial tension in order sell more papers?

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Totaly agrre blixo but the forum is pretty cool, obvious fly casting like this is ignored or used as an excuse for disenboweling type banter, :cool:


I could have been a millionaire, if i had the money


I could have been english, if i had the lobotomy.

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On what grounds would you complain? That you disagree with him? That it hurt your feelings?


Well, yes actually & given that the thread is now 4 pages I'm not the only one.




And there is nothing wrong with either of those reactions, but are these reason enough to complain to a press complaint's committee? As the forums prove daily, there are very few expressions of opinion that nobody disagrees with. If hurt feelings become a reason for censureship then we are on a very slippery slope, I foresee seemingly granite-hearted politicians suddenly getting in touch with their sensitive side.


Later in your post you go on to raise the issue of "stirring up racial tensions".That might be grounds, but is this really a case of that? It's a daft and immature letter, that points to a poor management style (imagine if you were a Manx employee of this guy!) but has it caused racial tension in the reactions on this thread? Or in the wider community?

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