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[BBC News] Police hunt owner of attack dog


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I've killed a dog of mine, because it attacked my father in law. The police kindly took the carcass away for me, nice folk. Don't see a problem, dog attacks, gets killed. Job done. I see that as responsible dog ownership.


If your father in law had attacked the dog, would you have killed him?

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I've killed a dog of mine, because it attacked my father in law. The police kindly took the carcass away for me, nice folk. Don't see a problem, dog attacks, gets killed. Job done. I see that as responsible dog ownership.


If your father in law had attacked the dog, would you have killed him?


We're higher up the food chain.


Man bites dog.


In an ideal world, every single dog would make a non-scarring attack on a human being, then we could justifiably destroy them all.


As an added bonus, our pavements would return to being 100% pavement, as opposed to 95% pavement and 5% dog shit. (See also, playing fields, public parks, glens, and other such areas where one would expect to be able to enjoy the liberty of (OMFG!) 'walking around' without getting stinking shit-encrusted dogshit shoes.)


A large part of the problem appears to be that the bigger, nastier, and more capable of leaving behind a trail of horrible shit the dog is, the more neanderthal the owner is, and less inclined to give a fuck about their beloved pet's increasing nuisance status.


Can't we have some kind of basic competency test before someone is allowed to buy a dog?


1) Will you exercise your pet regularly so that it doesn't turn into a psychotic ball of pent-up pointy teeth?


2) Will you pick up the horrible shit that your pet will inevitably want to leave in its wake?


3) Will you treat your pet well, as opposed to beating the crap out of it as an easy alternative to beating the crap out of other people?


4) Will you understand that a lot of people really don't care that your pet is 'playful' and thus don't want its stinking slathering jaws and spittle all over them?


5) Will you agree to being randomly humped by members of the public, should you decide that your pet exhibiting the same behaviour is acceptable?



It's not so much dogs I have the problem with in the final analysis, they're the victim more than anything else, it's the useless cunts who buy them and then utterly fail to look after them properly who should take a nice long walk off the closest short pier. (Ramsey's pier is pretty long, but it's in such a state of disrepair that any attempt at walking along it would almost inevitably result in a fatal accident in a very short space of time, so twatty dog owners, off you go for a walk, eh?)

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Dogs are vicious pack predators (same as human beings in many ways, which is why dear old "young girl's face destroyer" is able to be "man's best friend" despite being an obvious menace to society) - kill all dogs is my motto, because they're too bloody unpredictable.


I like dogs, i dislike you. Maybe you should die or your parents should have been matched or neutered.


Whilst i'd really not like to hurt an animal, i'd really like to punch you. Fecking Tit.


Untill you REALLY know about dogs, stfu and keep your opinions to yourself. Oh btw, don't buy a dog, you're not good enough.


Looks like he touched a raw nerve there! Guess you'd be pretty snappy as a dog as well then? ;)

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Dogs are vicious pack predators (same as human beings in many ways, which is why dear old "young girl's face destroyer" is able to be "man's best friend" despite being an obvious menace to society) - kill all dogs is my motto, because they're too bloody unpredictable.


I like dogs, i dislike you. Maybe you should die or your parents should have been matched or neutered.


Whilst i'd really not like to hurt an animal, i'd really like to punch you. Fecking Tit.


Untill you REALLY know about dogs, stfu and keep your opinions to yourself. Oh btw, don't buy a dog, you're not good enough.


Looks like he touched a raw nerve there! Guess you'd be pretty snappy as a dog as well then? ;)


I have noticed a kind of synergy when it comes to these kind of 'DOGS ARE FUCKING BRILLIANT!' loonies and their equally dodgy pets.


'I'm almost completely convinced he won't want to kill your child (now or in the future), he might want to try and fuck you, and yes he shits all over the place and his breath smells like death, but overall, he's just playful, oh see how much he likes you when he nuzzles into your crotch and slobbers your jeans in the process, he's just adorable!'


I think the two words I'm looking for are 'fuck' and 'off'.


There's a whole world full of real people out there, and you won't have to beat them to teach them not to shit on the carpet! (Well, apart from the old Christian Fundamentalist Republicans over in the good olde US of A - but they scarecely qualify as human beings anyway.)

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The kind of people who own dangerous, out of control dogs are the same ones who drive shitty uninsured cars, live in houses with crap piled up in the garden and clog up the NHS with fatty diet & smoking illnesses


I would say it's unlikely that they read MF and if they did they would be delighted at having pissed someone off

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The kind of people who own dangerous, out of control dogs are the same ones who drive shitty uninsured cars, live in houses with crap piled up in the garden and clog up the NHS with fatty diet & smoking illnesses


I would say it's unlikely that they read MF and if they did they would be delighted at having pissed someone off


So some kind of mass cull appears to be in order then?


Can't we just say they've all got bird flu and 'vanish' them on that basis?


Either that or get the fucking guns out.


(I don't have any guns, because they're a bit naughty and that, so if anyone wants to lend me a couple (even dog owners!), then I'm well up for it.)

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So some kind of mass cull appears to be in order then?


Can't we just say they've all got bird flu and 'vanish' them on that basis?


Either that or get the fucking guns out.


(I don't have any guns, because they're a bit naughty and that, so if anyone wants to lend me a couple (even dog owners!), then I'm well up for it.)


I'm guessing that you hate someone called Andy Swainston and just post here under that name to make him look like a total cunt. Am I close?

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So some kind of mass cull appears to be in order then?


Can't we just say they've all got bird flu and 'vanish' them on that basis?


Either that or get the fucking guns out.


(I don't have any guns, because they're a bit naughty and that, so if anyone wants to lend me a couple (even dog owners!), then I'm well up for it.)


I'm guessing that you hate someone called Andy Swainston and just post here under that name to make him look like a total cunt. Am I close?


I'm Andy Swainston!


It's not like it's a unique name.


Google manages 21,500 results:



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So some kind of mass cull appears to be in order then?


Can't we just say they've all got bird flu and 'vanish' them on that basis?


Either that or get the fucking guns out.


(I don't have any guns, because they're a bit naughty and that, so if anyone wants to lend me a couple (even dog owners!), then I'm well up for it.)


I'm guessing that you hate someone called Andy Swainston and just post here under that name to make him look like a total cunt. Am I close?


I'm Andy Swainston!


It's not like it's a unique name.


Google manages 21,500 results:




So your just retarded then?

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So some kind of mass cull appears to be in order then?


Can't we just say they've all got bird flu and 'vanish' them on that basis?


Either that or get the fucking guns out.


(I don't have any guns, because they're a bit naughty and that, so if anyone wants to lend me a couple (even dog owners!), then I'm well up for it.)


I'm guessing that you hate someone called Andy Swainston and just post here under that name to make him look like a total cunt. Am I close?


I'm Andy Swainston!


It's not like it's a unique name.


Google manages 21,500 results:




So your just retarded then?


Nope, you're retarded.


And what's your point, exactly?

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So some kind of mass cull appears to be in order then?


Can't we just say they've all got bird flu and 'vanish' them on that basis?


Either that or get the fucking guns out.


(I don't have any guns, because they're a bit naughty and that, so if anyone wants to lend me a couple (even dog owners!), then I'm well up for it.)


I'm guessing that you hate someone called Andy Swainston and just post here under that name to make him look like a total cunt. Am I close?


I'm Andy Swainston!


It's not like it's a unique name.


Google manages 21,500 results:




So your just retarded then?


Nope, you're retarded.


And what's your point, exactly?


That's my point exactly.

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