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Winter Vomiting Virus Threat


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But then so is Eire...good luck getting them to agree with you. The UK is a political term, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland...the term UK has an inherent acknowledgement that it is not geographical.

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But then so is Eire...good luck getting them to agree with you. The UK is a political term, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland...the term UK has an inherent acknowledgement that it is not geographical.


No it isn't, not geographically. We're in between britain and NI, so geographically we're part of the UK :)

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I'd suspect it's only you that sees it that way though :)


For the purpose of this discussion, it's important eh? If Norther Ireland, Scottish and English press are screaming about a virus, it's sensible for the place slap bang in the middle of the lot of em to take action.

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I can see Nipper's point - it IS something we've talked about numerous times before.


But recent reports from the UK about hospitals having to close wards, and the fact that parents there are being advised to disinfect things like computer keyboards and telly remote controls used by a sufferer, and a lot of friends going down with similar symptoms over the last few weeks, had me thinking a reminder would be useful.


And 'comedic duo'? We amuse you? We make you laugh? (In the style of Pesci and Liotta et al).

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Not a pleasant topic - it is always about, though, and basic hygiene helps to avoid it. A timely reminder is a good thing.


A good excuse, too, for getting "Dr Kish" to talk about it on the radio - I love the way he says "Winter Womiting Wirus".



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And 'comedic duo'? We amuse you? We make you laugh? (In the style of Pesci and Liotta et al).


Funny how?



Also, unless you've had the virus yourself, or had someone in your family suffer from it, you won't appreciate just how nasty it can be. Admittedly there may be an aspect of Manx Radio thinking, "Blimey, not much happening today, let's have a spot about the winter vomiting virus again" - but I'd have said it's perfectly responsible journalism to broadcast a few simple pieces of advice that can help prevent and/or contain an outbreak.

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Well, it seems I have to concede something on this one. "3 Million" hit by Winter Vomiting Bug - BBC News


However, that figure is only an estimate as the doom and gloom figures are derived from the magic formula that "For every one of the 1,922 reported cases, it is estimated another 1,500 have been unreported.".


So basically, there is a factor not of 2, not of 3, not even of 10, but of 1,500 who don't feel the need to go to their doctor about the ailment. Perhaps they should all go and see their doctor or at least report their illness. Then we would have a problem.



It's just that everytime I listen to Manx Radio Mandate there is another report:


School hit by flu bug - Manx Radio February 2006


There's a lot of it about - Manx Radio September 2006


Winter Vomiting Virus - Manx Radio October 2006


Virus Warning - Manx Radio November 2007


Hospital Virus Warning - Manx Radio December 2007


Winter Vomiting Virus Advice - Manx Radio January 2008




The much awaited for Flu Pandemic was also much publicised:


Communication Plan For Flu Outbreak - MR December 2005


Stark Warning over Avian Flu (80 could DIE!!!) - MR January 2006


Plans for dealing with Avian Flu - MR January 2006


Pandemic Simualtion Exercise - MR June 2006


Financial Sector concerns over Avian Flu - MR September 2006


UK Expert to attend Pandemic Exercise - MR Septemder 2006


Pandemic Flu Information Drive - MR April 2007



It's a bit like manxforums having continuous topics of smoking and speed limits.


I start to get edgy when Manx Radio Mandate doesn't have Dr Kishore on everyweek talking about Pandemic Flu or Winter Vomiting Virus. I think maybe it has finally arrived and the good Dr along with MHKs and their chosen interns are hiding in that bunker at the bottom of St Ninians playing fields (or wherever it is ;) )


The reasons for the reference to comedic duo Stu, is because after all your interviews on the subject, you seem to know a lot more about it than the expert you are interviewing, leading him by the hand through the interview and plying him with all the right answers in the questioning.


I love it - keep it up!!



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