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It's like kite surfing - just waaaaaaaaayyyyy bigger :)


Reckon that would fit on the Ben ?


The demonstration ship they were using looked a lot smaller than the Ben, so I don't see why not. I've been following the skysail program for a while now. It was good to see its moved out of the conceptual phase at last. They are still a few years off yet though I think.

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As the biggest atmospheric polluter we have the Ben Ma Cree could do with something to clean it's act up.


I can't help thinking this is a wind up though, how big a sail to pull a supertanker? and would it's weight when not being used negate the gain when in use?

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As the biggest atmospheric polluter we have the Ben Ma Cree could do with something to clean it's act up.


I reckon a hundred or so Pedalo style pedals on the bottom and people can volunteer to pedal the boat accross to gain ticket discounts...cheap tickets, burn calories.


Pollution and Obesity crisises (cryses?) averted...Thank you very much, where can i pick up my cheque?

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I can't help thinking this is a wind up though, how big a sail to pull a supertanker? and would it's weight when not being used negate the gain when in use?


Not a wind up, I first heard about this a couple of years ago and I believe the first commissions are about to take place . The kite will offer adequate power to provide reductions in fuel use. The tankers will already be under way conventionally so it will have momentum and be able to throttle back once the kite is launched. The weight of the kite shouldn't be an issue, they are made from superlight materials and even at that size should not negate the gain. They are also relativley small when packed away.


I have an obvious interest in this type of power....



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  • 7 months later...

While certain companies invest in uneconomical, unreliable and fuel guzzling fast crafts, an old German invention is making a comeback - the Flettner Rotor Ship.


E-Ship 1 with Sailing Rotors to Reduce Fuel Costs and to Reduce Emissions


Thanks to increasing oil prices! Here comes E-Ship 1 from ‘Enercon’, one of the world’s leading companies in the wind energy sector from Germany. E-Ship 1 uses wind energy to cut down fuel costs and also helps to reduce emissions. Unlike Beluga Skysail which uses a huge parasail, E-Ship 1 uses four giant 25 metre high, 4 metre in diameter, rotating, vertical metal sailing rotors positioned two fore and two aft to harness wind energy. The sailing rotors are also called as Flettner rotors.


Clever stuff, that :)


and wouldn't it be nice to at least see a skysail on the Ben - save fuel, save the planet, lower fares. Ah..dreams...

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