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Police In Protest Rally Over Pay

Albert Tatlock

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Nice one:

However, Andrew Haldenby, director of the think tank Reform, said police had been given above-inflation pay rises for the past 12 years without delivering a better service.


"For things like anti-social behaviour, where we do look to the police to actually make a difference, those areas of crime have not improved at all," he said.

I would like to see a police pay review removing anachronisms like their "boot allowance" and replacing it with "driving shoes" or "desk under for the use of" or whatever that better reflects "modern policing methods".


The "too much paperwork" bleating we get from the coppers is a joke. Face it, what would you rather be doing:


(a) sitting in a nice, warm, comfy office taking as long as possible to fill out forms or

(b) pounding a beat in the pissing rain.


No contest.

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