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Automatic Organ Donation


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So next time I see you in town, and go about clubbing you with an iron bar, you'll have no objection I suppose - having heard nothing from you on the subject previously?


Absolutely, next time you see me in town, provided I'm dead, you can do what the fuck you like to me. The whole dead thing seems to be ignored here?

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So next time I see you in town, and go about clubbing you with an iron bar, you'll have no objection I suppose - having heard nothing from you on the subject previously?


Absolutely, next time you see me in town, provided I'm dead, you can do what the fuck you like to me. The whole dead thing seems to be ignored here?

It's a deal. Looking at your avatar, you'd make a great wheely bin once all your inside bits had been donated.

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No mention of the monetery value of organs? will BUPA be able to harvest organs, how does the American model work? we do seem to be heading more their way in health provision than those nasty socialist Spaniards .


There are more areas to this than just the emotive, yes i will, no i wont.

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The thing I thought about whilst reading this was how far will the state go? Surely if you have opted out (will they give you a card?) they could just say "oh x person was not carrying their card and we needed y organ to save this persons life, so we took it! It's for the greater good!


The state already has way to much power. Libertarianism all the way! Ron Paul!


For the record, I have offered my body parts (except for eyes, for whatever reason, I want a face for people to be able to look at, even if it is just to say goodbye).

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For the record, I have offered my body parts (except for eyes, for whatever reason, I want a face for people to be able to look at, even if it is just to say goodbye).


That doesn't make any sense as you'd be dead! But I did exactly the same thing - ticked all the boxes except my eyes.

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Going sideways here, as some previous posters have mentioned there's a bit of a problem with trust issues. To my mind, there's an established sceptical attitude towards most, perhaps any official statements of intent or policy. Not necessarily paranoia, just a result of previous events./announcements etc

WMD springs to mind.

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Much of A Gift From Earth revolves around Niven's idea that organ transplants would lead to a shortage of suitable donors, causing citizens to support widespread capital punishment for even trivial crimes, in order to ward off the effects of their own aging and death.

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Aren't the Chinese 'harvesting' organs from people they execute?

Swear I read it somewhere some time ago.


edit to add under


It was in the Indy


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My son will be 16 tomorrow and without some kind family, in a time of grief, allowing their loved ones organs to be transplanted, he wouldn't be here now.


I carried a card for years before my lad was born, and opted in when that was introduced. But for those who carry a card or say they're not bothered about what happens to their organs once they're gone, please remember that unless you make your wishes known to your next of kin, then they can say no, even if you carried a card.


What ever happens with this story, I'm just glad that folks are talking about it, if that in itself is enough to maybe make one person go on the website and opt in, it can only be a good thing. (I don't know how to put a link for the opt in website, but am sure someone on here will)


One other thing, the boy applied for his driving license and on the bottom asks if you want to donate. That too is a good thing.

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The thing I thought about whilst reading this was how far will the state go? Surely if you have opted out (will they give you a card?) they could just say "oh x person was not carrying their card and we needed y organ to save this persons life, so we took it! It's for the greater good!


The state already has way to much power. Libertarianism all the way! Ron Paul!


For the record, I have offered my body parts (except for eyes, for whatever reason, I want a face for people to be able to look at, even if it is just to say goodbye).


Exactly, I don't believe the state has any right whatsoever to make decisions such as this state.

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I really can't agree with the people claiming this shows the further rise of the nanny-state. Perhaps they would prefer it was completely rolled back and those in need of a transplant had to go out and find a replacement for themselves.


Whilst I can understand the "will those that opt-out carry a non-donor card?" argument, hospitals have to identify the corpse first anyway, and then they will have to check it against a register.


The problem I do have is that I already consider myself it have opted-out when I filled out my driving license application, yet presumably I will soon be required to do so again. This is not really a great problem, but I would prefer it if measures to increase the numbers of donors without assuming consent were tried first. I don't watch a lot of commercial TV, but I don't think there have been any massive ad campaigns about it?


As for what this means for the IoM, does Nobles carry out many transplants, or are they sent to the UK anyway?

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