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Mobile Phones In Cars (oh And Aspirins Too)


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Although I have one and, many years ago, used to sell them, I dislike mobile phones.

I have a 'bluetooth' earpiece that I used for about a week and then discarded.

If my mobile rings when I'm driving I leave it until I can find somewhere safe to park up and, more often than not, have to return the call that I've missed. Strangely enough, it doesn't hurt to do this - and I've yet to receive such a call that was so positively, unquestionably, irrefutably urgent that it ought to have been answered, instantly, as I was driving.

To be honest, I'm far more offended by the way we've all become enslaved to our mobile phones than I am by the possibility of some dickhead driver becoming so engrossed in a conversation on the phone that he/she is no longer in full control of the vehicle and ends up getting a hefty fine/ban/imprisonment for endangering innocent lives.

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here's one for you


Using phone while driving




Man arrested - according to Police the man was seen turning off the highway onto airport property whilst speaking into a microphone whilst in control of a motor vehicle.


As the airport is federal jurisdiction the Police decided to wait at the exit for his reappearance.


In the mean time the said culprit climbed into a glider and was towed from the main runway grass verge by a 172 tug. After completing a cross country out and return the pilot entered circuit and landed without announcing his attentions in a mandatory broadcast zone. It was later proven that the radio, battery and hand held microphone were in good working order.


The local Police were unable to issue an infringement notice for use of a hand held microphone whilst in control of a vehicle, as the said person was escorted away by federal Police for not using a hand held microphone whilst in control of a vehicle.


Uhhh ????

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I would think that smoking a cigarette was much more likely to distract a driver.


I have been a rear seat passenger in a car where the front seat passenger dropped her cigarette, it rolled under the seat still lit, much panicking by everyone (even the driver) until the now furiously smoking item was retrieved! What was probably about a minute seemed like 20!


That convinced me that smoking should be banned in moving cars. I know people say they should be able to smoke in their own cars, but safety first?

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At the end of the day right, that is a poweful weapon your in command of.


A killer? You facken bet because over the past 30 years there must be 100s of cases where this is proven to be the case and that is just over here mate.


Cars ain't for pleasure no more, much is th epity.


driving along with your head up your own arse listening to Jeremy facken vine or bruce springestein smoking a fag and having a right old time?I've facken seen it many a time.


yeah, so. They should make it illegal to listen to soothing music or any othe rmuisic for that matter. No smoking too.


Oh, right and while I am facken at it - no facken passengers to wind you up.


If you get my drift you will also get my point - - =- - - buy a facken motorbijke.


Facken think about it.

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