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Jeff Wayne's War Of The Worlds

Miss Take

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Am watching the live musical version of this while I wait for the other half to wake up. Not sure it works as a stage version, but I have to admit that it's one of the longest standing cds in my collection that I still listen to (now and then).


I know it's cheesy but my Mum and Dad got it when I was young and I've listened to it ever since. Am I the only one with a ridiculous fondness for it?

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No, I like it almost as much as Alan Partridge does. My mate is the same.


I remember first hearing it at primary school in the 4th or 5th year so I guess age 8-9 maybe. I love it - tis a great story but with a few ropey incarnations around.


Caught the live one on telly this evening after the inlaws left and I thought it was ace!

Missed a lot though.


I always get nightmares though if I hear the Red Weed section mind. :(

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Had the vinyl albums "back in the day" and for many years thereafter, but in a moment of desperate insanity gave them to a girlfriend who wanted shut of me. (I still got dumped, despite this most generous of gestures, she probably sold them on eBay to ray marshall after years of watching the value inexorably rise.)


Bought it on CD a few years ago and have listened to it many times since. The first half is better than the second, (Red Weed drags a bit), but overall it's a truly magnificent production, and whilst he doesn't have the best music, the loony Parson is always compellingly entertaining.


One thing you lose with the CD version is the brilliant artwork, it is in the CD insert, but it looks a whole lot better at vinyl size rather than CD size, although that could be the old rose-tinteds coming into play.

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