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There are plenty of other companies doing this too - why are you all so suprised.... <_<


Because the daily mail is winding people up on this since the gov lost those disks.

Cobblers - many of us have been aware and concerned about this and related issues for years, whilst people like you complacently sleep-walk us into a database and surveillance state. If you don't want your data going to someone, why can't you have the right to say so i.e. it should always be 'opt-in' and not by default in many cases 'opt-out'. If I want to buy something, my position is 'don't call me, I'll call you thanks'.


People collect data for two primary reasons - money and control. If any data collection will help me e.g. health records, then I want to know that it is secure and those accessing it are accountable, and it will not be passed on to third party's - but still have an opt-in choice.

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Cobblers - many of us have been aware and concerned about this and related issues for years, whilst people like you complacently sleep-walk us into a database and surveillance state. If you don't want your data going to someone, why can't you have the right to say so i.e. it should always be 'opt-in' and not by default in many cases 'opt-out'. If I want to buy something, my position is 'don't call me, I'll call you thanks'.


It is always 'opt in', the laws quite clear. I'm not sleep walking anyone, I just don't get the hysteria. Sure, be careful with your name and address to avoid spam and whatnot, but this 'PERSONAL DATA IDENTITY CRIME' shit from giving your name and address only has gotten out of hand.


People collect data for two primary reasons - money and control. If any data collection will help me e.g. health records, then I want to know that it is secure and those accessing it are accountable, and it will not be passed on to third party's - but still have an opt-in choice.


Yeah, cos making money is evil! Anyone who wants to do that should be hunted down and shot.

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People collect data for two primary reasons - money and control. If any data collection will help me e.g. health records, then I want to know that it is secure and those accessing it are accountable, and it will not be passed on to third party's - but still have an opt-in choice.


Yeah, cos making money is evil! Anyone who wants to do that should be hunted down and shot.

If they are making money at the expense of my civil liberties - then sign me up to lead the firing squad!


As for opt-in and opt-out, clearly many people don't know their rights, and retailers take advantage of this by asking for postcodes etc. IMO they should be made to give a clear unambiguous statement when asking for this data, spelling out your right not to give it, as well as what they will use the data for.

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If they are making money at the expense of my civil liberties - then sign me up to lead the firing squad!


Knowing ones customer is now infringing your civil liberties? What paranoid claptrap. You should also go round wearing a mask in case someone see's you an stores your image in their brain. You lose control of your own image then, and they can do what they like with it! Horrible unspeakable things with vegetables and rolled up newspapers!


As for opt-in and opt-out, clearly many people don't know their rights, and retailers take advantage of this by asking for postcodes etc. IMO they should be made to give a clear unambiguous statement when asking for this data, spelling out your right not to give it, as well as what they will use the data for.


Yes. And the government should also issue tin hates to everyone to protect them from the tachyon marketing rays transmitted by evil corporations too!


I think everyone needs to get some perspective on what's really dangerous and what isn't.

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Knowing ones customer is now infringing your civil liberties? What paranoid claptrap. You should also go round wearing a mask in case someone see's you an stores your image in their brain. You lose control of your own image then, and they can do what they like with it! Horrible unspeakable things with vegetables and rolled up newspapers!
First of all there is a great difference between: data you are legally obliged to collect in order to KYC for a bank etc., and the data handled collated by e.g. Tesco which can then be sold on to other companies such as Sky etc. and used to plague consumers. These differences are clearly stated in legislation, and the data protection act states that if you do not want your data stored and used for these purposes (except where you are legally bound) then you can write to them and have it removed. Better still, in the first place, refuse to give it to them unless they have a valid or useful reason for collecting it. These companies have designated Data Controllers that should know this.
Yes. And the government should also issue tin hates to everyone to protect them from the tachyon marketing rays transmitted by evil corporations too!
The government have officially issued me with a tin-hat on more than one occasion already thanks, when I and many others joined up to protect the country from people like you, though given pre-1989 they were generally all outsiders then living in the Eastern Bloc, and not fifth columnists like you, willing to hand over control of the population to corporations and the state.
I think everyone needs to get some perspective on what's really dangerous and what isn't.
No, you want to get some perspective that not everyone is happy about how some people use or misuse other peoples data, and given 1000 years of history some people believe the state should remain as servant to the individual - and you should respect their right to hold that view, without resorting to child-like rhetoric about tin-hats. Your problem is you only look at one aspect of the issue at a time and do not do any joined up thinking to realise where all this is heading. For example, if I'd have said in 1997 that 10 years later there would be legislation for ID cards in the UK, I'm sure then you would have said 'I was nuts' - and 'such a thing couldn't happen in Britain'.
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Ahh, a fairly typical Albert contradiction right there. In two paragraphs we've gone from how free trade should be quashed by increasingly strong regulation, to me being a supporter of some sort of police state and being a nazi.


Quite how you connect Sky mailing you junk because tesco took your post code to the holocaust is beyond me.

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Ahh, a fairly typical Albert contradiction right there. In two paragraphs we've gone from how free trade should be quashed by increasingly strong regulation, to me being a supporter of some sort of police state and being a nazi.


Quite how you connect Sky mailing you junk because tesco took your post code to the holocaust is beyond me.

You must have a helluva job at Clarks getting shoes fitted, since you have shot yourself in the feet so many times.


Free trade should not be at the expense of civil liberties (or do you think it should?). Moreover, how do you get 'Nazi' or 'holocaust' from a mention of the Eastern Bloc?

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I questioned why Alexanders Jewellery shop required my name and address when I made a purchase there, the woman was quite rude to me, as if no one had ever questioned her before, I wasn't happy about it but she did tell me the data was for their own use and that they complied with the data protection blah blah blah. Will not shop there again.


Ai, your Albert bashing is a bit poor today, you really will have to try harder than that. Albert 3 - Ai Droid 0.

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Free trade should not be at the expense of civil liberties (or do you think it should?). Moreover, how do you get 'Nazi' or 'holocaust' from a mention of the Eastern Bloc?


I don't consider someone knowing my name and address an expense of my civil liberties. I get nazi from your reference to joining up to fight people who are apparently like me.


Apparently there's hostile countries full of politically apothetic people who'd like the daily mail angry mob to just fucking relax a bit, right?


The Bee's scoring albert impartially once again, don't speak with your mouth full love!

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Free trade should not be at the expense of civil liberties (or do you think it should?). Moreover, how do you get 'Nazi' or 'holocaust' from a mention of the Eastern Bloc?

I get nazi from your reference to joining up to fight people who are apparently like me.

Joining up to fight the Nazi's? Cripes - how old do you think I am?

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Joining up to fight the Nazi's? Cripes - how old do you think I am?


There's been bugger else to fight over the last 50 odd years, well other than the USA's oil interests!

You seem to have forgotten about the billions spent and nuclear proliferation of the 'cold-war'.


Are you sure you haven't got this thread somehow mixed up with the thread entitled: 'the knob game'?

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