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Gta Iv

K.os Theory

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Amazing game, set to improve even on San Andreas. Played for about an hour last night but was exhausted after a solid weekend working and decided to call it quits and get back to it when I have more energy.

Was very surprised how many people were at GameMaster in Ramsey last night, expected a few but there were about 40 people there! Looks like this is the biggest ever video game launch; should break all the records.

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Isn't that online offer only, with the point and all?


Picked it up last night, was quite a queue at Game. Got the points and the gamerpix, it came in a separate slim dvd case. Played for a few hours, it rules!




I might have seen you as I was second in the queue.

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Oh well Play.com didn't deliver today. I'll just return that one.


Walkled into Game just now and picked up a GTIV straight away. They have a load left on both consoles.


They told me they are selling off peoples pre-orders because they didn't come in before 2pm - unlucky....

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It was only a matter of time before the 'latest version' of this so called 'game' prompted yet another senseless attack. 'How long' must we be forced to put up with this 'filth' before the government finally 'see the light' and 'ban' these things?


I actually hate these people! Not sure what all the quote marks are for in her comments though!


Yeah GTA 4 caused the stabbing bearing in mind it hadn't even been played :rolleyes: F*cking idiots, why do they even exist?

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"Shocked fellow gamers - including young children - initially thought the stabbing was part of a stunt put on by shop"


What were 'young children' doing in a midnight launch for an 18 game?


I see it's gone nuts in the US as well: "GTA 4 Is Making Parents Go Crazy"




Come on people it's an 18 (or M in US). Yes kids can get hold of it but only through an adult. If you don't want them to play it, put the parental controls on the console.

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Only managed to get a couple of hours in today (I have the whole evening booked out though once House Jnr is in bed :D) and it must be said that it's a spectacularly awesome game, to the extent that I got that tingling feeling down my spine the same as when I first started out on GTA3 on the PS2 all those years ago. The scale of it is truly epic, especially when weighed against the remarkable level of detail that permeates just about everything.


HANDY HINT - Top ten things not to say to your wife when she asks the rhetorical question 'Do you still want to go out for a meal tomorrow?'


'I'd rather stay in and play GTA4, to be honest.'


It appears that no amount of, 'I was just kidding dear' can buy you out of that one.

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"Shocked fellow gamers - including young children - initially thought the stabbing was part of a stunt put on by shop"


What were 'young children' doing in a midnight launch for an 18 game?


I see it's gone nuts in the US as well: "GTA 4 Is Making Parents Go Crazy"




Come on people it's an 18 (or M in US). Yes kids can get hold of it but only through an adult. If you don't want them to play it, put the parental controls on the console.


I fucking hate these imbeciles, slack-jawed idiotic parents who see a games console as a quick-fix to look after their offspring whilst they inject crack pipes and orgify each other, and then get all upset when little Jimmy gets his rocks off on mad murder sprees (and just pretend ones, at that).


It's been going on for ever though, anyone remember the hysteria surrounding Mortal Kombat when that first came out? (Especially when the home console versions came out.)

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I picked up a copy in Game today. Finished work, kids to bed and I fire up the Xbox. Get through the cut scenes, on to the first section and.... my Xbox freezes. Try again, it freezes. It even freezes on Xbox Arcade games. It's dead it seems, but no red ring (yet). Strange thing is it's an Elite and I was under the impression it was a less likely occurrence. Either way, it doesn't look like I'll be playing it...

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I picked up a copy in Game today. Finished work, kids to bed and I fire up the Xbox. Get through the cut scenes, on to the first section and.... my Xbox freezes. Try again, it freezes. It even freezes on Xbox Arcade games. It's dead it seems, but no red ring (yet). Strange thing is it's an Elite and I was under the impression it was a less likely occurrence. Either way, it doesn't look like I'll be playing it...


My Premium 360 (pre HDMI and new chipset, well over a year old) has frozen three times on GTAIV this evening, on one occasion losing some progress (although not much thanks to the autosave).


This game is clearly pushing the 360 right up to (and beyond?) its limits.


The DVD drive is spinning flat out all the time (as it streams the whole game world constantly), and I can only assume that all three CPU cores and the GPU are working just as hard as well, because the fans are chucking out a furnace-load of heat.


I dunno what'll happen first, me finishing this game, or my 360 dying a noble death :D


(And the game is truly magnificent, no two ways about it, would quite like to be playing it on my PC though, what with keyboard and mouse for the on-foot bits, and a solidly built system that doesn't overheat and crap out like the 360 does under pressure :lol: I'll be keeping an eye on this one, if this is where the worm turns as it were, and the PS3 proves its credentials, I might jump over to the other side.)

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