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Another Examiner Letter.

Joe Public

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Well it's nice to see the internet lynch mob in full force to kick the woman with a debilitating mental illness in the head.


Probably better stamp her down into the gutter as well, just to be sure.


Oh hang on, she's fucked off to die in a gutter elsewhere now, having taken our wonderful "boat in the morning."


The Isle of Man wins this round - let's all flourish together!

If the woman had real depression, I doubt she would have had the motivation to write a letter to the paper. The term 'depression' has been used so many times that its currency is now devalued.


The current fascination with giving everything a name, only means that everyone is suffering from something and, when you are suffering from something, then someone, somewhere must be able to cure it, or give you some dispensation/compensation (in the widest sense) for having it.


Stress is another one; having a new bathroom fitted does not create sufficient stress to warrant a three week sickie!


The problem is that with the blame and litigious culture we now have, no GP is going to say pull 'yourself together', but will pander to your self-diagnosis.


That, BTW, in no way diminishes the sympathy I have for real depressives and those under true stress (which, in my book, is a chronic not an acute illness, the symptoms of which very often only manifest themselves when the cause of the stress is removed.)

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You still had to queue to get one. They were originally Capitalcards, then Travelcards and now Oyster cards - no difference really and not a new invention, just another name.

they are quite different - the first two are unlimited transport on zones 1-6 of London Transport either paid for in one card or part of a railway ticket (common use from destinations from SE England into London ) - Oyster card is an intelligent RFID card you prepay and each journey is deducted (at a considerable discount over the full fare)

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Well it's nice to see the internet lynch mob in full force to kick the woman with a debilitating mental illness in the head.


Probably better stamp her down into the gutter as well, just to be sure.


Oh hang on, she's fucked off to die in a gutter elsewhere now, having taken our wonderful "boat in the morning."


The Isle of Man wins this round - let's all flourish together!

If the woman had real depression, I doubt she would have had the motivation to write a letter to the paper. The term 'depression' has been used so many times that its currency is now devalued.


The current fascination with giving everything a name, only means that everyone is suffering from something and, when you are suffering from something, then someone, somewhere must be able to cure it, or give you some dispensation/compensation (in the widest sense) for having it.


Stress is another one; having a new bathroom fitted does not create sufficient stress to warrant a three week sickie!


The problem is that with the blame and litigious culture we now have, no GP is going to say pull 'yourself together', but will pander to your self-diagnosis.


That, BTW, in no way diminishes the sympathy I have for real depressives and those under true stress (which, in my book, is a chronic not an acute illness, the symptoms of which very often only manifest themselves when the cause of the stress is removed.)


Ahhh yes I forgot, depressed people are all congenitally retarded and are incapable of using the English language in any meaningful sense, not least of course, being able to write a letter.


The word "depression" is as devalued as you allow it to be, some think of it as a convenient way to get some time off work, but to those who really suffer from it, it's a set of shackles that absolutely will not let you go, and is capable of turning the brightest of days into the darkest of nights.


I'd happily see someone swop their "it's just a state of mind" mentality for living in a depressive's mind and body for a few days, and when they come out the other side, see if they're so willing to offer up a trite little assertion of "Oooohhh, everyone's suffering from something!"


Also Gladys, with all due respect, you're completely misunderstanding how depression works, it can be a lifelong illness, it can be transient, and it can come and go, but when it's "working" it's like walking through treacle within a living nightmare that never seems to end, and even if it does end for a while, it's simply a case of wondering when it will start again.


As for Carolyn, fuck her, she sounds like she's got "fake depression," she sounds like a fraud, and I'm glad she's got the fuck off our island, because we don't need dirty comeovers like her infecting our pool of good old fashioned pissed up wankers knocking the shite out of each other at the weekends.


Good riddance!

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The point is not that she didn't have the vocabulary or wit to write a letter, but if someone really is depressed they do not have the motivation to do anything, let alone write a letter to the papers, which is why true depression is so debilitating.


Also, nowhere did I accuse her of being congentially retarded (which is a different matter altogether) and I did end my post saying that I had sympathy with sufferers of real depression, and, yes, I do understand how it works and the difference between unipolar and bipolar depression. That is the reason that I have little sympathy for someone who announces that they are 'depressed'; they may be pissed off, sad, going though a bad patch. But in most cases, that is just life, it isn't easy all the time, it isn't fair all the time, but just because you feel a bit hard done to doesn't mean you are a true depressive who has little option but to deal with the dark days of crawling through treacle, continually fearful that, at some point, you may be swallowed by it.


If I was a true depressive, I would be thoroughly hacked off at the number of charlatan sufferers who have done nothing but jump on a convenient bandwagon without any real thought of what depression is, and how their abuse has damaged the credibility of real depressives.

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The point is not that she didn't have the vocabulary or wit to write a letter, but if someone really is depressed they do not have the motivation to do anything, let alone write a letter to the papers, which is why true depression is so debilitating.


Also, nowhere did I accuse her of being congentially retarded (which is a different matter altogether) and I did end my post saying that I had sympathy with sufferers of real depression, and, yes, I do understand how it works and the difference between unipolar and bipolar depression. That is the reason that I have little sympathy for someone who announces that they are 'depressed'; they may be pissed off, sad, going though a bad patch. But in most cases, that is just life, it isn't easy all the time, it isn't fair all the time, but just because you feel a bit hard done to doesn't mean you are a true depressive who has little option but to deal with the dark days of crawling through treacle, continually fearful that, at some point, you may be swallowed by it.


If I was a true depressive, I would be thoroughly hacked off at the number of charlatan sufferers who have done nothing but jump on a convenient bandwagon without any real thought of what depression is, and how their abuse has damaged the credibility of real depressives.


Thanks for the post Gladys, although ultimately I'd question your conclusion that if someone is truly depressed they wouldn't feel like writing a letter to a paper, fair enough on a really bad day they'd be hard pushed to crawl out of bed, but not every day is going to be a really bad day.


Moreover, I'm not sure the "credibility of real depressives" has been damaged per se, arguably, as an illness it is better understood and treated these days than it ever has been, I'd say it's more the ignorance and intolerance of others that's doing the damage.


I'm not making any claim one way or the other about Carolyn and her depression, maybe she's just a bit pissed off and decided to hang the tag of depression onto herself, or maybe she really is suffering from the condition to some degree. Either way, I find the general reaction of "Ha ha lazy workshy comeover glad you found the boat!" to be somewhat distasteful, as if such a woman is incapable now or in the future of ever being a decent member of the island's society.


Being rich isn't a guarantee of being nice.

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Either way, I find the general reaction of "Ha ha lazy workshy comeover glad you found the boat!" to be somewhat distasteful, as if such a woman is incapable now or in the future of ever being a decent member of the island's society.


Being rich isn't a guarantee of being nice.


Apparently it was our mentality that gave her her illness in the first place. Some things just weren't meant to be.


The sort of person who writes in complaining as a parting shot (particularly in that manner) is just someone who plays the victim. Never happy anywhere, blaming everybody for everything.

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The sort of person who writes in complaining as a parting shot (particularly in that manner) is just someone who plays the victim. Never happy anywhere, blaming everybody for everything.


I admire your ability to accurately and easily categorise so many people with such a simple sentence. For your next trick, please do world peace, 'cause that'd be nice.

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You really don't need to justify yourself Gladys, seems some on here are just born stupid.


Peace out girl, you're one of the good ones.



Hear! Hear! Depression & Stress very overused terms in today's society and thoroughly misunderstood by those who have never suffered. Nice point Gladys & before PI jumps in, yes I do understand the impact of both stress and depression on an individuals ability to carry on with 'normal' life and the impact it also has on their family and friends.


Most people with a common cold these days refer to them as flu, even the pharmaceutical companies are now pandering to our whim and calling most cold remedies, Flu Remedies'. Stress and Depression are starting to be treated in the same manner!


As for the author of the letter, very playground mentallity. I know I'm leaving tomorrow, so I'll tell you all how cr*p you are as I wont have to face the consequences of my comments.

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She said in her letter


I applied for short-term income support because at present I am unable to work because of depression, no doubt brought on by the mentality here. I was refused. No surprise there, an appeal was granted, again I was refused.


I would say that if it was refused after an appeal they must not have found the medical evidence to support the claim compelling otherwise they would have paid the benefit. The DHSS must have paid due attention to all the information provided.


I'm with Glady's on this one too. Depression is a terrible illness but its also the oft used refuge of the feckless and all manner of ner-do-wells who just find life too difficult.


As for writing that it was the IOM that drove her to depression. Grow up and get a life.

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