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Your Personal Details


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I was amazed to find out through the Watchdog program on BBC that our local authorities, post offices, telecoms ect could sell on your personal details to whom ever they want. Most of this information results in the junk mails and calls that residents receive. Governments are asking for people to cut back on waste or recycle, they have a cheek when a lot of the waste is generated by them passing on our details to the junk companies who then fill our letter boxes up with all the junk mail.

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This is one of the concerns regarding ID cards, many consider its a cynical. wolf in sheeps clothing, attempt to establish a comprehensive data base. Ie the public pay for the card, CG can then sell the data, Similar concerns with DNA data bases :(

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A method of obtaining ones details is on warranties or when you return something. How many of us have gone to buy something to be asked about our personal details, several times when I ask why they want my details they say it is for the products warranty or guarantee... bullshit


People are sometimes scared when it comes to being confronted with a personal situation, this includes the shop workers who should refuse to ask customers such personal information, at the end of the day, remember you have set no parameters to the conditions of how they may use the information you have given them. They are free to do as they please.


Me personally, I like to tear up the letter (junk mail) then re-mail it back to who ever sent it in the prepaid envelope; if I'm feeling malicious, I'll staple the hell out of it to ensure to maximize the annoyance effect. peevish, maybe, but I get a kick out of it.


I got rid of the cold callers by registering http://www.callpreventionregistry.co.uk or http://www.optoutuk.com/ may help.


I was in Ikea Warrington the other month, paid in cash. The woman asked for my post code to which I said I don't give personal details out. She looked at me quite shocked, as if to imply 'weirdo'. Then she pursued the issue by repeating it was for marketing purposes and policy to ask every customer; smiling I said it was my policy not to give out this information.


I think she was shocked because most people appear scared to say no!!!!! Don't get me wrong, there are times when I can't be arsed arguing and feed them some old name or address and post code.


Remember, if you pay for your goods via chip'n'pin, then don't let them rescan your payment card via the till card reader. They are blatantly taking your info and there is absolutely no reason to do this dual scan; chip'n'pin is a bit like a ATM at the checkout and if you think of it like this then you will see that some stores are stealing you info without your permission.



This is just my personal opinion; maybe someone who knows more on this could correct me as I'm no expert.



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This is one of the concerns regarding ID cards, many consider its a cynical. wolf in sheeps clothing, attempt to establish a comprehensive data base. Ie the public pay for the card, CG can then sell the data, Similar concerns with DNA data bases :(

It will be a comprehensive database, and people should have a closer look at the NO2ID website for an overview of what it actually covers. It reverses the current relationship of the state to the individual.


There is no obligation to hand over your name and address or postcode etc. to a shop (with the exception of buying TV equipment in the UK I believe, and I don't know if that applies on the island. However, there is nothing stopping you putting G. Broon, 10 Downing St or D. Duck, 1 Disney Care St, when you fill in the sheet ;) ).


I refuse to give my details regularly. I was in the MT shop a few weeks ago buying a memory card and refused to hand my details over - if you have a receipt, that's all you need for a guarantee or a refund - any other reasons for collating this information are their's i.e. marketing. As a result I get little or no junk mail (once in a blue moon anyway).


Whenever a friend of mine in the UK gets a junk mail pre-paid envelope in the post, it is immediately returned with the ripped up contents, used tea-bags and anything else orrible >C5 sized sat in the kitchen bin and he knows it's going to get there. He does the same for the non-pre-paid envelopes, so I would assume they would have to pay the postage, which sounds even better!

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There is no obligation to hand over your name and address or postcode etc. to a shop (with the exception of buying TV equipment in the UK I believe, and I don't know if that applies on the island. However, there is nothing stopping you putting G. Broon, 10 Downing St or D. Duck, 1 Disney Care St, when you fill in the sheet ;) ).


You are correct. In the UK if you buy a TV or even a PC that is capable of receiving TV pictures you must give your name and address, as this gets passed onto the TV Licence people who then check to make sure you have/ or buy a licence.


To stop junk mail I joined the Mail Preference Service which is similar to the Telephone Preference service to stop getting sales phonecalls. It takes a little while to filter through, but after a couple of months it had really cut down on the junk mail.


Link here http://www.mpsonline.org.uk/mpsr/ although I am not sure if it covers the Isle of Man.

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<h1 title="06 May 2007 11:46">no body is safe!!!

</h1><h1 title="06 May 2007 11:46">

</h1><h1 title="06 May 2007 11:46">Marcus Agius</h1>

Barclays ripped off by impostor chairman



Marcus joined the Board on 1 September 2006 and succeeded Matthew Barrett as Chairman from 1 January 2007.

Marcus is the senior non-executive Director of the BBC and was Chairman of Lazard in London and a Deputy Chairman of Lazard LLC until 31 December 2006.

He was formerly Chairman of BAA PLC, a position he held from 2002 until 20 December 2006.

Marcus is Trustee to the Board of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Chairman of The Foundation and Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Marcus is Chairman of the Board Corporate Governance and Nominations Committee and a member of the Board HR and Remuneration Committee.


DOB: 22 July 1946




Barclays Douglas call centre by any chance??

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there is apparently no requirement for Manx shops to pass on the address to TV licensing - at least this is what I was told but not having a TV it doesn't really concern me except for the monthly threatening letter that I might be interviewed under police caution (address to 'current occupier' thus they don't have the manx electoral roll).


The UK 'do not call' telephone list seems to work for the Island - in UK I was petestered by such calls but it seems to have stopped (however I also went ex-directory so maybe that also helps, as a friend who is in the directory still gets sales calls originating in India) - you should always tick the abridged details box in the voter registration/electoral roll forms as there is no need to encourage the junkmailers however like Albert I dump all such back in the post (including most charities who now operate like a business), they seem to get addresses off any share holders lists - the recent dodge now is to address to 'the current occupier' - these too are returned addressee unknown.

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Ah man this sort of stuff and has been around for ages. One of the leading address management companies in the British Isles is based right here in Ramsey.


All you have to do is buy a license for TraceMaster and you can trace people by name. address or telephone number across the UK going back over 5 or so years. It even has maps to locate the address. It also uses a system called Censation that defines the Geodemographics of an area based on the postcode, ie is it affluent, or is it made up of old people etc. Great for maildrops to the right people.


How does Censation work?

Every postcode has one of 52 'Clusters' or Codes assigned to it. This simple four character code identifies:


1. How rich or poor are my customers likely to be? The first letter in a Censation code shows how rich or poor people living in a postcode are likely to be. Are your customers wealthy, prosperous, comfortable, striving or struggling?


2. What stage of life are they likely to be at? The second letter in Censation code shows how likely your customers are to be young singles, young families, older families, families with children who have left home (empty nesters), seniors, etc.


3. Any distinctive features? The last two digits of a Censation code highlight distinctive characteristics drawn from the underlying Census, Residential or Commercial data or from the lifestyle validation. A short additional description is put in descending order with the strongest or most likely attribute first. Finally a detailed supporting table with over 30 different characteristics is provided.





There are plenty of other companies doing this too - why are you all so suprised.... <_<

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Because, slinks, why pay for the data when you can build it into the retail process that the sheeple will hand it over for free?


Do you think this is an important topic? Answer our customer survey, and win a plasma telly, or something (required fields: name, address, DoB, salary, bank details, dna sample)

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Because, slinks, why pay for the data when you can build it into the retail process that the sheeple will hand it over for free?


Do you think this is an important topic? Answer our customer survey, and win a plasma telly, or something (required fields: name, address, DoB, salary, bank details, dna sample)


Sheeple....! That's good.... really good.. :lol: :lol: :lol: Nice one BBB.


Is that an original or did you see it elsewhere?????

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