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Demo up on Live for the 360, seriously effective game intro (so much so that you might just want to kill yourself at the realisation that humanity is fucked within our lifetimes, fortunately I already knew that so wasn't overly concerned), and the game itself appears to be ultra-cool as well, but since I'm genetically incapable of playing an FPS game with a pad, I'll have to wait for the PC version.


Looks gorgeous on the 360 (very good use of the Unreal engine) and the PC version will potentially look even better. Gameplay is more of a "ranged combat" dynamic which as a former CS/CSS nutcase, suits me perfectly.


1.69GB download (for a demo!!!!) but well worth a look IMO.


Also, keyboard and mouse for the 360, someone please make it happen. (And I don't mean that dreadful contraption that sort of hacks on a PC keyboard and mouse, it needs to be an official 360 keyboard and mouse combo that all FPS games are obliged to support on pain of death for the developers.)

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Also, keyboard and mouse for the 360, someone please make it happen. (And I don't mean that dreadful contraption that sort of hacks on a PC keyboard and mouse, it needs to be an official 360 keyboard and mouse combo that all FPS games are obliged to support on pain of death for the developers.)


How do you use a mouse on the sofa? Just learn to use the pad, it's fine, make a fucking effort slacknuts!

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Also, keyboard and mouse for the 360, someone please make it happen. (And I don't mean that dreadful contraption that sort of hacks on a PC keyboard and mouse, it needs to be an official 360 keyboard and mouse combo that all FPS games are obliged to support on pain of death for the developers.)


How do you use a mouse on the sofa? Just learn to use the pad, it's fine, make a fucking effort slacknuts!


Well I thought I'd mastered it with Bioshock, but what I'd actually mastered was maxing out all my physical attributes and running blindly at enemies whilst swinging the wrench like a psychotic wrench-wielding motherfucker.


As such, Halo 3 (total lack of wrenches) was a seriously rude awakening, and Frontlines wasn't any more forgiving, especially since there's quite a lot of mid to long distance sniper type play. (A situation in which a wrench is traditionally somewhat ineffective.)


I suppose if I did enough grinding away with the pad I'd gain some degree of competence eventually, but that's like learning to piss into your toilet whilst doing a handstand and reciting Shakesperian poetry, yeah you'll get there in the end, but there's a far easier way to do it. (Namely, keyboard and mouse, although this wouldn't help with pissing any more accurately.)


It doesn't matter though, as long as the PC version of Frontlines is up to scratch, I'll be quite happy, especially since I've got my uber-upgraded rig now.

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I suppose if I did enough grinding away with the pad I'd gain some degree of competence eventually, but that's like learning to piss into your toilet whilst doing a handstand and reciting Shakesperian poetry, yeah you'll get there in the end, but there's a far easier way to do it. (Namely, keyboard and mouse, although this wouldn't help with pissing any more accurately.)


You're talking chalk and cheese for me really, the 360 is for vegging out with a beer on your sofa, the pc is for being bent over a desk. I don't want to play with a mouse on the 360, it would be silly, I'd need a desk or something in my living room.


Metroid is quite fun on the wii, you use the wiimote to shoot, works well.

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....especially since I've got my uber-upgraded rig now.


What did you get and where from...I want Visa Father Xmas to bring me one.....


I ditched AMD after years of devotion and defected to the wonder of Core Duo. Kept my existing case, PSU, optical drives etc.


The speed increase is phenomenal, I'd say Core Duo does 30-40% more work per clock cycle than the Athlon64 architecture, add in the fact my CPU (E6750) overclocked happily and 100% stable (24 hours with Orthos) from 2.66GHz to 3.26GHz per core using a £15 Arctic Cooler, and you've got a very tasty proposition on your hands.


Take a gander at overclockers, you're looking at around £100-£120 for a decent mobo (get P35 chipset or better), maybe £100-£160 for the CPU depending on what you're after (personally I wasn't arsed about quad core), and if you're going from S939 AMD you'll have to get DDR2 RAM 'cause your current setup will have DDR1. (If you're already on AM2 you'll already have DDR2, although not necessarily fast enough.)


You won't necessarily need a new graphics card, I was going to get an 8800GTS at the same time I bought everything else, but I decided I'd just see if I was CPU bound in games rather than GPU bound. On my old rig I couldn't get Oblivion running nicely at 1280x960 with really high detail levels, even with a 512MB Radeon X1900XT overclocked past XTX speeds, however, I used exactly the same graphics card partnered up to the new Core Duo, and ran Oblivion at silly detail levels, including ridiculous draw distances on the fancy grass effects - so it was my old Athlon that was holding me back all the time.


Didn't make me enjoy the game any more, since it's still stupidly beardy, but at least it looked luscious.

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