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[BBC News] Ferry numbers up despite changes


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Passenger numbers on a ferry service increase despite controversial timetable changes.


What a load of........


Well of course the numbers would go up - there was no alternative port to go to - if you have to travel on the daytime crossings on Saturdays or Sundays, you have to go to/from Birkenhead. Its hardly rocket science that this would force the figures up!


I note the Heysham figures have not been quoted. What was the effect on the overall total?


If the choice that we have become used to was still available, i.e. sailings to both ports at weekends, then the figures to both ports would probably increase - after all, we do have an increasing population, and the increase is mostly come-overs who want to maintain their family links across, and take a car.

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Just shows you can always spin a set of stats to say what you want!!!



I can't remember who passed this on to me or even when (old age I guess) but a Police Inspector apparently told an audience that 25% of accidents were caused by drink.

So by twisting the context slightly, I suppose you could say that it was safer to drive whilst under the influence :P


p.s, Don't drink and drive, it was just an example of manipulating statistics ;)

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Agreed with replies so far.


What are the criteria for this count? Is it per week, per sailing etc etc. As we are down to two sailings a week from 2 a day before the winter then of course they will be up if its a per sailing count.


This Co. are having a laugh with us and our 'government' are letting them get away with it. I looked on the net this morning for 2 of us to foot passenger it to *** Birkenhead on 30th Dec returning on 20th Jan. Although both dates are inconvenient as I prefer midweek the total fare of £72 was ok, just. Not having any plastic, off I go down to the sea terminal to book by which time it was £134. According to the poor sod trying to defend this, the £72 was a 'special offer' which must have expired during my journey to the sea terminal. I hate to think what it would be like with a vehicle booking!


I know the airlines do this as they have very restricted numbers and all 50odd plane passengers can't travel for a tenner - that's obvious. The boat has many more seats but the same tricks are applied. Oh I've just remembered that the Ben hasn't got lots of seats as its basically a freight vessel, so they probably price restrict passengers to get them to travel by other means to keep numbers down.


Monopolies and all that....

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Not having any plastic, off I go down to the sea terminal to book by which time it was £134. According to the poor sod trying to defend this, the £72 was a 'special offer' which must have expired during my journey to the sea terminal. I hate to think what it would be like with a vehicle booking!

Works both ways on the way down to the sea terminal - I looked on the net for booking with a vehicle and was quoted £244 - got to the sea terminal (as I was meeting someone in town and needed to confirm the dates) - and it was £204 at the sea terminal!


Memo to self - check website AND ring up before booking next time.


I'm thinking of buying my son shares in the SR for xmas - since he asked Santa for a cowboy outfit.

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What's the betting that the nice Mr Woodward mentions the increase in passenger numbers in his next blog therefore justifying his decision to axe the fast craft sailings to Liverpool (thats the same Mr Woodward that is seriously getting up my nose by continually crowing about the fact that the SuperSeacat wouldn't have sailed each week because of the weather and conveniently forgetting that if SPCO had a proper boat fit for the Irish Sea in winter we wouldn't be in this situation).

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