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Us Presidential Race


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Oh.. okay. I shouldn't state the one reason why the US election is as it is right now.


Religious discrimination.


You're right there's no way an atheist would stand a chance. Despite an atheist being what is needed.

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"I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and do not find in our particular superstition (Christianity) one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology."

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)


"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

John Adams (1735-1826)

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LINK to a spoof Palin Facebook page that is excellent!


It includes messages from Vladimir Putin ("I seen you starin at me from across the water"), John McCain ("You’re a woman, right? Are you busy for the next four years?") and Barack Obama, who thanks her for 'all your help' in undermining the Republican White House bid.


Her religious views are listed as 'Jesusologist'and her groups joined include 'Never Been Out of North America', 'Evolution Schmevolution' and 'Shoot Stuff In The Face Enthusiasts.'

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Feds to charge Tenn. man with hacking into Palin's e-mail account


The Justice Department just announced that David Kernell, 20, will be charged with hacking into Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's personal e-mail account. The Tennessee native is due in federal court today.


"According to the indictment, after answering a series of security questions that allowed him to reset the password and gain access to the e-mail account, Kernell allegedly read the contents of the account and made screenshots of the e-mail directory, e-mail content and other personal information," the department says in a press release, adding: "Kernell posted screenshots of the e-mails and other personal information to a public website. Kernell also allegedly posted the new e-mail account password that he had created, thus providing access to the account by others."


Indictment as PDF


Debate last night was good - bit harder now, and looks as if O beat J

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Complete this popular phrase: S_ _ _, Fan, Collision


Palin abused power, probe finds


The running mate of US Republican presidential candidate John McCain has been found guilty of an abuse of power, according to a state legislature probe.


Jolly good so why doesn't she fuck off back to Alaska and count Polar bears or whatever and let's have a new totally unsuitable potential most powerful twat in the world.

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Obama caused the stock plunge!


These are pitifully weak arguments. The average person has given up because obama is leading polls? Who's making him ahead in the polls then? All this 'people are saying to me' is just a license to speak rot.


Ugly stuff, and Obama's doing well to keep his head above it. McCain is trying to as well:



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Seems like Palin is just doing cheerleader rallying of hardcore Republicans, and is a liability in terms of gaining votes. It's now far too late and impossible to ditch her, and McCain has virtually nil chance of winning. It's either bring out the goat porn or assassination. From the hate-mongering Palin is stirring up against Obama, and given the mentality of some of those folk, it wouldn't surprise me if a few have the thought of assassination in mind.


With the way things are panning out and heating up, there'd be every reason to think a serious attempt might be made before the election - when Obama is most public and accessible. Makes me wonder - what would happen if in days just before the election there was a successful assassination attempt on Obama?

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