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Surely Yet Another Non-job?

Albert Tatlock

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From MR: The newly created role of Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Chief Executive at the Department of Health and Social Security will be filled by"


It must be great working for government - how much does this high salaried role, no doubt with spiffing benefits such as a pension etc. "with particular focus on value for money" actually offer us tax payers VFM? The responsibilities for VFM sit with every manager there already surely? ...and how many other non-jobs will be created to support this role?


The number of civil servants is ramping way out of control, for an island this size, IMO. Time for a proper major review.

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I always thought the received wisdom that managers saw their main responsibility as being the maintainence and expansion of their own personal empires, rather than providing value for money.


One would hope the role of the new CEO/DCE of the DHSS would be to counter this.


Does her previous title of Director of Human Resources management merge with this or will someone else be appointed to the role?

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Whilst on the subject of wasting money, how much did the 12 page exercise in self praise handed out in Fridays Independent - " Opportunities in the Isle of Man 2008" - cost? It says sponsored by the DTI so I assume that's us the taxpayers again.

It has to be the most impractical time of the year to publish anything as regards effectiveness.


What a waste of time and money.

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I read a piece in one of the local papers a few weeks back that there are 40, yes 40, employees in the Island's public sector (excluding the health service, if I recall) earning in excess of £100,000 per annum. That is £4 million per annum at a time when health waiting lists are getting longer due to lack of front-line staff. Ladies and Gentlemen, the gravy train continues to grows richer at the tax payers expense and there appears nothing we, the tax payers, are able to do about it. Let us get things in perspective. Our 'government', when equated to a town of similar population size in the UK, is nothing more than a town council; Brown is nothing more the a glorified Lord Mayor, our MHKs nothing more than town councilors. The government is itself, and particularly its managerial class, suffers from delusions of gross grandeur. It is high time that there was a full, independent review into not only how this Island is administered but also what, in terms of numbers of personnel (both 'queens' and 'drones') is needed. But how do 'we' go about getting something done? Brown himself is a 'turkey' so he is not likely to offer his overpaid fellow 'turkeys' a vote in favour of Christmas.

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It is high time that there was a full, independent review into not only how this Island is administered but also what, in terms of numbers of personnel (both 'queens' and 'drones') is needed. But how do 'we' go about getting something done?


I totally agree and I think you'll find that the managers now outweigh the drones in most departments, what's that about like?

You and everyone else will have to oust them at the next election.

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Our 'government', when equated to a town of similar population size in the UK, is nothing more than a town council


Brown is nothing more the a glorified Lord Mayor, our MHKs nothing more than town councilors.


The government is itself, and particularly its managerial class, suffers from delusions of gross grandeur.

Well said. Best three lines I've read this year.



But how do 'we' go about getting something done? Brown himself is a 'turkey' so he is not likely to offer his overpaid fellow 'turkeys' a vote in favour of Christmas.



There's the problem, there seems to be an inexhaustable line of talentless self perpetuating wankers. It's pathetic to see them swanning round the world bleating about how wonderful the Island is.


Needs to be a professional PR job. Not Coco the clown and co.


They really are legends in their own minds.

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It's not going to be a campaign issue when a large portion of your voters are public sector (and nearly everyone knows a handful who do work there), in the last election one of the candidates in my area had this on his manifesto and it certainly did his campaign no favours (was a tosser anyways, but that part certainly irked a lot of people). There's also the fact that no chief minister wants to be responsible for measures that have increased unemployment, although this issue's somewhat less rooted.


All good and well calling for a politician with 'backbone', but it's unlikely that their constituents would hold the same concerted effort - which in effect is democracy in action. I'm also not calling for government posts to be 'slashed', just a proper review of some of the structures and needs of some of the departments wouldn't go a miss, whether that calls for slimming down or not.

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An example of what they should be doing. I heard ( partially ) on MR the other day that a software concern ( e gaming I believe ) chose Alderney over here to move to.


Feel free to correct that as I said I didn't hear the full item.


What the dumbarses should be doing now is closely examining ALL the factors responsible for that decision being reached and seeing how changes/improvements could be made for the future.


YES even if it does mean working on a holiday........

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I read a piece in one of the local papers a few weeks back that there are 40, yes 40, employees in the Island's public sector (excluding the health service, if I recall) earning in excess of £100,000 per annum. That is £4 million per annum at a time when health waiting lists are getting longer due to lack of front-line staff. Ladies and Gentlemen, the gravy train continues to grows richer at the tax payers expense and there appears nothing we, the tax payers, are able to do about it.

This is simply not true. When you add in all the x's and bennies you can easily double that figure. For example someone on £50K pa will probably cost out at around £150K on the p&l line. So in the case of the two new appointments (the "justification" for which is probably a really good laugh) they will have to hit the ground running and saving at least £0.5 m pa to justify their existance. Think they'll do it? No, neither do I. By the way, healthcare isn't a business....


Strange but true when looking to steamline an operation HR would be the absolutely last place I would look for resource as their brief is strictly internal and nothing whatever to do with ops. Funny that.


Also I'm more reminded of Worzel Gummidge than Coco the Clown, but I get your drift.

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If you think things are bad now, wait until all these underworked pompous slackers start claiming their pensions


Our top heavy public sector has only been possible because of 20 yrs of economic growth, as the price of oil climbs and the world economy slows we will be faced with an increasing tax & NI burden and bugger all to pay it with


I feel particularly sorry for my children's generation, who will suffer reduced public services and higher taxes in order to keep those responsible in golf clubs and holidays

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Deputy Chief Executive at the Department of Health and Social Security


This would be the Post that was seemed uneccesary some 7 yrs ago and done away with then ?


It's just the same as any other Government Dept really. If you can't do the job they just create a Post to help you out and let you carry on being crap at your job.

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No experience of the Channel Islands myself but I think some posters have. Just out of interest, does the CI have a similar bloated, money wasting civil service and ruling cretins or are things there better or worse?

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I read a piece in one of the local papers a few weeks back that there are 40, yes 40, employees in the Island's public sector (excluding the health service, if I recall) earning in excess of £100,000 per annum. That is £4 million per annum at a time when health waiting lists are getting longer due to lack of front-line staff. Ladies and Gentlemen, the gravy train continues to grows richer at the tax payers expense and there appears nothing we, the tax payers, are able to do about it. Let us get things in perspective. Our 'government', when equated to a town of similar population size in the UK, is nothing more than a town council; Brown is nothing more the a glorified Lord Mayor, our MHKs nothing more than town councilors. The government is itself, and particularly its managerial class, suffers from delusions of gross grandeur. It is high time that there was a full, independent review into not only how this Island is administered but also what, in terms of numbers of personnel (both 'queens' and 'drones') is needed. But how do 'we' go about getting something done? Brown himself is a 'turkey' so he is not likely to offer his overpaid fellow 'turkeys' a vote in favour of Christmas.



There was a good report on the 'scope and structure of government' but implementing it would require T Brown and Co to make some decisions. They are not very good at that.

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The comparisons with a town council are a bit shallow. By the same logic, Switzerland is the same as a US State.

You are missing the point with throw away comments like that


The fact is the job is already the responsibility of EVERY manager - or could have been done using existing managers.The job was kicked into touch years ago - yet suddenly reappears?


There is also something called scale of economies when you compare: UK town councils; borough councils and Switzerland.


Per Capita the number of public servants (esp high rankers) are getting out of control here.

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