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300 Hd On Xbox Marketplace


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It doesnt really seem worth £4 is that what 400 points is, there 650 for HD.


So lemme get this strasight, I DL the HD version for say 650MS points which is how much in ££ ??


As soon as I watch it, I have 24hours to watch it as many times as possible before it becomes inactive :S

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It's 100 points, that's about 80p. For A two week rental of a hd movie. How can that not be a good deal?


Is this HD as in "an entire movie in 1GB"? (I had a little look on the Video Marketplace the other night.)


XVID and DIVX have been compressing films down to that level for years, and what's more, they haven't seen fit to start calling a movie massively compressed down into 480p as "HD" either.


Microsoft are taking the fucking piss.


Next up on Live! - pay £5 to suck Bill Gates' cock!

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Is this HD as in "an entire movie in 1GB"? (I had a little look on the Video Marketplace the other night.)


Just had a look on Marketplace right now and that would be an entire movie in 720p 5.1GB


XVID and DIVX have been compressing films down to that level for years, and what's more, they haven't seen fit to start calling a movie massively compressed down into 480p as "HD" either.


I think you'll find that Microsoft wouldn't call 480p HD either


Microsoft are taking the fucking piss.


Next up on Live! - pay £5 to suck Bill Gates' cock!


Keep your fantasies to yourself please , although I am sure Bill will let you swallow for nothing


Rant , rant , rant , if you pop along to Hollywood Stars / Futurama you will pay about £3 for a dvd rental , so 720p HD dvd rental ( because thats what this is ) for around £5 seems reasonable enough , although I am sure that lovely interwebby rental service from Tesco or Lovefilm will have HD DVD & Blu Ray rental before too long

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Is this HD as in "an entire movie in 1GB"? (I had a little look on the Video Marketplace the other night.)


No, thats low def, which you can rent for a bit less money. As marcus says the HD movies are about 5 gb.


Microsoft are taking the fucking piss.


No, they aren't. This is HD stuff cheaper than sky hd. What's the issue?

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Is this HD as in "an entire movie in 1GB"? (I had a little look on the Video Marketplace the other night.)


No, thats low def, which you can rent for a bit less money. As marcus says the HD movies are about 5 gb.


Microsoft are taking the fucking piss.


No, they aren't. This is HD stuff cheaper than sky hd. What's the issue?


Sky HD is a scandalous rip off.


XBox Live HD is a bloody rip off.


Moreover, both of them are founded on the same fucked-up DRM concept, namely that you never get to own the film.


Buy a VHS tape, you own it. Buy a DVD, you own it. Buy HD-DVD or Blu-Ray, you own it.


Rent it off Sky HD or XBox Live HD, and you get to see it once.


Want to watch it again? Then pay again.


This is the way the entire movie and music industry wants to go, they only ever want to lend us the film or the album, and they want us to pay every time we watch or listen.


Don't buy into it, dudes.

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Sky HD is a scandalous rip off.

XBox Live HD is a bloody rip off.

Moreover, both of them are founded on the same fucked-up DRM concept, namely that you never get to own the film.


Technically you never get to own the film no matter how you buy it. HD DVD and blu ray disk are 30 quid. A rental is 3 quid. I'm not going to watch any movie ten times.


The other propblem with buying movies, is that you end up with a collection to store and in a whole bunch of old formats. I've dumped hundreds of VHS tapes, and since divx'ing my collection I've a loft full of DVD's. I'm not going into buying media again, thanks. With downloads, you dont need to own media, it's bad for the environment and bad for your pocket and there's no reason to own the physical disk.


This is the way the entire movie and music industry wants to go, they only ever want to lend us the film or the album, and they want us to pay every time we watch or listen.


Don't buy into it, dudes.


If the price is right, why not?

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Sky HD is a scandalous rip off.

XBox Live HD is a bloody rip off.

Moreover, both of them are founded on the same fucked-up DRM concept, namely that you never get to own the film.


Technically you never get to own the film no matter how you buy it. HD DVD and blu ray disk are 30 quid. A rental is 3 quid. I'm not going to watch any movie ten times.


The other propblem with buying movies, is that you end up with a collection to store and in a whole bunch of old formats. I've dumped hundreds of VHS tapes, and since divx'ing my collection I've a loft full of DVD's. I'm not going into buying media again, thanks. With downloads, you dont need to own media, it's bad for the environment and bad for your pocket and there's no reason to own the physical disk.


This is the way the entire movie and music industry wants to go, they only ever want to lend us the film or the album, and they want us to pay every time we watch or listen.


Don't buy into it, dudes.


If the price is right, why not?


Meh, using a £30 Blu-Ray disc is a bit of a disingenuous example. You can walk into HMV any day of the year and they'll have some kind of "three for £20" offer on DVDs, and you can get them even cheaper than that online, I can't remember the last time I paid more than seven or eight quid for a DVD.


The point here isn't necessarily that you'll never watch the same film three times or five times or ten times or whatever, it's that you'll always have the option to watch it again.


If you surrender to renting off Sky or XBL, then you're basically agreeing to only ever watch what they're prepared to show you.


Let's say in ten years time you want to sit down and watch a film with your children, if you've got a VHS tape or DVD or DIVX file on a PC, then you "own" that film and you can watch it when and how you like, what chance the film you're after seeing will be on Sky HD or XBL in ten years time?


Indeed, we have no idea how the companies involved will want to develop these rental services, once you give up being able to buy the media itself (as you can with a DVD), you really are throwing yourself at the mercy of the corporations.


I agree that downloading is a far better solution than buying discs, but only insofar as "dodgy downloads" are concerned, which leave you with DRM-free films which you can archive out as you see fit, including to disc if you want. I'd happily pay to download films if they'd strip out all the DRM bollocks, but I'll be fucked if I'm handing over my cash for a film that self-destructs in seven days and only lets me watch it once. (I quite often watch a film twice in a short space of time, especially something complicated like Jacob's Ladder (which I mentioned on the "last film you saw" thread a few days ago), if I own it, I pay once and watch it how I like, to watch it twice off XBL I'd have to pay twice (and download it twice as well), they can get knotted for that.)

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Meh, using a £30 Blu-Ray disc is a bit of a disingenuous example. You can walk into HMV any day of the year and they'll have some kind of "three for £20" offer on DVDs, and you can get them even cheaper than that online, I can't remember the last time I paid more than seven or eight quid for a DVD.


The point here isn't necessarily that you'll never watch the same film three times or five times or ten times or whatever, it's that you'll always have the option to watch it again.


If you surrender to renting off Sky or XBL, then you're basically agreeing to only ever watch what they're prepared to show you.


Let's say in ten years time you want to sit down and watch a film with your children, if you've got a VHS tape or DVD or DIVX file on a PC, then you "own" that film and you can watch it when and how you like, what chance the film you're after seeing will be on Sky HD or XBL in ten years time?


Indeed, we have no idea how the companies involved will want to develop these rental services, once you give up being able to buy the media itself (as you can with a DVD), you really are throwing yourself at the mercy of the corporations.


I agree that downloading is a far better solution than buying discs, but only insofar as "dodgy downloads" are concerned, which leave you with DRM-free films which you can archive out as you see fit, including to disc if you want. I'd happily pay to download films if they'd strip out all the DRM bollocks, but I'll be fucked if I'm handing over my cash for a film that self-destructs in seven days and only lets me watch it once. (I quite often watch a film twice in a short space of time, especially something complicated like Jacob's Ladder (which I mentioned on the "last film you saw" thread a few days ago), if I own it, I pay once and watch it how I like, to watch it twice off XBL I'd have to pay twice (and download it twice as well), they can get knotted for that.)


Some good points there about getting hold of older films , couldnt agree more , but lets take the point of say 300 on HD


On play.com its currently £23.99 on Live its rental is about £5.In years to come no doubt the cost of purchasing hd or blu ray will drop and HMV or whoever will be doing similar multibuy deals.


But right now the choice is either pay in the region of £20 to own the hd movie or rent it for £5


Suppose its all about choice at the end of the day




Just noticed that Play are doing 3 for 2 on hd dvd

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do bear in mind that the HD films on Marketplace movies have had the 5.1 stripped out and are using Stereo sound.....


I know that may not bother everyone though.


Blimey that's a bit crap, also, how "HD" are they really going to be anyway? 5.1GB isn't that much more data than a single-layer DVD, and substantially less than a dual-layer DVD.....


Moreover, download speeds from XBL are often pretty dodgy, it'll probably take the best part of ten hours to download a 5GB film.

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Meh, using a £30 Blu-Ray disc is a bit of a disingenuous example. You can walk into HMV any day of the year and they'll have some kind of "three for £20" offer on DVDs, and you can get them even cheaper than that online, I can't remember the last time I paid more than seven or eight quid for a DVD.


We're not comparing dvd's, we're talking about HD content. For low def content, the downloads are even cheaper. Let's at least talk like for like? HD DVD/BD disks are £30. A rental, download is £3 off xbox live. That's a pretty good deal in my book. It's not perfect, the lineup currently is wank, but for me, the price is right, the formats good, I don't want another disk clogging up my life and I don't want to pay £30 for a movie. If you're a hoarding clepto type, fine, I feel sorry for you, but you carry on buying into the collectathon and buying every movie again every 5 years, but don't call downloads a rip off.


The point here isn't necessarily that you'll never watch the same film three times or five times or ten times or whatever, it's that you'll always have the option to watch it again.


Sure you will, you just buy it again. In the case of the example on this thread, it's 80p on Live, and £22.28 on amazon. I'd have to watch that disk 28 times to break even. Will you watch 300 28 times?


If you surrender to renting off Sky or XBL, then you're basically agreeing to only ever watch what they're prepared to show you.


We're not talking about scheduled broadcasting here, we're talking downloads. The libraries can be as big as any shop.


Let's say in ten years time you want to sit down and watch a film with your children, if you've got a VHS tape or DVD or DIVX file on a PC, then you "own" that film and you can watch it when and how you like, what chance the film you're after seeing will be on Sky HD or XBL in ten years time?


Far better chance than rooting out some video tape in an obscure format to be honest. I'd far rather pick it from a menu than have to root it out of the loft.


I agree that downloading is a far better solution than buying discs, but only insofar as "dodgy downloads" are concerned, which leave you with DRM-free films which you can archive out as you see fit, including to disc if you want. I'd happily pay to download films if they'd strip out all the DRM bollocks, but I'll be fucked if I'm handing over my cash for a film that self-destructs in seven days and only lets me watch it once. (I quite often watch a film twice in a short space of time, especially something complicated like Jacob's Ladder (which I mentioned on the "last film you saw" thread a few days ago), if I own it, I pay once and watch it how I like, to watch it twice off XBL I'd have to pay twice (and download it twice as well), they can get knotted for that.)


Great, so instead you'll pay 10x more for something you watch twice. You're a hero!

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