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"Obama is the first person having ties to a known terrorist to gain control over America's nuclear weapons."

What bull - these people are so sanctimonious.


Guess what - Bush met Gerry Adams, his pals dealt with Saddam Hussein - politics involves pragmatism and dealing with people with a dubious past or even present to achieve strategic and tactical ends.

Not to mention Contras in Nicaragua, Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan during 80s, OSS-CIA and Gladio, and a host of 'dirty wars'. (and Bush ties with Bin Laden family).

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Shit - Vanga was right! It all makes sense now - We're doomed! Russia and China are gonna nuke each other, and everything in between. We're dooooooomed, I tell thee! Dooooooooooooooomed!


(Spaces in my bunker are still available at reasonable rates. Book early to avoid dissapointment and nuclear sunburn. Just Dial 555-Get-Me-Out-Of-Here)

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Ok then, if you say that he is a nutjob, how would you describe for example Tony Blair? Sane? Ive always believed that the mind is like a parachute, it don.t work properly unless its open!

I will listen to many views, whether i believe then or not is different, but you cannot go through life dismissing everything....example( the world is flat, no its not its round) weapons of mass destruction was another good one, an invasion based on a lie?


My mind is open and questioning, not open and accepting any old bollocks that makes an exciting conspiracy theories. They're lovely stories, but they have no basis in fact.


I don't go through life dismissing everything, exactly the opposite. The world is round because it was proved to be so by demonstratable actions, despite an awful lot of protesting people saying otherwise with no factual evidence to support their theory.


Weapons of mass destruction was, from what the records to show parts intelligence and parts spin and assumption. It's great to look back in hindsight after the fact, after our governments have sent thousands of troops and officials to search for weapons they believed to be there, and found the intelligence to be flawed. Revising your findings based on evidence doesn't mean you originally lied. This is a lot difference from simply sitting there making things up to fill gaps like the bloke in your vid.

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My mind is open and questioning, not open and accepting any old bollocks that makes an exciting conspiracy theories. They're lovely stories, but they have no basis in fact. I don't go through life dismissing everything, exactly the opposite.

Jeeze but you post some bollocks. I asked you time and again for your figures that proved that it was the ""purple rinsed tutters" who did for Ross and Brand and you produced the square root of fuck all. You dismiss everything that doesn't agree with your point of view.


The world is round because it was proved to be so by demonstratable actions, despite an awful lot of protesting people saying otherwise with no factual evidence to support their theory.

Disappointingly but not surprisingly wrong. It was never shown by a demonstration on a table at all. It was proven by a guy called Eratosthenes using his brain, his powers of observation and getting someone to pace out the distance between Alexandria and Syene. He not only proved the world was round but calculated it's circumference to be about 25,000 miles. He was correct to a few percent - a quite remarkable achievement for 200 BC which puts him in my personal hall of fame. Of course, there wouldn't be any demonstrable actions that the world was round until about 1,700 years later. But that, of course, didn't matter - especially to Eratosthenes...

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Jeeze but you post some bollocks. I asked you time and again for your figures that proved that it was the ""purple rinsed tutters" who did for Ross and Brand and you produced the square root of fuck all. You dismiss everything that doesn't agree with your point of view.


Posted a bunch of stuff which you seem to have ignored. Not that it's relevant here, can you try keep your love affair with me off the thread and stick to the topic?


Disappointingly but not surprisingly wrong. It was never shown by a demonstration on a table at all. It was proven by a guy called Eratosthenes using his brain, his powers of observation and getting someone to pace out the distance between Alexandria and Syene. He not only proved the world was round but calculated it's circumference to be about 25,000 miles. He was correct to a few percent - a quite remarkable achievement for 200 BC which puts him in my personal hall of fame. Of course, there wouldn't be any demonstrable actions that the world was round until about 1,700 years later. But that, of course, didn't matter - especially to Eratosthenes...


So Eratosthenes observations and experiment was evidence that the world was round. That's demonstrable. But I wasn't being specific and referring to the first person, which wasn't Eratosthenes, it's needed to be proved the world is round many times in history.


Declan, what do you want me to do, not reply to this stuff?

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We're doomed! Russia and China are gonna nuke each other, and everything in between. We're dooooooomed, I tell thee! Dooooooooooooooomed!


...Spaces in my bunker are still available at reasonable rates....

Does the trip to the bunker give us a chance to see you shoot yourself if you underestimate Russia?

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While in no way whatsoever endorsing the reality of anything Webster Tarpley says in Lovenotfear's link - if you speculate about everything and anything then there will be times when you may say something interesting without knowing what it is - I do think Zbigniew Brzezinski is an interesting commentator on National Security issues - I think it is no more than an idle boast that he planned to ensnare the USSR in Afghanistan, but his ideas are interesting as both the Economist and the New York Times admit.


How Obama positions the US in the world will in many ways make or break his international reputation - Brzezinski's concept of dignity has relevence to many countries fed up with US arrogance - the International sections of his inaugeration speech will be interesting.

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We're doomed! Russia and China are gonna nuke each other, and everything in between. We're dooooooomed, I tell thee! Dooooooooooooooomed!


...Spaces in my bunker are still available at reasonable rates....

Does the trip to the bunker give us a chance to see you shoot yourself if you underestimate Russia?

Я не понимаю :P

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Posted a bunch of stuff which you seem to have ignored. Not that it's relevant here, can you try keep your love affair with me off the thread and stick to the topic?

Yes Mr Slim, I ignored your links to blogs because not even the most feeble-minded Ross/Brand supporter would ever try and claim that they constituted evidence. So your point is what exactly?


So Eratosthenes observations and experiment was evidence that the world was round. That's demonstrable. But I wasn't being specific and referring to the first person, which wasn't Eratosthenes, it's needed to be proved the world is round many times in history.

Jeeze but you're thick. Eratosthenes figured out the world is round but it would NEVER be demonstrated until someone circumnavigated it some 1,700 years later. Here's a little tip - you don't have to prove the world is a sphere many times in history - I'll think you'll find once is enough.


Slim - this has been an excellent thread, don't turn it another of your bickerfests.

How could he possibly manage that?


Seriously, the level of hollow boasting about winning arguments on this thread and the Manuel one is astounding. It's like the cyber version of a rap battle, only much less entertaining. The insults are a bit lame though, especially Slim/AI Droids silly little tactic of accusing anyone who disagrees with his point of view of being prudes or old - "purple rinsed tutters", "antiques roadshow brigade". It's a pretty shit way to make your point.

NOW I get it. When he loses the argument with his puerile playground name-calling tactic Mr Slim could reduce even an excellent thread to the lowest possible denominator. Good call Declan, let's hope Mr Slim and his fellow intellectual giants keep away from serious discussions where they have no part to play.

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Sorry Declan...


PK, I've resisted as long as I can, but you're just going to have to go on ignore, like so many others have done.


Yes Mr Slim, I ignored your links to blogs because not even the most feeble-minded Ross/Brand supporter would ever try and claim that they constituted evidence. So your point is what exactly?


I posted a bunch of reasons, you chose not to bother, that's your lookout. I've responded in that thread, if you don't like my reply, go back to that thread, read it again and take it up there. I'll not respond to you off topic again, because I agree with Declan about thread pollution, you're just sniping at me, and it's of no interest to anyone else.


Jeeze but you're thick. Eratosthenes figured out the world is round but it would NEVER be demonstrated until someone circumnavigated it some 1,700 years later. Here's a little tip - you don't have to prove the world is a sphere many times in history - I'll think you'll find once is enough.


No PK, it was demonstrated and observed every time the earth cast a shadow over the moon, every time a ship went over a horizon. What you're referring to is the first nearly accurate demonstration of a measurement of the earths size. It's pretty much accepted that the earth was well known to be round well before the middle ages came along and religion beat that knowledge out.


You misunderstood my point, and I clarified. The pathetic point scoring is just sad, get over it.



How could he possibly manage that?


It's you that's taking it off topic, you div, they just don't have a go because you're on bloody ignore!


NOW I get it. When he loses the argument with his puerile playground name-calling tactic Mr Slim could reduce even an excellent thread to the lowest possible denominator. Good call Declan, let's hope Mr Slim and his fellow intellectual giants keep away from serious discussions where they have no part to play.


Bye PK.

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