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[BBC News] Police examine fatal crash scene


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Yeah thats odd, and why not do it on a sunday morning.


Maybe they need it to be dark? It was dark when the accident happened, bearing in mind it was a month ago, the same level of darkness will happen slightly later, and it's outside 'rush hour'. Also, the investigators might get paid triple time on a Sunday night.


they will if it's been shut from friday 'til sunday night :P

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Some one died there remember, and I am sure that his parents would like the other person to be punished for their mistake/error/supidity. I know it will not bring the young lad back but its showing someone cares. After all what harm is it doing anyone to go the long way round at least there will get home to there family. Lets just hope they do not use it as a reason to bring the speed limit down to 50.


Look what happened to the prat that killed the lady biker on the moutain, I hope all these people go to hell, her young family is left without a mother. And the young lad that was killed by the drunk driver several years ago who only did a couple of years he did not learn his lesson and has been caught drink driving again - I hope they throw away the key and leave him to rot.

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