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What the hell is going on here? I've just complete Episode 2 and thought I'd make some time for TF2.


Looking at the screenshots that have been pasted on valves website over the years, you’d think the semi-camo clad sources models would not only look great but being a newer game, the game play improved.


How wrong was I when I loaded up the game to find this cartoony junk with cluttered display taking up most of the screen! All the maps are ruined, no grenades, no nice buggy areas, skill is decreased, Sentries are lame.... what else can I say?


I'm severely disappointed with this release! grrr back to TFC anyone?

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What the hell is going on here? I've just complete Episode 2 and thought I'd make some time for TF2.


Looking at the screenshots that have been pasted on valves website over the years, you’d think the semi-camo clad sources models would not only look great but being a newer game, the game play improved.


How wrong was I when I loaded up the game to find this cartoony junk with cluttered display taking up most of the screen! All the maps are ruined, no grenades, no nice buggy areas, skill is decreased, Sentries are lame.... what else can I say?


I'm severely disappointed with this release! grrr back to TFC anyone?


TF2 rules. The display can be changed with an option, the graphics rule, the grenades are limited to the demoman, which is as it should be. No daft spamming and stupid jumping exploits, its superb.

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TF2 is great. It's a refreshing change and most importantly, it's not a rehash of TFC, a 10 year old game that was dominated by exploits and trickjumps. Anyone still harking for that really needs to move on because the rest of gaming has. Apart from Counterstrike dweebs that is.


We didn't need another soldier fps. We already have CoD4, MoH, DoD, BF2, CS and a host of others. Where's the market for another? For me, they got it absolutely bang on the button with the launch, the only disappointing thing is the lack of interest Valve have shown in it since. No official map packs or releases, no continuation of the video series of the characters and no signs of anything other than bug fixes or tweaks.

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We didn't need another soldier fps. We already have CoD4, MoH, DoD, BF2, CS and a host of others.


Yes we do, we need ones with ever better graphics! Yes, I am a fanboy of military themed multiplayers.


To be honest though, in terms of substance I didn't find TF2 that much different to most other soldier FPS, which these days tend to conform to the formula of objective based teamplay organized around different classes. Each has its own gimmicks, some more impressive than others: The combined arms and huge maps of BF2, CoD's perk system and graphical complexity (which is important in so much as it's one of the few games in which camouflage actually works), CS was designed primarily as a platform for 12 year olds to test hacks and a forum for racist slurs, and MoH has... hm... Nazis.


What would be different would be a game that developed the teamplay side more, introducing greater organization and cooperation within the game. To date the only game I know of where this has been attempted is BF2's project reality mod, which has used the class system to surprising effect in limiting the excesses of other games (no more armies of snipers and run and gun elements) and making the Commander and squad leaders more essential roles.

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What would be different would be a game that developed the teamplay side more, introducing greater organization and cooperation within the game. To date the only game I know of where this has been attempted is BF2's project reality mod, which has used the class system to surprising effect in limiting the excesses of other games (no more armies of snipers and run and gun elements) and making the Commander and squad leaders more essential roles.


If you squad up with some chums and you're all on Teamspeak, it's possible to do some seriously effective teamplay on BF2142, to the extent that a single 4 or 5 man squad can dominate a game and pretty much ensure victory (assuming that no one's bothering to do the same sort of thing on the other side).


As for TF2, I think it's fantastic, a real light-hearted, massively entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable romp.


I don't think I've ever seen so much wrongness compressed into so few words as Unisol's post above.

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If you squad up with some chums and you're all on Teamspeak, it's possible to do some seriously effective teamplay on BF2142, to the extent that a single 4 or 5 man squad can dominate a game and pretty much ensure victory (assuming that no one's bothering to do the same sort of thing on the other side).


Aye, but it's rare that that happens (in my experience), and you have to put up with the rest of your team (and the enemy's) being made up entirely of snipers and assault guys who do nothing but run around healing each other for however long the round matches, and even then half of them never go beyond hanging around at the spawn point waiting for the walker to appear. Don't get me wrong, Battlefield's classes and squad system is a fantastic idea, it's just not persued to its fullest potential because there's very little incentive to join a squad in the first place, much less act in tandem with your squad. Even if you do, your opponents more than likely aren't going to offer up a challenge that can't be solved by brute force and frontal assaults alone. That's why I like PR: You can't get the more desirable kits unless you're in a squad, and even then they're limited in numbers and there's a system in place to stop people endlessly requesting the same kit as soon as they respawn - that together with the fact that certain classes are configured such that they only really work well in cooperation with others encourages a greater sense of reliance on your squad. I'm not saying I'd like to see the PR model adopted by all games though, just that it would be nice to see a squad and team organization being applied with a little more imagination by developers, especially since we're now getting to the point where we're beginning to see 80 - 100 player maps.

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