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[BBC News] Author of Flashman stories dies


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Sad news for me :( His Flashman series led me to areas of history i had no idea about and i maintain that interest to this day [he even stitched the naming of the Loch Prom into one book]. His non fiction work " the steel bonnets" is worthy of a read, an eye opener.


Farewell to the "Guvner"


Coincidently the subject of "the steel bonnets" is also a program tonight on terrestial, "the reivers"

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Very sad news. His research was phenomenal - so much so that it sometimes became difficult to define some of the edges between fact and fiction. As others have said, a gentleman and a true supporter of the IoM. R.I.P

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I agree. A gentleman. He used to travel all over the world. He had an extensive photo library backing up his research.


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Has anyone read the autobiography?


I actually regret that I did. Some of it was very interesting, and I hoped for some insights from a man who brought history to life in such a clever and marvellous way.


In fact, reading it was like being hit over the head with a hundred rolled up Daily Mails wielded by Sir David English, Enoch Powell, Frederick Forsythe, Norman Tebbit and 96 others of similar ilk.


Hit from the extreme right hand side of life.


I have often been amazed that people, like Fraser, who fought bravely against fascicm, can turn out to be the very thing that they fought against.


By all accounts he was a good man though, and brave, and all sympathies to his family.


Maybe those views come with age, as Signpost beckons. I hope not.


At the moment I am struggling with the right line for Brandywell.

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