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Another Examiner Letter.

Joe Public

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Totally agree with WSAG, there's plenty for kids to do over here that involves little or no cash. They jusy have to get off their kept, lazy arses and look for it and not expect it given to them on a plate.


Also agree with Roger, there is a big drug problem, however, whilst the IOM is a small place, unless you're one of the unfortunate ones to be robbed to pay for drugs, you would most probably not notice it much. Unless you were in the 16 to 40 bracket. The older generation don't even know it's there as they don't go out.


Bit of a different case in the UK i think.

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The comparison with Hertfordshire is rather bizarre. Ledbury's history differs considerably from that of the Island, and whereas the former has become a communter village, the Island has had to shift from a tourist economy to a financial services one. Thus, a better comparison would be Douglas against Blackpool. Which one is nicer I wonder?


From this thread, and wider experience on the Island, I get the impression that people accept that the Island is not perfect, but they think much of the criticism unneccesary and unconstructive. All these letters that come into the paper are quick to blame a lack of facilities, but universally fail to suggest something that the Island is desperately lacking or could realistically establish.

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FROM: SALLY MACDONALD, 3 Rosewood Drive, Douglas.


A LETTER from one of your readers regarding the lack of facilities and understanding of young people on the Island touched a chord with me.

I was born and brought up in the Island, so small-minded people who have nothing positive to contribute can't tell me to get on the boat.

I was brought up to believe that England was a crime-ridden and dangerous place and that the Island was a fantastic place to live.

However, when I left the Island 12 years ago to live and work in the West Midlands I found this preconception to be an untruth.


I agree with part of what is said above. On previous threads regarding IOM/UK, I have noticed a trend to comment on how bad the UK is, murders/drugs/car crime/chavs etc etc and how much safer the island is.


I have lived in the UK all my life so far and have lived in 2 different towns. I have been extremely fortunate not to have been a victim of crime on a regular basis, apart from 2 different cars being broken into (over 10 years ago). I regularly walk into town which is a 20-25minute walk (usually at night) without fear.


It would be wrong to say that both places I have lived haven't had problems, of course they have. Things have to be kept in proportion though.


I am sure in various parts of the country other peoples experiences may be vastly different depending on their location, but you can't tar the whole of the UK as some badland.


Regarding the original letter quoted, the complaint about lack of facilities on the Isle of Man. Would it not be fair to say that it would be unexpected given the size of the island, that it should have the same number of multiplexes/ice rinks as the Midlands? She mentions that even the smaller towns in England have more facilities than the island, but smaller towns tend to have bigger ones nearby and such ventures can gain customers from a wide area. Bit difficult to do that if your nearest big town is across the Irish Sea!

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/me throws his two pence in.


I'm with ans on 'maybe she should live in a city centre in the UK for a better comparison' riff.


when I was 8, my Mother, Sister and I were lucky enough to escape my abusive father. Unfortunatley, it meant going to Liverpool.

Don't get me wrong, Liverpool is ok for a day trip - but lets face facts, I'll take Douglas any day ( Even without any 'Facilities' ). I couldn't wait to get back.

Back then, the shops practically welded their storefronts closed, before setting fort knox-like alarm systems and let loose the Dobermans with-aids to patrol the inside. And they still got robbed.

When I asked in my naive 8 year old boy from Douglas-then-Onchan-with-summers-spent-on-the-farm-in-Ballaugh manner I was simply told 'That's Liverpool'.


And It's still the same today when I go back to watch the footy. Drugs everywhere, violence common place, filthy streets.


Now, before the Scouse ex-pat brigade spark up, Liverpool has done a great job of scubbing itself up to become city of culture 2008. Well, the city centre has. They are pushing the undesirables out to the edges of the city where fresh problems are springing up.


Now, we can all say that things have changed in the last 20/15 years. I probably wouldn't let my kid wander around like I did at the times I did - but she get's out when it's good and does stuff. You can go out and play down the park here. In City centres in the UK you keep an eye out.....


So to conclude, here anyday.


Flame away....

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Personally I could live without an ice rink and a multiplex for the other benefits the Island has to offer...


Yes the ice rink and multiplex aren't exactly enticing alone - unlikely that our small population can entertain either - but what out of interest (bearing in mind some of the other points the letter mentions) are these "other benefits" we have here and that they don't have across??


She goes to live in a rural village with less than 9000 residents and she's surprised it's quieter than here? Perhaps she should try living in a city centre somewhere to get a more accurate picture of the UK.


No - why compare Douglas (with what c.35k residents) or the entire island with a city?? Thats ridiculous and thats why people here have a blinkered view of England. I hear people that have clearly never lived off the island talk about England and it makes me cringe - in the same way that i cringe as when i hear a Daily Mail reader talking about immigration, politics or supposedly rational thoughts. There are good and bad things about living here, but you'll not realise that if you're comparing apples and oranges

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There are good and bad things about living here.....


And thats the nub of the argument....if you like it here then great, please stay and enjoy. If you dont, then feel free to move somewhere you feel may be better.


What a wonderful free world we live in....if you spend your time constantly moaning about somewhere the I would suggest taking a look in the mirror (with a lower case m) first.....

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they've all been lifted from a site about Jersey!

So while Jersey seems to have similar problems then the IOM can ignore theirs. Well, that's all right then!


The point I was making was that people everywhere make the same, or similar, complaints about the place that they live in. Sorry if that was too taxing for your huge intellect!

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There are good and bad things about living here.....


And thats the nub of the argument....if you like it here then great, please stay and enjoy. If you dont, then feel free to move somewhere you feel may be better.


What a wonderful free world we live in....if you spend your time constantly moaning about somewhere the I would suggest taking a look in the mirror (with a lower case m) first.....


I only partly agree with this. If there are bits that you don't like (or bits that other people don't like), then why not as another poster (Roger Smellie) mentioned above try to bring about improvements?

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There are good and bad things about living here.....


And thats the nub of the argument....if you like it here then great, please stay and enjoy. If you dont, then feel free to move somewhere you feel may be better.


What a wonderful free world we live in....if you spend your time constantly moaning about somewhere the I would suggest taking a look in the mirror (with a lower case m) first.....


I only partly agree with this. If there are bits that you don't like (or bits that other people don't like), then why not as another poster (Roger Smellie) mentioned above try to bring about improvements?


Thats my point about looking in the mirror first....if you constantly decry something then try to make a difference. if it truly is the environment that then holds you back then you have at least tried to make a change....simply moaning about something without the gumption to either a) make changes or b) fuck off is just counterproductive.

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No - why compare Douglas (with what c.35k residents) or the entire island with a city??


Because oddly enough, she compared the Island to her village. Everything she criticises is 'The Island'. I merely suggested she might be better comparing it with a city if that was what she wanted to do.


Oh and I've lived off Island, in Berkshire.

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