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Palin is an idealogue who believes the ignorance preached by fundamentalist interpreters of the bible over the evidence of science.


She's spent her life in a community of similar beliefs where mundane events of life are all claimed to be "blessed" interventions of her god. Her only trip out of the US was to visit the troops in Iraq.


I'd love her to answer the question "Are we living in the End of Times?" More than likely she'd say "Yes!"


What trully terrifies me is that she is an almost perfect exemplar of a huge swathe of American opinion. She's basically a cliche of hard working, religious, soccer- (or hockey-) mums, who are in many ways the back bone of middle America.


I have problems with faith which requires ignorance, but when this faith leaves the privacy of the home and becomes a part of the political mainstream I find it close to being repugnant.


This is the America of today. Trully frightening. Under pressure what will a person with these types of beliefs do? Trust evidence and reason, or justify their actions based on their theological world view.


Bush was bad enough, but as he was in the number 1 slot had to be circumspect in his language - using dog whistle key words about teaching the controversey and not having a test for a supreme court judge.


Palin has been too public in her halelulia-ing to get away with that. And as the number 2 its less relevent. She's not into dog whistles, just full fronted theological chauvanism - and what is terrifying is that she doesn't even see it as that - every one that she knows, thinks the same.


Americans - I really admire their drive and grit, I just hate their exceptionalism and theology.

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I really can't see white America voting for OB.


Sad but true. If he does not get in its just another nail in the coffin for Americas obsession and delusion with itself. They believe its the land of the free and of opportunity when in fact its the most obnoxious, racist, undemocratic, lying, self deluded cesspit in the world. Luckily it seems to be in the death throes of its global influence.

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Did you catch her speech last night?


What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick :o

She thinks dogs wear lipstick!!!???


I guess she also believes hockey-mums have four legs, waggy tails, a wet nose and a guy with a pooper-scooper following behind. Could be the case in America Alaska.


What a shame Forum Members don't get to decide who will be the next President of the USA.

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What a shame Forum Members don't get to decide who will be the next President of the USA.


Other than the fact that shes only potentially going to be Vice President?

That's even more scary!!!! a BOGOF...You get to vote for whose going to be President and you could get her thrown in for free.

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Uh - the Republican Fuehr..er..Candidate is live on BBC with his speech later. Mary Fallin speaking at the moment - didn't take her 60 seconds to mention the Oklahoma bombing and September 11 - impressive....

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Cindy McCain speaking now - is it only me or does she have some kind of evil look about her? Even when she smiles, she looks more like Pussy Galore than future first lady. Expecting Gerd Froebe to come back from the dead and walk onto stage any second....

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Other than the fact that shes only potentially going to be Vice President?


Have you seen McCain's survival chances? The 71 year old cancer sufferer has about 1 in 3 odds of dying before he's 80.


That's easily enough for 2 terms of damage. Coffin dodgers in power are always worrying. They have little to live for which dictates their policies, get grouchy if they don't have an afternoon nap and are regularly incontinent at state banquets.

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Latest photo of Alaskan hockey-mum.




You may think that this is a pit bull terrier but note that she is not wearing lipstick

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