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Palin? Vote for a right wing, moose shooting, christian, anti abortion mother of a pregnant 17 year old whose husband has been done drunk in charge and the father of her daughters child is a proud "redneck". Maybe they should have spent less time funding creationalist classes and only funding sex education based on abstinience rather than prevention. Maybe if they did her life as a future grandmother and vice president would have been much, much easier.


The Republicans are complete loonies, and she looks like complete mentalist.


The more I see and hear from Palin, the more unease I feel.

Can't put my finger on it but there's something there that my instinct finds slightly unsettling.


I'm upgrading that - she makes my skin crawl.

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Cindy McCain speaking now - is it only me or does she have some kind of evil look about her? Even when she smiles, she looks more like Pussy Galore than future first lady. Expecting Gerd Froebe to come back from the dead and walk onto stage any second....

Good breakdown of her outfit in the Guardian today, from the Chanel watch to the mRenta dress, about £177.000 what an example for the poor. Mind you, her old man has given her a pearl necklace.

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Someone please reassure me that the Americans are not stupid enough to not only re-elect the Republican party but to vote these .... (insert adjective of choice) people into power.


I'll be rocking myself to sleep tonight with blanky and teddy.

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This piece from Salon does a nice job of comparing Palin to Islamic extremism. I liked this bit:


John McCain announced that he was running for president to confront the "transcendent challenge" of the 21st century, "radical Islamic extremism," contrasting it with "stability, tolerance and democracy." But the values of his handpicked running mate, Sarah Palin, more resemble those of Muslim fundamentalists than they do those of the Founding Fathers. On censorship, the teaching of creationism in schools, reproductive rights, attributing government policy to God's will and climate change, Palin agrees with Hamas and Saudi Arabia rather than supporting tolerance and democratic precepts. What is the difference between Palin and a Muslim fundamentalist? Lipstick.


I'd really like to hear some of our Republican supporting MF members views on this lady - Sugarbee?!


As a secularlist the parallels the Salon article throws up are very clear and the dangers of religious exceptionalism obvious - I wonder what a religious, Republican Party supporting American thinks?

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Having lived in the USA for a few years as a child, I still follow American politics, as I believe that it does, both directly and indirectly, have effect on our foreign policy.


Quite frankly, the thought of Sarah Palin making it into the White House is not something that sits comfortably with me at all. Having lived in Texas under the Gerald Ford administration, it is his Social Policies that caused the rot to set in.


Under his administration both creationism and anti-semitism were freely taught in primary schools with no alternative. Sarah Palin's stance on Creationism? It should be taught in American High Schools, though not mandatory. She is taking social conservatism to the extreme.


Whilst I have every respect for a person's chosen religion, I do believe that a balance has to be met. With the social demography of the USA being so varied I cannot see this being a good thing. The Americans should be invoking the lex parsimonae, not plundering headlong down the creationist/intelligent design road.


I don't know if anyone remembers in the mid 70's there was a resurgence of anti semitism in the USA? I do, because I was taught that the Holocaust was a "propaganda tool" and a "figment of Jew's imagination" whilst living there under a staunch social conservative administration. I am not for one minute suggesting that this is Sarah Palin's stance at all, but it does highlight what is possible under such forms of Republican government.


Just my two penneth worth.

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Interviewer - "What is your stance on National Security?"


Sarah Palin - " Energy reserves in Alaska"


Ok, now am I the only person thinking WTF?? (along side the interviewer too by the look on his face.)


Even better was her response to the interviewer's question "Have you ever met any heads of state?"


Sarah Palin - "Err, no"


Putin would make mincemeat of her.

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Anyone watch the Palin interview on the beeb? Quite scary, her world view has clearly been rehearsed, and when the questions deviate she simply can't answer:




She's got a chance of being president of the USA, terrifying.

WTF :blink:


She's wooden, rehearsed, unarticulate, evasive, and extremely lucky that he didn't rip her apart in that.


Look at his face, though - he's just thinking " What am I doing here. This isn't politics. I want to present the weather - right now. "

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I actually quite liked Charlie Gibson's style of interviewing. To paraphrase him with regards to her stance on the Bush doctrine, " I get lost in a blizzard of words - was that a yes that you believe that we have the right to go across the border with or without the approval of the Pakistani government?" Well, hats off to him, he finally got a "Yes" out of her.


She seems to be the T-X to Bush's Terminator.


I know that she is on McCain's ticket, but it seems to me to be the same doctrine, just with a more fancy packaging.

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