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Benazir Bhutto Assassinated

Mr. Sausages

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Extra psycho kudos points need to be awarded for the manner in which she was killed.


"We've shot her twice now, she's dead."


"OK, but blow her up anyway, just to be sure."


It's like some kind of bizarre XBox 360 achievement.


Oh well, at least a major nuclear power isn't about to start descending into anarchy, as its major nuclear power neighbour looks on in alarm......

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As pointed out. Very sad but VERY inevitable...



The really sad thing is that she seems to have been in an armoured car at the time - chances are if she had not been waving to the crowds through the sunroof, the attempt would have failed...

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I look down on these 3rd world countries where they insist in putting people in power cos they are the Daughter/ son /wife of some previous maroon who conned his way into power.


Wouldnt happen here would it Mr Bush /Kennedy/ Clinton



The Bhutto Business


Key figures in Pakistan's Bhutto dynasty:


Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto: late grandfather of Benazir Bhutto. Senior figure in the Pakistan Muslim League, the party that helped split Pakistan from India and lead it to independence in 1947.


Zulfikar Ali Bhutto: Bhutto's father. Became prime minister in 1971 after founding the populist Pakistan Peoples Party with the motto: ``Food, shelter and clothing for all.'' Executed in 1979 by the government of then-military ruler Gen. Mohammed Zia-ul Haq on charges of arranging the murder of the father of a political opponent.


Nusrat Bhutto: Bhutto's mother. Lawmaker who took control of her husband's party after his death. Soon eclipsed by her ambitious daughter and has not been seen in public in recent years because of illness.


Benazir Bhutto: Took over the leadership of her father's party; in 1988 elected the Islamic world's first women prime minister but was fired 20 months later on corruption accusations by the country's military-backed president. Elected again in 1993, only to be removed three years later. Slain Thursday by a suicide attacker as she campaigned to become premier a third time.


Murtaza Bhutto: Older of Benazir Bhutto's two brothers; died in shootout with police just outside his Karachi residence while his sister was prime minister.


Shahnawaz Bhutto: Younger brother; organized opposition from France but died under mysterious circumstances in his apartment on the Riviera in 1980.


Ghinwa Bhutto: Murtaza's wife. Has accused Bhutto and her husband of planning Murtaza's killing. Founded a breakaway faction of the People's Party that garners few votes.


Fatima Bhutto: Ghinwa's 25-year-old daughter. Has criticized Benazir Bhutto in her columns for the English-language daily The News. Educated, photogenic and headstrong, she has been touted as a possible successor at the helm of the PPP.


Bilawal Zardari: Benazir Bhutto's 19-year-old son and her oldest of three children. Recently been hailed as a potential heir to his mother.

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