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Tom Cruise = Insane

Andy Swainston

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Hey - what exactly is so wrong about Tom's beliefs??? Only because you all don't believe it, or understand it, doesn't mean its wrong!!! Some more tolerance please....... I admire him for his openess and compassion and the drive he shows and the example he sets. Maybe you should read some more about it to start and understand before slagging anything off you dont understand or want to understand!!!


Openess? This videos been hounded off the net by Scientologists, it's been banned from various different sites through the actions of their over active legal department. Compassion? Trying to secure more members into an unhealthy cult?


I've read lots about it, what's not to understand? It's a fairly straight forward cult that prays on it's members, or have you got something to say in it's defence we might not be aware of?

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Hey - what exactly is so wrong about Tom's beliefs???


They're bollocks. That's ok in and of itself, but it's harmful bollocks preached by a group who charge for the privilege of learning it and mercilessly try to crush any kind of dissent or criticism, and who try an insinuate themselves in the corridoors of power.


I admire him for his openess and compassion and the drive he shows and the example he sets.


And I laugh at him for his stupidity and mock profound non insights, and for the example of dementedness he sets, and I for one would appreciate my views to meet with a little tolerance and open mindedness.

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So you call him demented and expect your views to be greeted with tolerance and an open mind??? Great example.

No one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith in the church. No one is forced into anything. Only what you have observed to be true is true. Such a shame that people like you have so little tolerance towards others and the way they want to lead a happier life and achieve their full potential.

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So you call him demented and expect your views to be greeted with tolerance and an open mind??? Great example.

No one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith in the church. No one is forced into anything. Only what you have observed to be true is true. Such a shame that people like you have so little tolerance towards others and the way they want to lead a happier life and achieve their full potential.

Precisely what's to tolerate? Scientology is for loonies and the gullible. Pure and simple. Even more so than any of the other religions - which is saying a lot. A "religion" created by a second-rate sci-fi writer who's on record as pretty much saying he founded the whole thing to make money ("Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion" - L Ron Hubbard).


It's exactly as relevant as Jedi, except the films aren't as good.

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If so, would that mean I am opening myself to your ridicule, non-understanding and general intolerance?? Tom will always be someone I admire for his professional achievements and the way he lives his life and the example he sets. I know many of you might only say things because you dont understand. Maybe you will at some point but until then it would be nice to see some tolerance towards others and their beliefs and the way they want to live their lifes. thank you!!!

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So you call him demented and expect your views to be greeted with tolerance and an open mind??? Great example.


Yes, and I will crush all who oppose me with intimidation tactics and groundless accusations, following the example of the beloved church.


Only what you have observed to be true is true. Such a shame that people like you have so little tolerance towards others and the way they want to lead a happier life and achieve their full potential.


If someone claims that they can achieve their full potential by slamming their head against a wall, I will state that they're an idiot, similarly if someone claims that they can do so by running around in a circle praying to imaginary dolphins on the moon I would also say they're an idiot (although I of course recognise their right to be idiots). Neither of these verdicts would be controversial, so I fail to see how it is any different to think scientologists are idiots for assuming they can reach their full potential spending time and money subscribing to the whimsical teachings of a rubbish author.


Would you like to know the secret of a happier life, and of achieving your full potential? You promise not to share it with anyone else right? Here it is:


1. Work hard at mastering a trade, a skill, or an academic discipline, or being really good at your job;

2. Make some good friends;

3. Accept that bad things sometimes happen to good people, that the little guy doesn't always win, and, for the love of Xenu, stop chasing holy grails that people tell you can magically turn your life around, but are in fact nothing but a series of short to medium term goals designed to perpetuate an entirely illusory feeling of accomplishment to fill that yawning void in your soul.


Right, that'll be £40,000 please. Non-payment, unauthorized disclosure, or criticism of these methods may result in being decried an EoU (enemy of Utopia) and being harrassed until you crack up.

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If so, would that mean I am opening myself to your ridicule, non-understanding and general intolerance?? Tom will always be someone I admire for his professional achievements and the way he lives his life and the example he sets.



You like Tom Cruise, I don't, it's just opinion. One of the things I dislike is his belief in Scientology (only because I find it, as a religion, laughable) but I also don't think he is a particularly good actor or has achieved much. But of course we are all entitled to our own opinions on people.


I know many of you might only say things because you dont understand. Maybe you will at some point but until then it would be nice to see some tolerance towards others and their beliefs and the way they want to live their lifes. thank you!!!


Are you trying to be patronising? Understand what?

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I am successful enough. More successful and happier than most of you will ever be because i made the right choice and kept an open mind and embraced the ideas i thought right. There are so many lies in the public domain, so many untruths and myths, stories made up by the media looking for a cheap and easy story to fill their pockets without consideration for the consequences or anything else!! truths are twisted and things are reported that are completely different in reality. It is sad and hurts to see this kind of thing happen. No paper or media would ever dare to report like that about any other church!! Why??? I dont want to be patronising i just say unless you have first hand experience how can you say some of these things??? yes everyone can have an opinion but there must be a limit between opinion and deliberate insults!!! you dont insult any other church do you??? so why??

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I believe what i believe in and i know it works very well for me thank you. the potential we humans have is so great, so unbelievable and all it would take from your part is a little more tolerance and open mind. It is such a shame that you are missing out on the great experiences you could have, the freedom and satisfaction of true spiritual release! Believe in your media stories if you want, the 'truths' told to you by greedy and lying newspapers and websites that have nothing better to do than being abusive and intolerant towards others!!

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There are so many lies in the public domain, so many untruths and myths, stories made up by the media looking for a cheap and easy story to fill their pockets without consideration for the consequences or anything else!!

So, Xenu's not a myth and L Ron, despite what he said, didn't just make up a religion to, um, "fill [his] pockets"? Oh, Okay. :blink:


No paper or media would ever dare to report like that about any other church!! Why???

That's simply because most other religions aren't as obviously barking as Scientology. We're always going to aim at the easiest target. That's the way of things. And Scientology is such a phenomenally easy target.


you dont insult any other church do you??? so why??

Actually, I do. I count all religions as equally demented and dangerous. And am happy to insult them until the space-cows come back from the moon. Apart from Quakers and Sikhs, who I'm prepared to give a little more headspace to. But only a little. They're still all loonies, obviously. For Holy Zargon's sake, even the Mormons have a more believable back-story than Scientology.


Incidentally, Vinnie, I'm intrigued by your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter...

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I believe what i believe in and i know it works very well for me thank you. the potential we humans have is so great, so unbelievable and all it would take from your part is a little more tolerance and open mind. It is such a shame that you are missing out on the great experiences you could have, the freedom and satisfaction of true spiritual release! Believe in your media stories if you want, the 'truths' told to you by greedy and lying newspapers and websites that have nothing better to do than being abusive and intolerant towards others!!


Like many religious defenders, you speak in generalisations, not specifics. What potential? Why is an open mind required? What for? What are we missing out on? What is spiritual release? What lies have the newspapers and websites told? What abuse? What intolerance?


You haven't actually said anything, you're just eluding to stuff.


Vinnie: Post of the year, already. Someone remind me in December :)

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So you call him demented and expect your views to be greeted with tolerance and an open mind??? Great example.

No one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith in the church. No one is forced into anything. Only what you have observed to be true is true. Such a shame that people like you have so little tolerance towards others and the way they want to lead a happier life and achieve their full potential.


But Scientology is certainly not a cult of tolerance.


you dont insult any other church do you??? so why??


Yes we do. We all had a crack at the Jevovah's Witnesses not long ago. Scientology is just appears crazier than most religious beliefs.




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