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Another Examiner Letter.

Joe Public

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they've all been lifted from a site about Jersey!

So while Jersey seems to have similar problems then the IOM can ignore theirs. Well, that's all right then!


The point I was making was that people everywhere make the same, or similar, complaints about the place that they live in. Sorry if that was too taxing for your huge intellect!


That is true, but Jersey is not so similar to here. They have a multiplex, Aquadome (type thing) excellent shopping facilities, a cycle track, youth clubs, etc., etc., and have had most of those for many years. So the lack of facilities is not the problem.


The problem is the parents who sit on their arse and don't encourage their kids. The parents need to lead by example.

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Jersey has far better facilities than the IOM. Better weather too, nicer beaches, no VAT, close to France for day trips, . But it's inhabited by some of the most racist people you'd ever have the misfortune to meet - the Jersey beans themselves (not all of them but quite a lot)... and they don't have an incinerator like ours. Or a fab IRIS scheme. Or Jurby Junk. Or Peel.

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Jersey has far better facilities than the IOM. Better weather too, nicer beaches, no VAT, close to France for day trips, . But it's inhabited by some of the most racist people you'd ever have the misfortune to meet - the Jersey beans themselves (not all of them but quite a lot)... and they don't have an incinerator like ours. Or a fab IRIS scheme. Or Jurby Junk. Or Peel.


Almost Mutley! They do have an incinerator and have had it for at least 26 years. They are starting to introduce VAT (called GST) next year, starting with an introductory 3% rate (as an aside, I was in M&S in St.Helier the other day and the prices on the goods is generally the same as the prices here, so effectively M&S make an extra 17.5% profit. I guess that is why they have at least 4 stores there.


There is not Iris, Jurby Junk or peel (although St. Clements is not far off), but they are already serviced by a considerable number of jet airliner bigger than service here, on a shorter runway. As I was on the plane taxiing out on a 737-200, I noticed 3 other, similar jets on the ground. So if their runway is long enough, why are we spending millions on the daft extension (another IRIS/incinerator I presume, jobs for the boys?)


My arrival in Jersey was a real hoot. We were on a Boeing 737-436 (about 140 seats) jam packed and full of luggage. Obviously, the shorter runway was sufficient for the 737-436's needs. However, it was unusual in so far as while we made out final approach, and the steward asked us to check our seatbelts were fastened, he also asked us to reaquaint ourselves with the nearest exit. I have flown hundreds of flights but never been told that before!!!

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Jersey has far better facilities than the IOM. Better weather too, nicer beaches, no VAT, close to France for day trips, . But it's inhabited by some of the most racist people you'd ever have the misfortune to meet - the Jersey beans themselves (not all of them but quite a lot)... and they don't have an incinerator like ours. Or a fab IRIS scheme. Or Jurby Junk. Or Peel.

Yes, but thay do have approx 2,000 people per square mile instead of our measly 133! <_<

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they've all been lifted from a site about Jersey!

So while Jersey seems to have similar problems then the IOM can ignore theirs. Well, that's all right then!

The point I was making was that people everywhere make the same, or similar, complaints about the place that they live in. Sorry if that was too taxing for your huge intellect!

Oh really? A glance at this thread Tossers who claim the IOM is totally wonderful would tend to suggest that you're posting complete and utter bollox. Sorry if that was too taxing for your very biased view of reality.....


Shame on you!

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Jersey has far better facilities than the IOM. Better weather too, nicer beaches, no VAT, close to France for day trips, . But it's inhabited by some of the most racist people you'd ever have the misfortune to meet - the Jersey beans themselves (not all of them but quite a lot)... and they don't have an incinerator like ours. Or a fab IRIS scheme. Or Jurby Junk. Or Peel.


Almost Mutley! They do have an incinerator and have had it for at least 26 years.


It can't be that good an incinerator if I've never seen it on the main road into the capital or heard calls on the radio to send as much trash as possible to it to keep it burning. Amateurs.

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they've all been lifted from a site about Jersey!

So while Jersey seems to have similar problems then the IOM can ignore theirs. Well, that's all right then!

The point I was making was that people everywhere make the same, or similar, complaints about the place that they live in. Sorry if that was too taxing for your huge intellect!

Oh really? A glance at this thread Tossers who claim the IOM is totally wonderful would tend to suggest that you're posting complete and utter bollox. Sorry if that was too taxing for your very biased view of reality.....


Shame on you!

If you read through that thread - rather than just the few comments at the beginning - I think you'll find that most of those who posted agreed that the writer had made some good points. A reduced attention span is one the commonest signs of ageing whilst your selective choosing of evidence to support your point of view makes you a potential candidate for indoctrination as a Jehovah's Witness. Where should we send the Watchtowers?

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It can't be that good an incinerator if I've never seen it on the main road into the capital or heard calls on the radio to send as much trash as possible to it to keep it burning. Amateurs.


HE HE HE!! (I was going to put LOL but did not want the association!) It is the large tower inland (west of St. Helier) from the main road (the Esplanade) going from the bottom of the hill from the airport to St.Helier. The power station is located to the north of St.Helier, a different tower.

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If you read through that thread - rather than just the few comments at the beginning - I think you'll find that most of those who posted agreed that the writer had made some good points.

Of course you know I didn't read through the whole thread. Can I have Saturday's lottery numbers please? With your abilities it should be a breeze......


A reduced attention span is one the commonest signs of ageing

Well, you should know.....

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And again

FROM: CAROLYN WEBB (Londoner), Ex 38 Murray's Road, Douglas, IM2 3HW. - Examiner 25th December


HOW much do I agree with Mrs MacDonald's letter, cant wait to escape the Island, very, very much?

I have been here some three years now, all I see around me is drink, drink, drink. I too cannot wait, in fact I don't have too, as from Wednesday morning I shall no longer be an Island resident, not that I am, anyway apparently.

I applied for short-term income support because at present I am unable to work because of depression, no doubt brought on by the mentality here. I was refused. No surprise there, an appeal was granted, again I was refused. However, I am resident for everything else, but not for income support, I might have stood a chance had it been awarded to improve my lot and become a valuable Island resident, so what can I do? Leave, that's what. Or live here on £80 a week where the rent is £80 pw — hhmmmmm interesting no?

Where do I begin, appalling driving standards, appalling road conditions (despite roadworks being the national pastime) no shopping facilities, people causing fights, police sneaking around in unmarked cars, nothing to do except drink, fight, fight, drink. A seriously expensive place to live. One MacDonald's, one KFC, one cinema — wow.

Where are the retail parks? OK, I can't afford to shop but what about employment opportunities? When I first came here and registered at Markwell House there was no queue, now it's almost out of the door.

There's nowhere for the youngsters to go now that the prom arcade has gone and the Machine youth club closed down, so what do they do — you guessed: fight, vandalise, drink and fight.

I have enjoyed my short time here to some extent, have met some brilliant people from the Island, a great sense of humour abounds here.

Well I suppose you need it stuck on a rock in the middle of the Irish Sea. So England has social problems for sure, more than here, but not as obvious, come on MHKS, drag the Island into the 21st, no the 20th Century will do for now. So I bid ye farewell Island, long may you continue. In a stuffy out of date existence.


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