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Zuma Wins Anc Leadership

King Lear

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I presume some South Africans must read the forum - enough of them work at Mount Murray alone to almost justify a consulate and a biltong shop.


I read the news about Zuma winning the leadership of the ANC with a certain amount of dread. The image of the man isn't what I would want for a country I lived in for over 3 years and for which I have many happy, and poinant, memories - he's suspected of corruption, has admitted to having a sexual relationship which if not rape was certainly morally suspect, he's ignorant of the risk of HIV infection, and happily chants songs about violence against one segment of South Africa's many communities.


What will his rule bring to Sub Saharan Africa's most dynamic and important economy?


Mbeki for all his AIDS denial managed the economy pretty successfully - keeping macro-economic growth going and through such things as black economic empowerment, electrication and sanatation projects has created a black middle class with an interest in wealth creation and has brought hope to millions of disempowered people living in abject poverty.


The problem though is that the legacy of apartheid is that there are multiple millions left disempowered and poverty stricken - and so though things have improved in the 13 or so years since transition it is easy for a populist to whip up demands for redistribution.


The shadow of Mugabe lies over Southern Africa and what happens when a populist destroys the means of creating wealth and corruptly takes advantage of the so-called redistributive policies he has put in.


I worry that Zuma has the makings of such a man - hope I'm wrong - maybe this is simply the growing pains of a vibrant democracy, but in South Africa political leadership is vital to steer the right course - is Zuma the right man to do the job?


I don't think its a good start - what do others think?

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As you live here I'll say it's nothing to do with us on the island. No more than the choices of the previous administrations collection of half wits. He was accused, cleared. He has been accused again and is yet to go to trial. If he is found guilty it is within the constitution to deal with him, in the mean time we should leave that country to get on with it, nothing to do with us.

Mugabe is another matter, SA isn't there yet.

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  • 10 years later...

Spent many a lovely holiday in South Africa. Won't be going back though as the last time there was more of an uneasy undercurrent than previous times. The crime always seemed just below the surface ready to rise and the security everywhere was more visible than usual.

Such a shame a beautiful country has been allowed to fall into ruin, the desire to swing so far the opposite way post-apartheid seems to have consumed everything. I don't see a way back for it even with the new bloke in charge, who although a wealthy businessman seems cut from the same cloth as the previous incumbents. 

Be nice to get the view of the many South Africans who live on the island on their thoughts on their country.

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