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The Katrina Monster Law Suits


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Katrina victims swamp corps with trillions in claims


WASHINGTON — Tens of thousands of people whose property was destroyed when Hurricane Katrina overwhelmed New Orleans' protective levees have filed claims demanding the government pay astronomical sums that would be enough money to make multimillionaires of everyone in Louisiana.


The Army Corps of Engineers received 247 claims from residents, businesses and government agencies seeking $1 billion or more, according to the agency. That's the tip of a very large iceberg: The corps, which designed and built the city's storm protections, faces more than 489,000 claims for the damage and deaths in the post-Katrina flooding


The claims are so massive the government could never hope to pay them. Rather, they are the hopeful — and at times inflated — requests of people reeling from losses.


Just the top filings add up to so much money that the entire annual output of the nation's economy — $12 trillion — couldn't pay them off, according to the corps' listing. It is the first public accounting of the scale of damage demands the corps faces.


Only the Yanks could try to sue for more than their country actually has :lol:

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In the last month of his presidentification, while waiting for Hilary Obama to be inauguramated, GWB agrees to pay the amount in full, bankruptifying the country, with the comment: "There...sort that lot out, you lousy democraps!"

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There has to be some sort of get out clause because they saw this coming for years (building a city on a swamp and all.)

They would be better off investing the $12 trillion in inventing a time-machine and going back and drowning Bush at birth (or better still George Bush Snr - and getting two plonkers at the same time).


Edit: No - go back a few centuries and surrender to the English.

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There has to be some sort of get out clause because they saw this coming for years (building a city on a swamp and all.)

They would be better off investing the $12 trillion in inventing a time-machine and going back and drowning Bush at birth (or better still George Bush Snr - and getting two plonkers at the same time).


Edit: No - go back a few centuries and surrender to the English.

Ahem! Act of Union, 1707. It was the British they were fighting. Mind you, its nice to see the English accepting the blame instead of merely taking all the credit as they normally do.

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There has to be some sort of get out clause because they saw this coming for years (building a city on a swamp and all.)

They would be better off investing the $12 trillion in inventing a time-machine and going back and drowning Bush at birth (or better still George Bush Snr - and getting two plonkers at the same time).


Edit: No - go back a few centuries and surrender to the English.

Ahem! Act of Union, 1707. It was the British they were fighting. Mind you, its nice to see the English accepting the blame instead of merely taking all the credit as they normally do.

Who are you calling English?

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