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Winter Vomiting Virus Threat


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*Cue man trundling a cart down street:

". . . . bring out your dead . . . . bring out your dead . . . . "


For the past two or three years there have been reports of Winter Vomiting Virus (Manx Radio Report)

This all seems to be a case of the Manx establishment injecting a bit more control into our lives and justifying the use of highly paid Health Consultants, to say nothing of Manx Radio Interviewers, who now seem to be know more about the virus and how to control it than the good doctor himself.


Any perceived problem is on the (geographical) mainland anyway.


Like the oft threatened Pandemic Flu much delivered to us by the comedic duo of Peters and Kish on Manx Radio Mandate, I would much prefer the item to be considered newsworthy when there is an actual problem.


I'm all for preventative measure but the Island doesn't half get stuck up its own arse sometimes.

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[/i]This all seems to be a case of the Manx establishment injecting a bit more control into our lives and justifying the use of highly paid Health Consultants, to say nothing of Manx Radio Interviewers, who now seem to be know more about the virus and how to control it than the good doctor himself.

Any perceived problem is on the (geographical) mainland anyway.


Like the oft threatened Pandemic Flu much delivered to us by the comedic duo of Peters and Kish on Manx Radio Mandate, I would much prefer the item to be considered newsworthy when there is an actual problem.


I'm all for preventative measure but the Island doesn't half get stuck up its own arse sometimes.


Prevention is better than cure don't you think? It may be we've not been seriously impacted by norovirus because of the high awareness and provention. I'd rather people were well informed on how to stop it spreading personally, I don't really understand how you can slag the efforts.

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Probably, but in the context of subject we're a small island independent of the big land mass over there >>>*


Do you imagine that Ireland has a panic attack everytime that there is a perceived outbreak of flu in the UK? Do they ram it down our throats on National Radio?


The same chap was on Mandate Manx Radio informing us that because shops were closed over Christmas we would need to ensure there were enough medicines in our cabinets, you know, to cure drinking hangovers and all that.


The only saving grace was that the Radio Doctor, that is to say the original Radio Doctor, was invited back onto Manx Radio to calmly explain that there was no panic and no need to stock up, Christmas is only a couple of days and the hospital would still be open. Which was music to my ears.


What's the point of being a so called independent country - an island in fact - when we have to scarily watch what is happening in the 'UK' all the time?



I class this sort of ernestly delivered bile with the much lauded quarterly siren testing. We didn't need all that for over 50 years - what's changed now? Oh! I know. Al-Qaeda and that Osama chap. Sorry, forgot about them and him.


Whichever Way You Throw Me - I land.


on yer arse maybe.










*swivel computer screen into a North South aspect

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Probably, but in the context of subject we're a small island independent of the big land mass over there >>>*


Do you imagine that Ireland has a panic attack everytime that there is a perceived outbreak of flu in the UK? Do they ram it down our throats on National Radio?


What difference does size make in relation to stopping the spread of a very unpleasant virus.


Ireland? Similar press reaction: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/loc...icle3307787.ece & http://www.sbpost.ie/post/pages/p/story.as...9426-qqqx=1.asp


This virus isn't limited to the UK, it's a winter virus that hits us every year.


What's the point of being a so called independent country - an island in fact - when we have to scarily watch what is happening in the 'UK' all the time?

I class this sort of ernestly delivered bile with the much lauded quarterly siren testing. We didn't need all that for over 50 years - what's changed now? Oh! I know. Al-Qaeda and that Osama chap. Sorry, forgot about them and him.

Whichever Way You Throw Me - I land.

on yer arse maybe.


Like it or not, we are part of the UK, and many people travel back and forward. If there's a serious outbreak of a virus there, and there is, we should be informed on how to deal with it, which is what's happening.


You appear to be bleating for bleatings sake, I don't see any valid points at all.

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I think there's a ingrown tendency set to "big up" any item on the news. Basically sweet FA happens anyway most of the time. Local rags are the same, all they do is reprint old news till they get something new.

I reckon one local issue a week might be all that's needed but of course, that'd hit ads revenue.


And of course, they rip from here..............................

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our household had/has it after coming back from uk for xmas.


Its fooking horrible junior up three times in the night throwing up, having to clean up feeling sick yourself.


I usually think they are wimps who fall for these bugs but not pleasant

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Any perceived problem is on the (geographical) mainland anyway.


I'm all for preventative measure but the Island doesn't half get stuck up its own arse sometimes.


The 'geographical mainland?' You mean Eurasia? Mann is one of many islands in the British archipelago that lies off the coast of this.


Anyway, there is hardly anything unreasonable about raising awareness about contagious disease. People are travelling back and forth all the time, and planes kind of lend themselves to spreading disease.

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I don't get your complaint at all, would you prefer you had no idea about it until you started throwing up? I assume the warnings have been the "don't go to the hospital if you have it, there's nothing we can do for you, stay at home and don't help it by spreading it" variety. My local hospital has had 6 wards closed because of it, leading to some people lying on trolleys in corridors for up to 2 days because 50 odd beds are out of action (leading to a shit-storm, excuse the pun, of abuse of the hospital authorities about poor management)


I doubt they're all that bothered about you getting it, what they are bothered about is having to close wards at the hospital and letting you know that they can't do anything for you so you should stay at home and not infect the hospital! What you seem to be suggesting is that they wait until they actually have to close wards before they tell people about it?

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