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Markets Crash Across Europe


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Revelation Chapter 6:

6:5: And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

6:6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.


Barrule looks nice.........

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Wonder how much shit will hit the fan when the Dow Jones opens.


Not too much (yet) as it happens. That huge interest rate cut has held of a massive crash until ... well maybe Friday. Despite Bush trying to get the IRS to immediately issue rebate cheques of between $800 and $1,600 a person to every US taxpayer so they can spend it in the economy and a massive rate cut this morning the US economy is headed down the toilet.




Its a race to the bottom now. Massive interest rate cut causes huge foreign capital flight from the Dollar into other currencies as the real value of US Bonds and cash held by foreign investors fall, causes stocks to fall even lower, causes worse economic conditions, causes a shit load of problems. If it gets to Monday relatively unscathed its a tribute to the mindless self belief of the traders finding reasons to stay in when the market is a crock of crap.


I really want to see George W Bush's last year in office witness the biggest financial crash we've seen in decades. This linked to the total farce of the Iraq War, and the instability caused by potential strikes on Iran and the mess in Palestine should mean that not one member of the Bush family will ever get any vote to do anything before at least the next Millenium.

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Anyone care to tell me how the point system works and what the points are? Did have a trawl around the internet before but couldn't pick out any relevant faq's from google.


I believe it means 0.75%.


The whole financial markets system makes my piss boil.


A few strung out cokeheads in the stock markets lose 'confidence' and all our pensions disappear down the toilet.


How does that work then?


I think Amadeus has already posted this link somewhere else, but it really does make the point in an almost scarily genuine fashion:



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Anyone care to tell me how the point system works and what the points are? Did have a trawl around the internet before but couldn't pick out any relevant faq's from google.


The market indexes? They're basically a list of holdings that are designed to reflect the state of the market. The points are basically a valuation of all the equities on that index. The ftse 100 is the 100 biggest companies in terms of captial that are listed on the london stock exchange, and pretty much account for most of the money invested on that exchange.

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Now I have an slight idea how it works, but wasn't it obvious this was going to happen since the dollar was strong to the pound?, the USA must've lost quite a bit of money through exporting etc... so their market eventually started crashing?..



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but wasn't it obvious this was going to happen since the dollar was strong to the pound?,


The dollar has been weak to the pound for a while now. It used to be around the 1.60 to 1.17 but it been around 2.00 to the pound for a good few months. That means you need more dollars to buy a pound so it's weaker. Good news if you're having hols in the USA though as you get more dollars for your pound

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But wouldn't that in itself affect the USA market? :huh:


It would make their imports dearer but I don't know how much America imports. I'd guess a fair bit is manufactured overseas like in China.


One anomaly though is that oil is normally traded in dollars so they'd be no change there. Some OPEC countries are wanting to change from dollars into euros because of the weak dollar. You may also wonder why oil based fuels aren't cheaper for us as crude is traded in dollars

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Now I have an slight idea how it works, but wasn't it obvious this was going to happen since the dollar was strong to the pound?, the USA must've lost quite a bit of money through exporting etc... so their market eventually started crashing?..


It's weak, and it's weak vs the euro too, which won't be helping, but as I understand it the currencies are a result of the us problems, not the cause.

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It would make their imports dearer but I don't know how much America imports. I'd guess a fair bit is manufactured overseas like in China.

I believe they've always had a tendency to be somewhat insular with regards to trade which is, perhaps, understandable given the size of their internal market. Imports have continued to grow, however, with a deficit 0f $57.8 billion in October and $63.1billion in November LINK

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