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Another Examiner Letter.

Joe Public

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Came to the Island and signed straight on the dole and is now signed off on the sick.


She sounds like just the sort of new resident we need.


Its a bit like reading Vicky Pollard sounding off. Yeah ... but ... no ... ... but ... yeah .. but ... the Island is well shit ... where's me benefits?

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I applied for short-term income support because at present I am unable to work because of depression, no doubt brought on by the mentality here. I was refused. No surprise there, an appeal was granted, again I was refused. However, I am resident for everything else, but not for income support, I might have stood a chance had it been awarded to improve my lot and become a valuable Island resident, so what can I do? Leave, that's what. Or live here on £80 a week where the rent is £80 pw — hhmmmmm interesting no?


Excellent. The system works. If you cannot find work here or support yourself for 5 years then the Government won't support you. If the UK Government had been as pragmatic we would not have had millions of people pouring into the country.

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I wholeheartedly agree with the benefit system in this country. If you can't support yourself then why come here?

It makes total sense that you get nothing until you put in. I came with enough to see me through, as it happens I have never needed to claim anything, and hope I never will. Why anyone would come here and expect to be 'supported' is beyond me. Good riddance to her and her ilk.

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FROM: CAROLYN WEBB (Londoner), Ex 38 Murray's Road, Douglas, IM2 3HW. - Examiner 25th December


A seriously expensive place to live. One MacDonald's, one KFC, one cinema — wow.

Where are the retail parks? OK, I can't afford to shop but what about employment opportunities? When I first came here and registered at Markwell House there was no queue, now it's almost out of the door.

I have enjoyed my short time here to some extent, have met some brilliant people from the Island, a great sense of humour abounds here.

Well I suppose you need it stuck on a rock in the middle of the Irish Sea.


Hmmm, If she knows it is a rock in the middle of the Irish Sea, why did she expect acres of retail parks and fast food restaurants? And why moan about the lack of jobs if she knows she can't work? Seems as if someone isn't pleased because she can't get benefits on a plate.


She's a Londoner, is London not an expensive place to live? Probably more expensive than the island. And I would expect most places would be expensive to live, if you aren't earning. ;)


The experience I have had of some (not all) people who live in London, is they expect all the amenities of the Capital no matter where they go in the UK.

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A seriously expensive place to live. One MacDonald's, one KFC, one cinema — wow.


Yes if you eat in McDonalds and KFC whilst waiting for your benefit cheques then I guess the Isle of Man is an expensive place to live.


Fags are also pricey because of the VAT and so is booze.


Tracksuits and trainers are also a few quid over the odds as we have no Primark.


What a class letter.

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She's a Londoner


Having lived in the London Village I am quite happy to say that is is populated by some of the most suspicious and insular people in the British Isles. I remember charming neighbours who had absolutely no knowledge of the culture and life of communites living but a few streets away.


By contrast, people brought up in the Isle of Man seem to have travelled quite a lot before settling down here. It's a much more open minded culture in my opinion. I met a geezer from Sussex recently. He commented critically on then narrow and restricted outlook of people from his home county and favourably on the broader outlook of residents here.


In my humble expereince, Londoners are arrogant and cock sure. Manx people are down to earth, approachable and realistic.

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Well, just back from a day in London and I can honestly say it was awful. Busy (of course), full of dubious types and just so mind-numbingly impersonal. The tube system is up the swanny for refurbishment so buses are the only way around but it would appear that the great London populace cannot be trusted to deal in, and not nick, cash so pre-paid tickets are required from yet another queue, so I hunted for a cab which were like hen's teeth.


After 5 and a half years of being away from that stinking metropolis, I am quite sure where I would rather be. Sure it has culture, beautiful architecture and world famous landmarks, but when you are not looking for those diversions but merely to get on with your job, it really is a dire place to be.

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Well it's nice to see the internet lynch mob in full force to kick the woman with a debilitating mental illness in the head.


Probably better stamp her down into the gutter as well, just to be sure.


Oh hang on, she's fucked off to die in a gutter elsewhere now, having taken our wonderful "boat in the morning."


The Isle of Man wins this round - let's all flourish together!

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Well it's nice to see the internet lynch mob in full force to kick the woman with a debilitating mental illness in the head.


Probably better stamp her down into the gutter as well, just to be sure.


"depression" = "debilitating mental illness in the head". ?

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Well it's nice to see the internet lynch mob in full force to kick the woman with a debilitating mental illness in the head.


Probably better stamp her down into the gutter as well, just to be sure.


"depression" = "debilitating mental illness in the head". ?


Rephrase to "kick the head of a woman who suffers from a debilitating mental illness."


Obscure sentence construction on my part, meaning isn't entirely obvious, my mistake.

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