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North Quay Hotel


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While in the planning office today I overheard the young lady behind the counter telling a client that O,Hare & McGovern were due to start work on the new Hotel at the bus station site in June of this year. Should be more fun getting to work in the morning.

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I'd love to know what was wrong with it being a bus station. In fact, I'd also love to know where the bus station is now going to be situated. The lack of commitment to - or in fact even interest in - improving public transport is one of the (many, many, many) things the government should be ashamed of.

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I'd love to know what was wrong with it being a bus station. In fact, I'd also love to know where the bus station is now going to be situated.


Take a look at the rear of Tesco,s for your answer, seems to have had a few quid spent on the area.

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possibly they may consider the circle in front of the Sea terminal - they have moved the information shop there, there are toilets + shelter etc - catch is needs another 2 roundabouts to be negotiated at rush hour and the mass exodus at 10 and 40mins past might be a problem

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possibly they may consider the circle in front of the Sea terminal - they have moved the information shop there, there are toilets + shelter etc - catch is needs another 2 roundabouts to be negotiated at rush hour and the mass exodus at 10 and 40mins past might be a problem


That would make sense. It'll never be done.

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Unfortunately it is no longer the bus station, just a big bus stop. Don’t for one minute expect the people who use the buses to be given any consideration. As for using the front of the sea terminal, don’t be silly. This prestigious public building is the HQ of the transport department, - can’t have it cluttered up with smelly buses; the travelling public might uses it to get to and from the boat without getting wet or having to lug their luggage from the bus stop at the bottleneck car park. We cannot have that, and anyhow where would the civil servants park their cars?

The government from time to time make a half hearted attempt to get people to use the buses, whilst at the same time making sure that its not made easy for potential customers. If you travel in on a bus that comes into Douglas along the promenade and you want to go to somewhere in or around Athol Street, you have to get of at the Promenade church, the old bus station or Tescos. There is no reason why the early morning buses cannot turn up by the town hall and go along Athol Street.

Buses leaving the Banks circus (Tescos) stop, heading to the promenade go one of three ways, depending on the driver.

1)Via south quay

2)Via north quay, Quines corner, Peveril square

3)Via north quay, Quines corner, Ridgeway Street, Victoria Street.


If it uses the latter route it passes three designated bus stops where people could get on instead of having to go down to the prom.

As I say, don’t expect the travelling public to be given any consideration. Douglas does not need another hotel.

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The lack of commitment to - or in fact even interest in - improving public transport is one of the (many, many, many) things the government should be ashamed of.


Who cares. Those people that matter drive their BMW's and 4 x 4's into Douglas and park in private slots in public funded carparks, and the rest can piss off as far as those in charge are concerned.

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one answer might be to require all DOT employees who live within a half mile walk of a bus-stop to use the bus (possibly at a subsidized rate) - car parking only available for those with a certified medical reason or for a notified car pooling group. This was imposed on my last place of employment to reduce an insatiable demand for car parking permits.


Another approach is to specify employer provided carparking as a taxable perk at a nominal £5/day

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I'd love to know what was wrong with it being a bus station. In fact, I'd also love to know where the bus station is now going to be situated. The lack of commitment to - or in fact even interest in - improving public transport is one of the (many, many, many) things the government should be ashamed of.



I don't think there will be a bus station as we know it.The buses will come out of the garage and pick the passengers up from shelters around the town.

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How often do you use the bus? - I often research at the Manx Museum and leave at 5 for the 5.40 bus back allowing me time to do some shopping - as I've no idea of the time this will take, I can have upto 20mins to wait, on a cold wet evening with smokers insisting on lighting up in the shelter I roundly curse the demolition of the old bus station and would sentence the civil servant responsible to sit on the deliberately uncomfortable seats for life.

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