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Main South Road Police Block


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I was driving home on Tuesday evening and as I approched B&Q roundabout I saw a police van blocking the road going southbound and thought there must have been some kind of accident, I went past again 2 hours later and they were still there but since then I have not heard anything of an accident happening on that road. Does anyone know why they were there?

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"Errrm....bit embarrassing, really. Bit of gristle in the burger...spat it out the window...false teeth went flying....had to close the road until we found them. Sorry for the inconvenience and all that...."

P.C. Flatplod

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Came across that too so had to dirvert to Old Castletown road. Got almost to the end of that road and that was blocked by the cops too. I was half expecting to be rushed by MI5 with guns but when it didn't happen I figured they wern't after me at all. Paranoia will get you in the end (if THEY don't get you first).

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