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[BBC News] Minister visits extra eye clinics


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There can't be that many people who have an extra eye.


I honestly don't see why they need a specialist clinic for the condition. Is this the government wasting money yet again.


What next an extra arse clinic?


I think you're missing the point. This clinic is for people wanting an extra eye although I don't agree with cosmetic surgery on the NHS

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It's brought Teares to everybody's eyes.


I know somebody who told the "BBC" about a name wrong on a report they did about a fatality. It took an email and a phone message and then a couple of weeks before they apparently bothered their arses to do anything. BBC journalism on the Isle of Man is sloppy journalism at its very best or rather worst.


Please let me know when the next cat gets knocked over or stuck up a tree (or whatever).


For a few million quid a year they take off us they give us a couple of dozy hairbrains it seems.

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