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Us Presidential Race


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No matter how sympathetic voters are to her plight, or how much parents might believe it could happen to their daughters, this is not what McCain's camp wanted people to hear in the first 72 hours after introducing Palin.[/i]


Or exactly what they wanted to sex up the campaign.


It's hard to see any positives out of the Palin dirt that's sprung up. Either she lied about her daughter being preggers with the downs child and pretended to carry it to cover it up, or she flew long haul at great risk to a premature baby. Then this story follows that her daughters preggers, which could turn out to be a fabrication to dodge the original accusation....


Bit of a mess, or a fantastic harnessing of the headlines? Who knows these days.

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The yanks I have met both here and on my travels have been well informed & well educated, but they tend to have come from the east or west coast


I think it is very interesting to compare Britain with America. I do think though that a great deal of British people are very informed on politics, but there is just so little reason to bother voting. I do not know a lot about the American system but I wonder whether I am right in thinking that the Americans believe their political system works for everyone, or at least the majority of people. Is it just a small minority who show so much fervour in these elections or is it a reflection of a great faith in their political system.



As an American may I just comment here? I'm very much enjoying reading your ideas. I am a West Coast person, 'educated' and I hope a tad bit 'aware'. I have lived and traveled all over America and you are pretty much right on with the coastal thing and the mid section being much different. No, I don't think most of us feel that the political system reflects the majority of us, nearly the opposite. It doesn't work for many of us really and I think the reason being that those we elect do not truly represent most of us. For one, those running have to be VERY wealthy, well connected and are greatly supported by groups that have defined special interests. Secondly, they talk tons of rubbish on the campaign trail but wait until reality sets in and those special interests want payback and real life happens, then see what you get! Bush? How flippin stupid are we that we elected him again!? There was no other or better choice? Many elections are won by the tip of the hand as to who shows up and can take the heat. They drag out everything and make an issue and one votes on less of the real politics and more on the person and what is perceived about them. It's gotten to be such a dog eat dog mess that it sickens many of us and it's always a sigh and a 'lesser of two evils' deal in the end. Don't ask me how we did Bush twice, it wasn't me that's for damn sure! Most of us don't give a flip if it's a woman or black or a dog we elect, just please let it be someone who is awake, aware and enlightened and not teathered to a leash of some special interest group. Well, guess no one showed up with those qualifications so now it's back to the same old crap. Obama is sounding like the front runner but can he back it up, get us out of the Middle East with something left if we go? Give us health care we can afford? Save us from our own economy? We working class dogs are bearing the brunt of all this spending and seeing our life savings dwindle and being taxed to death and paying fortunes in health care and we hate the war and how the world sees us! Just my humble opinions however. By the way I love your Isle, was just there earlier this month and will be back in a few weeks. I have dear friends there and in Manchester so it's a bit like home to me coming over as I do. Hopefully I see it in a way that tourists really never do. Ta ta for now, thanks for letting me speak.

You're allowed to say 'fuck 'on here, if you like.

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Palin? Vote for a right wing, moose shooting, christian, anti abortion mother of a pregnant 17 year old whose husband has been done drunk in charge and the father of her daughters child is a proud "redneck". Maybe they should have spent less time funding creationalist classes and only funding sex education based on abstinience rather than prevention. Maybe if they did her life as a future grandmother and vice president would have been much, much easier.


The Republicans are complete loonies, and she looks like complete mentalist.

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Palin? Vote for a right wing, moose shooting, christian, anti abortion mother of a pregnant 17 year old whose husband has been done drunk in charge and the father of her daughters child is a proud "redneck". Maybe they should have spent less time funding creationalist classes and only funding sex education based on abstinience rather than prevention. Maybe if they did her life as a future grandmother and vice president would have been much, much easier.


The Republicans are complete loonies, and she looks like complete mentalist.


But unbelievably they will probably get back in. I really can't see white America voting for OB. While they might all try to be liberal and progressive, in the privacy of the ballot booth strange things often happen - usually voters leave any common sense outside the booth! We thought Bush was a war mongerer? Wait'll ya get a load of Maddog McCain. This guy is a loose cannon.

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We thought Bush was a war mongerer? Wait'll ya get a load of Maddog McCain. This guy is a loose cannon.


I agree that Osama Obama will have a hard time.


But if BO won, things could be more dangerous in the world - Russia would see McCain as a 'tough guy' not to be messed with. With Obama, they might push it - and he might respond like JFK in the Cuban missile crisis. I'd rather see loose cannons than loose nukes.

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Palin? Vote for a right wing, moose shooting, christian, anti abortion mother of a pregnant 17 year old whose husband has been done drunk in charge and the father of her daughters child is a proud "redneck". Maybe they should have spent less time funding creationalist classes and only funding sex education based on abstinience rather than prevention. Maybe if they did her life as a future grandmother and vice president would have been much, much easier.


The Republicans are complete loonies, and she looks like complete mentalist.


The more I see and hear from Palin, the more unease I feel.

Can't put my finger on it but there's something there that my instinct finds slightly unsettling.

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Did you catch her speech last night?


What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick :o


Yes, I could really see her going into another few wars with McAllamericanhero on her side, and the whole setting really starts to remind me of a medium sized Bavarian city a few decades ago.

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She has all the credentials to be a good politician - she can stretch the truth a very long way. Liar Liar Pants on Fire What with McCain wanting to bomb everywhere and Palin not knowing where anywhere is, we could be in for a rough ride if these guys get voted in.

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She has all the credentials to be a good politician - she can stretch the truth a very long way. Liar Liar Pants on Fire What with McCain wanting to bomb everywhere and Palin not knowing where anywhere is, we could be in for a rough ride if these guys get voted in.


You would though wouldn't you?


Nah she's a politician therefore a liar. Ugliest human trait.

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