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Burnout Paradise


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got it on the cheap from a guy at work who didn't like it, poor sap it's fookin marvelous! the free roam element is at first a bit overwhelming but once you get into it...


It's already scarily fast ( i've only got 14cars so god know's how quick it's gonna get ), and the crashes are awesome. Well worth a purchase if you like your racers fast and furious... ;):P

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I think it's the best racing game I've ever played, I've been on the 360 every night bashing away at it, think I'm about 25% completed now and I already feel like I've well and truly got my money's worth. Was going to try and push for my A class licence last night but it got too late :D


There's an amazing amount of stuff to do, wherever you are on the map, so even if you balls up an event, there's guaranteed to be something nearby to have a crack at, even if it's just setting a speed trial road rule or doing a showtime crash (which is like the old crash mode, except you can do them anywhere on the map you want to).

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got my A-class licence last nite, started getting into the stunt driving and after many crashes managed to land a 443degree flat spin and a double barrel roll ( not at the same time ), been racing against feckin formula1 cars in the races! Only 30 more marks on my licence for the next level! :o

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It's a pretty good game but I think the map is pretty small compared to that of TDU. I also think it's a bit repetitive. Sure theres lots to do but after awhile it gets a tad boring doing the same races to the same 8 points in the game.


It's definately great for a 30 min blast but it's not as meaty as i'd hoped like TDU was.

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Boredom over the weekend led me to buy this afterall and I stand (at least partially) corrected. The game really is good fun.


With the free roaming the search for shortcuts and billboards to smash through adds something to releive the boredom of driving along looking for an event and the appearance of challengers from time to time to smash off the road is a good idea.


The omission of a crash mode is unforgiveable though and I still believe the free roaming will get more tedious as the game goes on, especially when you are searching for one more event win to upgrade your licence.


Overall pretty decent though

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The omission of a crash mode is unforgiveable though and I still believe the free roaming will get more tedious as the game goes on, especially when you are searching for one more event win to upgrade your licence.


Overall pretty decent though


Hmmm well I'm halfway towards by Burnout class licence now, and I'm not scratching around for stuff to do (don't forget the map completely resets every time you get a licence upgrade so all the events become available again).


Also, the more you play, the more you'll find of the secret stuff (I think I've got about 330 of the 'smash' thingies now, about 2/3 of the billboards, about 2/3 of the jumps and I've found all the events).


Only having eight points on the map as endings is a good call because it means that you'll learn chunks of the map as time goes on, gradually piecing together a mental picture of the entire map.


The online mode is excellent too, with loads of different event styles to choose from, and there are also the ongoing comparisons for road rules with your friends for times and showtimes.


And crash mode is still in there, it's just called showtime now, and they've opened it up across the entire map, although it soon becomes pretty obvious where you want to be launching the showtimes from, hence where the 'crash junctions' are as it were.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Dredged this old thread up as I've lately become a convert to Burnout:Paradise on the PS3. Especially burning around the map at top speed on bikes. It has the thing which is most important to any game, since the days of Space Invaders or Pong before that - the 'just one more go' factor.


EA have just released an add-on for the game, Big Surf Island and I was wondering whether anyone else her had noticed all the references to people/programmes from BRITISH pop-culture.


A road called Grange Hill, with the nearby Tucker Towers and Zammo Estates.


Various hotels - Tel Wogan's, Blackburn, Noel's, The Hairy Cornflake, Philbin's, Chegwin's,


Brucie's Used cars (with a "The Price is Right at Brucie's" banner)


Stilgoe's Mall


'Els Bels' British resort opening soon (from 'Carry On Abroad').


A building with a big 'No. 73' sign over the door.


And I'm sure I've forgotten some others...

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Just grabbed this myself on the 360, cos the ultimate box is going so cheap. A right laugh, had 8 mates in a freeburn session on Monday and it was a riot!


Its a good laugh although I’ve not played it much since the last massive update, couldn’t handle losing a race at the very end due to some dodgy clipping.


ETA-I guess all the UK pop culture references come from Criterion being British.

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I bought this at the beginning of the week. Gutted at the lack of Crash and Traffic Attack modes. Showtime is arse - they've replaced far too much skill from the Crash mode with blind luck. DJ Atomica is still cut-your-own-ears-off-and-THEN-find-you-can-switch-him-off-in-the-menus annoying.


Apart from that, it's genius. How can Criterion consistently take their established template and screw with it so much, and yet still come out with something good? Do they have any souls left to sell to the silicon Devil? Free-roaming driving games aren't usually my cup of tea (I didn't like Test Drive Unlimited, and that FUEL game doesn't sound appealing), but Paradise is something else entirely.


My only real gripe is that the game tells you how to get to most aspects of the gameplay, but not all. I've no idea as to how to set road rules, or what they are, or where to set the online crashes, or how to set up races with other people. I found the Showtime mode by accident (I dropped a lit cigarette into my crotch, which made me drop the 360 pad, which made Showtime come up; sorry for the extra info, I thought I'd set the scene adequately).


Also, if I mention that Glancey Avenue is a reference to Paul Glancey, who used to write for C&VG and Mean Machines waaaaay back and now works in Criterion, do I get more geek points towards my A licence?


Also, can anyone confirm whether there is a Traffic Attack mode or something similar which I haven't found yet?


Also the third, if anyone is still playing this and fancies a blast with someone who still can't get out of the habit of using the handbrake for every turn ever, feel free to add Bozzley to your 360 online digital virtual pals list.

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