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Obama was given a security detail much earlier than the rest of the candidates, the FBI are much aware of the increased risk he faces compared to the other presidential candidates.



Youtube gives you fantastic access to things you wouldn't normally see eh?


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Obama was given a security detail much earlier than the rest of the candidates, the FBI are much aware of the increased risk he faces compared to the other presidential candidates.



Youtube gives you fantastic access to things you wouldn't normally see eh?


WTF!!!!! :o

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Obama was given a security detail much earlier than the rest of the candidates, the FBI are much aware of the increased risk he faces compared to the other presidential candidates.

Yes, and it is unlikely an attempt would succeed, but it's impossible to be 100% secure for a presidential candidate.


I'd of course hope like hell that nothing like that happens, particularly given potential consequences. I guess though it's a bit like 9/11 - in a funny way I was surprised that I wasn't surprised by that happening - however shocking and terrible. If something like that happened with Obama, it wouldn't be entirely unexpected. I wonder if they are prepared and what contingency plans they might have, just in case against the odds someone did somehow succeed despite his undoubtedly first rate security detail. (Usually the greatest comfort is that most of the types who might attempt such a thing are dumb-ass morons or nutters and doomed to failure, but can't count on that).


It also reminded me of this, which surfaced a time back in NZ - 'DIY cruise missile' :o .


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Don't worry - I'll distract them and you make a run for it


Erm..bomb allah obama bomb bomb fbi assassin gun mccain explosion cia usa bomb bomb


That should do me thinks.




Hold on a sec - there's someone at the door...

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Same for 'known associates' posting in same thread or forum! Just testing to see if there was anything to the tinfoil hat claims and whether might qualify for free break in Cuba :huh: Seems instead I might have single handedly brought down MF! :( Instead of Cuba they might just keep people on the Rock - don't worry, it'll be much the same, just MF spotting will be easier with the new snazzy orange jumpsuits. :cool:

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Is it too early to say that McCain has had his chips?


They may still find a sex video of OB and a goat. That's McCains last hope. Or he could cheat like Bush did.

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Video games feature ads for Obama's campaign


WASHINGTON (AP) — Too busy playing video games to watch presidential ads on television? Barack Obama has found you, too, by becoming the first presidential candidate to buy ad space inside a game.


Nine video games from Electronic Arts Inc., ranging from the extremely popular "Madden 09" football game to the street racing "Burnout: Paradise," feature in-game ads from the Obama campaign. The ads — they appear on billboards and other signage — remind players that early voting has begun and plug a campaign Web site.


The idea of embedding advertising temporarily inside a video game is relatively new, having only begun about 18 months ago, and Obama is the first presidential candidate to buy space, company officials said.



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Science Debate 2008


Candidates answers to the top 14 science questions facing America:





That's an excellent link. I've only skimmed it so far, but I have to say, on a fair number of counts I was more impressed with McCain than Obama when it comes to the actual role of government in public science, especially in the Innovation and Education sections. McCain seems to have a good mind for organization and handling resources, whilst Obama sometimes seems to be bluffing his way through it with buzzwords and received wisdom (more teachers, breakthrough research, IT enhanced education etc). It all sounds very nice, and everyone likes more money and better toys, but it's very much of the school of thought that the system itself is fine, it just needs more money to make it realise its full potential. McCain talks about reforming science education in schools and the way science and funding is dealt with at the political level*. It's just a pity he had to appoint that awful mentalist Palin.


Even so, both of them piss all over the UK's science policy, so I wouldn't criticize either too harshly.


*Also, on a purely personal level, Obama's comments strike me as reminiscent of a particularly spoddy A-Level student's essay. By comparison, McCain's seems more managerial and to the point.

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Obama was given a security detail much earlier than the rest of the candidates, the FBI are much aware of the increased risk he faces compared to the other presidential candidates.



Youtube gives you fantastic access to things you wouldn't normally see eh?


WTF!!!!! :o


What would you expect at a Palin rally? Her core support is among inbred hicks.

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