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PK My ex-colonial neighbour thinks the world has gone mad now that a Black Kenyan is President of the USA, he still can't accept that a Black Kenyan is President of Kenya. He came out with the lame 'Black House' comment recently too.

A black Kenyan is US president - eh??? Just what is your neighbour on???


So the "Black House" comment has already been made? Damn - my one chance for originality and I blew it. Oh well, my septic mates thought it was quite funny...

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PK My ex-colonial neighbour thinks the world has gone mad now that a Black Kenyan is President of the USA, he still can't accept that a Black Kenyan is President of Kenya. He came out with the lame 'Black House' comment recently too.


I've been reading some very entertaining US evangelical forums where the posters are literally crying and claiming that this is most definitely the beginning of the end.


Conservapedia also offers some gems, eg:


"Obama is the first person having ties to a known terrorist to gain control over America's nuclear weapons."

"Doctors from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons have stated that Obama uses techniques of mind control in his speeches and campaign symbols"


And my personal fave:


"Obama would likely become the first Muslim President, and could use the Koran to be sworn into office"

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And my personal fave:


"Obama would likely become the first Muslim President, and could use the Koran to be sworn into office"


Wow. Anyone out there who's even heard of wikipedia will be able to tell you that he's a christian. Christ, talk about jumping to comclusions, then again, that is what the christian right in america does best isnt it.


"What?! He has hussein in his name?! OMFG!!!! He MUST be a terrorist, muslim extremist and baby snatcher"



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I've been reading some very entertaining US evangelical forums where the posters are literally crying and claiming that this is most definitely the beginning of the end.


Conservapedia also offers some gems, eg:


"Obama is the first person having ties to a known terrorist to gain control over America's nuclear weapons."

What bull - these people are so sanctimonious.


Guess what - Bush met Gerry Adams, his pals dealt with Saddam Hussein - politics involves pragmatism and dealing with people with a dubious past or even present to achieve strategic and tactical ends.


William Ayers is a professor at the University of Chicago specializing in education - he and Obama were members of a Charity board providing educational grants.


To link this with Ayers' past as a radical and supporter of violent direct action is so tenuous as to be disengenuous. Obama was 8 years old when Ayers was active.


There's none so blind as those who will not see - these type of people see their demons where they wish to see demons and angels where they wish to see angels - in fact neither demons or angels exist, just the difficulties of dealing with a complicated and often violent world - the types of people who read and post on Conservapedia should be well aware of "their" side's use of violence, but they of course just buff it up that they always using it for good - what crap.

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Thought this cartogram was a good way of seeing the results based on the population of the states - the great plains and rocky mountain states may be large but they are sparsely populated.




Makes it very clear that there is a big split between the north and the south and the centre vrs the coasts.


More info here

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Insiders spill the beans on Sarah Palin


Weeks after Sarah Palin was lampooned by US comedians, her own party is catching up.


Aides to the Republican presidential candidate John McCain told US television network FOX News that their vice-presidential candidate did not know Africa was a continent and in fact thought it was a country.


"We're told she didn't understand that Africa was a continent rather than a country just in itself - a whole host of questions that caused serious problems about her knowledgeability,"


Cameron also said she was unaware who the members of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) were, or that the United States - along with Canada and Mexico - was one of them....


....The Alaskan Governor's big spend on clothes emerged publicly last month, but McCain's aides also said that she spent "thousands more" than the reported $US150,000 on clothes during the campaign, much to the shock of the donor that footed the bill, the US magazine Newsweek reported.


An angry aide, quoted in Newsweek, described the shopping spree as "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast", and predicted that the truth would eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.



Let party disintegration commence...

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Condemnation without investigation is the greatest form of ignorance ;)


And belief without investigation is better? I watched it, the guys a loon, no evidence of any of his fantasies presented at all. Utter, utter nutjob and if you believe any of that horseshit, you're just as bad.

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Condemnation without investigation is the greatest form of ignorance ;)


And belief without investigation is better? I watched it, the guys a loon, no evidence of any of his fantasies presented at all. Utter, utter nutjob and if you believe any of that horseshit, you're just as bad.


Ok then, if you say that he is a nutjob, how would you describe for example Tony Blair? Sane? Ive always believed that the mind is like a parachute, it don.t work properly unless its open!

I will listen to many views, whether i believe then or not is different, but you cannot go through life dismissing everything....example( the world is flat, no its not its round) weapons of mass destruction was another good one, an invasion based on a lie?

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